<<< 2 >>>

Question: <@410593947027505162> can you invite me to your podcast? I am working on quite a few nounish projects. I have NounsNation pfp, NounsNation game in development and NounsGallery (ar instagram)

GPT-4 Answer: Yes, cdt#3727 agreed to invite fiveoceans_dev#5450 to their podcast.

Direct Replies:

cdt#3727: yep

Other messages in conversation:

cdt#3727: brb

9999#9948: No idea if this is very good


Bigshot Klim#1853: QR code we are using on pins and boxes etc

9999#9948: Apparently an apprentice program to get web2 devs into solidity

Bigshot Klim#1853: willadd

cdt#3727: checking out


9999#9948: Fantastic pfp <@489109181719248896>

badublanc.eth#6417: ha thanks! i generated so many before landing on this one

9999#9948: 💯 it has to feel right

9999#9948: Have to bounce. Super fun as always 👋

JoelCares#5898: catch ya later!

cdt#3727: yep

cdt#3727: everyone in this ecosystem will come on at some point

cdt#3727: thats the plan


Bigshot Klim#1853: Nice and clear!!

emma#1332: 🤩

maty#0984: <@926476931317248030> <#887048695818899546>

maty#0984: <@926476931317248030>

maty#0984: <@926476931317248030>

WNX#7117: hi <@410593947027505162>

cdt#3727: yo yo yo

cdt#3727: then we'll get <@504122296496291841> to Nounify it

cdt#3727: we're talking about that idea from the other week messhup

cdt#3727: in voice

Messhup#0001: haha was about to ask

cdt#3727: tellin' maty

cdt#3727: long term goal would be getting Nouns radio with you doing that animation, sure its a big task

cdt#3727: but we got time

Messhup#0001: <a:yeah:966901955379232789>

wellsnfts112#2095: Hello guys

cdt#3727: Goldy's gif nounifying livestream <@357667384342872074>

maty#0984: <@420908638979358723> ❤️

Question: Hey Robert, what's the main value prop for Nouns here? 0 fee marketplace? "Safe" Noun to Noun swaps?

GPT-4 Answer: The main value propositions for Nouns in this context are: 1. Safe and fee-free Noun (+ deriv) to noun (+ deriv) swaps 2. Safe and free Noun to other 721 swaps 3. "Nounish" swaps highlighted as zero-fee throughout the experience (collection, individual, recent, etc. pages on the site) for proliferation purposes 4. Bootstrapped with Nouns DAO funding + long-term monetization strategy for sustainability post-Nouns-funding 5. Collection, specific-ID and trait bids targeted in roadmap

Direct Replies:

robert#8239: 1. Safe and fee-free Noun (+ deriv) to noun (+ deriv) swaps 2. Safe and free Noun to other 721 swaps 3. "Nounish" swaps highlighted as zero-fee throughout the experience (collection, individual, recent, etc. pages on the site) for proliferation purposes 4. Bootstrapped with Nouns DAO funding + long-term monetization strategy for sustainability post-Nouns-funding 5. Collection, specific-ID and trait bids targeted in roadmap

Other messages in conversation:

robert#8239: Hey everyone! Happy to answer any questions about our prop. CC <@123588914622496769>

willprice#7766: I think there is minimal demand for NFT to NFT swaps relative to total market size, don't think that zero fee swaps that compelling value prop for the DAO would be happy to pay 0.5% fees to use your nice interface on top of seaport

robert#8239: 1. There are ~15 daily OTC trades in the Ethereum NFT ecosystem on the existing tools that involve the friction associated with finding a counterparty manually (on Discord, Twitter, etc.) and when you can't make multiple simultaneous offers. Our thesis is that this number goes up tremendously when you add layers of curation (indexing by collection, offers received notifications, filtering etc.). **It's hard to gauge the outcome when next-gen tech is enabled (e.g. sudoswap's AMM model), but if you look at the trading behavior of how most users enter/exit collections, NFT <-> NFT has a place in the ecosystem in a marketplace-format.** 2. If you look at this strictly from a numbers standpoint, the app/marketplace pays for itself in just ~40 OTC trades compared to Opensea. The proliferative effect of incentivizing Nouns trades is also not factored into the previously mentioned math.

Hindsight#7387: Hi <@248359010258911232> do you have any historical data for things like how many swaps are currently being done p/ day/week/month on the platform up until now?

robert#8239: Thank you for the question! The NFT <-> NFT Exchange hasn't launched, and we drafted a few mocks for this Nouns prop.

byhardy#8888: we will be live with <@248359010258911232> on house of nouns to discuss this prop at 4 p.m. EST! everyone is welcome to ask questions - or suggest them here! ↯

willprice#7766: Please don’t spam the same link in multiple channels

robert#8239: Copying this over from the Nouncil chat: More data for you regarding utilization; there were 5 OTC swaps on Sudoswap OTC last month, which is a deprecated product with none of the benefits of an exchange-style format, trait, and collection bids ( There were also Nouns swaps in the last few months on Swap kiwi ( These trades are actively taking place, even with many gaps in the discoverability/experience compared to our prop/roadmap.

willprice#7766: Happy to be proven wrong on my thesis that’s it’s an insignificant % of total NFT volume. Even I am wrong, I still don’t think the value prop here is compelling

robert#8239: We've structured this prop to be the best deal for Nouns based on all the feedback we received from many voters. Thanks for spending the time to provide feedback!

robert#8239: 1. Safe and fee-free Noun (+ deriv) to noun (+ deriv) swaps 2. Safe and free Noun to other 721 swaps 3. "Nounish" swaps highlighted as zero-fee throughout the experience (collection, individual, recent, etc. pages on the site) for proliferation purposes 4. Bootstrapped with Nouns DAO funding + long-term monetization strategy for sustainability post-Nouns-funding 5. Collection, specific-ID and trait bids targeted in roadmap

robert#8239: Let me know if you have any other questions <@408459784833073152>!

wilsoncusack#2613: Has the existence of sudoswap v1 already been discussed? Curious if this will use under the hood and how they see the need given that option is there

wilsoncusack#2613: oh I see

willprice#7766: they use seaport

robert#8239: Thank you for everyone's consideration of our prop! Great learnings for our team; I'm sure we'll be back soon. The swap experience is in beta and available to test. Have a spare punk, 20eth and want brennen's noun 404? Check out his swap! My DMs are open, feel free to make some swaps and let me know your feedback. Thanks everyone!

Question: Popping into Vision Van on behalf of the Nouns Press Corps. Who in the team can I connect with to talk amplifying this great work?

GPT-4 Answer: You can connect with JoshuaFisher#0001 to talk about amplifying the work related to the Vision Van project.

Direct Replies:

JoshuaFisher#0001: Hi! Let’s chat

Other messages in conversation:

JoshuaFisher#0001: How do we make it even more Nounish?

JoshuaFisher#0001: If anyone here has ideas, even sketches, feel free to share

Usergnome#0001: I’m a bit slammed at work so can’t really do a mock-up or anything, but for me I think it’s just stripping away where possible: I’d remove the pixel gradient and do either a solid color diagonal or make a jagged pixel diagonal at the same pixel scale as the noun, and build the chalkboard at the same pixel scale. Probably stick with 2 fonts. Maybe keep the crazy logo train by the kid since maybe he can distract attention away from how busy they all are together. I definitely do not like the drawn noun right up on the kid, I can’t exactly put my finger on the issue there but I have a negative reaction to it.

Bigshot Klim#1853: top looks best but maybe add blue color to the roof. I would loose the peacock and the noun logos and adda llarge custom QR code that leads to all of the relevant information about nouns, the vision program etc in a simple link tree ? Agreed with Gremp on the logos and gradients

JoshuaFisher#0001: <@357667384342872074> all the info for community feedback over there too

JoshuaFisher#0001: <@620406459913469955> would love to chat about this van project

fiveoceans_dev#5450: Could be a good collab between two of you. Free glasses for kids, free coffee for parents?

andrewladdusaw#8362: Needs square wheels.

andrewladdusaw#8362: For real though. This is awesome.

JoshuaFisher#0001: Thanks for the support. We're not done. Lot's of creative challenges with this but powering through.


JoshuaFisher#0001: Thanks!

JoshuaFisher#0001: Hi! Let’s chat

maty#0984: They sell diagnostic kits and also cheap glasses, could be a cool separate project to distribute these worldwide

JoshuaFisher#0001: 100% I'm brand agnostic when it comes to finding great partners to help this program grow.

GoldStarGwei#9997: Coming back to this! This is fantastic!!

JoshuaFisher#0001: Having some challenges getting this Van to look right based on the need to include other groups like United Way (bringing ~250K/year to this effort) that need focus as well. Based on the previous design this came back as an option.

JoshuaFisher#0001: I know that there is a lot of opposition to these elements so trying some other stuff.

JoshuaFisher#0001: How do we feel about this?

Bigshot Klim#1853: I would flip the feather in the front


JoshuaFisher#0001: HackMD includes lots of versions, info, etc

JoshuaFisher#0001: Want to make the Nouns a bit bigger and mess with the noggles/shirts/accessories

maty#0984: what if the kid wore noggles (salvinos sunglasses for example), that way there would be a clear branding and you could get rid of those lil nouns on the bottom

1liya#7973: Hello <@497119763286196225>, sup! I would like to ask a few questions to understand and delve a little deeper into the vision van proposal. Consider it like an interview,

thebeautyandthepunk#8285: FYI, this is the same "the1lyia", Discord ID: 984351994842087554, known scammer. Acknowledging the thefts:

JoshuaFisher#0001: thanks for this but maybe a bit over the top and triggering for those with sensitivity to flashing lights. <@362737590430072862> would you mind deleting this

JoelCares#5898: Ye it hurt my eyeballs too

JoshuaFisher#0001: Looks like we're at the home stretch. Lot's of hurdles but feeling good about where we landed. Need to remember this isn't our "cool promo van" but a functional Mobile Vision Care unit with multiple partners. On this Van it's been a bit tough but still feeling good about the "forever truck" with much more space to play with.

JoshuaFisher#0001: Important to remember how big this is in real life. The way it is now will be great for pics. Kids will be about the same size as the Nouns and think we'll get tons of good content here.

JoshuaFisher#0001: *for size reference

Bloomz#4038: So excited for this <@497119763286196225> looking awesome!!

maty#0984: it would be cool if the kids heads would line up with nouns on the wrap so you could take a pic with them with noggles on next to the nouns!

JoshuaFisher#0001: that's exactly what's going to happen!

142#0142: Would probably be good to have the word “nouns” and our website somewhere

Question: Thanks for this sheet! Is it good if I use some of this data in my upcoming article on Prop 63?

GPT-4 Answer: You can use the data from the sheet in your upcoming article on Prop 63. The allocation of ETH works as a percentage point, so you can work something out from there without worrying about individual allocations.

Direct Replies:

JoelCares#5898: Yussir, go for it! That's all that Coordinape gives us, we don't have a breakdown of individual allocations

Blowned.eth#5048: Thanks heaps! The allocation of ETH basically works as a percentage point so I can work something out from there, no worries about Indiv. Allocation!

Other messages in conversation:

maty#0984: wagmi fund succesfully distributed, hope you´re proud papa <@827708794841727076>

SerNoadz#3802: <a:squirtle:1010278365229486244> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:cooldog:1010300885001322578> <a:noun_paperclip:1011352760811257887> <:nouns_peepoheart_froghead:999869365031796756> <a:noun_undead:1011351957065179207> <:nouns_def_salute:999878787057598494> <a:noun_pokemon_pikachu:1009868781167857795> <a:noun_frog:1011346986718466160> <a:noun_star:1000081432745607228> <a:noun_fire:1000081253049057391> <a:noun_wizard:1000081579336552458>

Haps#6400: TY all 🙏

greta_gremplin#3195: thanks to everyone involved... i will keep building!!

greta_gremplin#3195: thank you for everyone that voted on me... and thanks to nouns!

JoelCares#5898: ⌐Ξ-Ξ

andrewladdusaw#8362: Wow. You guys were fast!

andrewladdusaw#8362: It's surreal to me to get a payment for hanging out with such cool people. I really appreciate you all. You have made Nouns an awesome place to learn and get involved.

carboncell#4478: Thank you all for your votes, feels so great to be involved! Whole nouns train is in the making 🥳

Goldy#0420: Legends, every one of you! Shout out to all those who did the hard work <@357667384342872074> and <@362737590430072862> especially 🙏🫡

JoelCares#5898: Yussir, go for it! That's all that Coordinape gives us, we don't have a breakdown of individual allocations


Coral Orca#4823: Such a cool experiment! Thanks to everyone involved and especially the admin team!

brkfstsndwch#6874: Absolute legends. Well done on this one everyone.

Mindtoasted#6613: Huge thanks to everyone involved! Grateful to be a part of this path, will do my best to keep grow and build around nouns! <:salute:865651240562327602>

WNX#7117: Thanks to everyone especially to the team. Great work ❣️

RobotFishGirl#2795: Yeah honestly this was a masterclass in project management and a wonderful showcasing of community, and I feel privileged to have been a part of it ❤️

RobotFishGirl#2795: somethoughts I just had re: the conversation about this in <#873197966373052426> Hard agree that community-facing work had an obvious bias; I'm frankly flabbergasted at how high on the list I am, and it only makes sense with that bias in place, since my contributions have been entirely community based. If something like this were to happen again, I think it might be worth a round of someone going through the nominees *after they've been submitted* and helping to summarize contributions in more detail where needed, as well as active encouragement to fill out our "profile" sections in Coordinape. Instead of a summary just having project names, include short 1-or-2 sentence summaries of the impacts those projects have had. For example (just because it's on my mind, i don't remember what it looked like in the nomination sheet): Instead of "built fomonouns" it could say "built fomonouns, which contributed to more aesthetically pleasing nouns and has become the event around which Noun O Clock revolves" Most of the voters would obviously already know that in that case, but the nouniverse is vast and I don't know if it's possible to have a working knowledge of every corner of it. (and this is coming from someone who spends 12 hours/day trying to achieve exactly that)

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: This is a boondoggle.

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: People are going to put money towards people they interface with and know.

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: In games like this, it's those who are more public facing who see the greatest upside.

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: It's just the nature of things.

RobotFishGirl#2795: oh I definitely agree. I'm honestly just spitballing how it might be possible to even that playing field a bit. I for one spent a lot of time doing research on the names I didn't know, and allocated to several because it turned out I was familiar with the work, just not the individual behind it- but it was exhausting and honestly i gave up halfway through. Having more info ready to hand would have removed that barrier

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: As a professional honk, I can tell you that it ain't happening.

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: I been an engineer for many a moon and realized i had to balance things out with social presence to minimize wasted effort and get the best outcomes for products as well as myself.

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: Humans is as humans does.

RobotFishGirl#2795: Hmm. it's very possible I'm being optimistic because my core competencies can be summarized as "professionally obnoxious"

RobotFishGirl#2795: probable, even

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: The fact is that people don't know what they don't know.

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: And so even if you forced a certain % towards lesser appreciated efforts.

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: People wouldn't even know where to start.

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: And, at that point, you're already pigeonholing funds.

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: So

RobotFishGirl#2795: yep

ThaSwami#8061: From Blueberry 🫐 - Thank you everyone for giving me gives. I'm going to put this ETH to use by creating more Nounish art

Question: Any idea when the Impact Rewards ends? Or is that dependent on when everyone distributes their GIVE

GPT-4 Answer: The Impact Rewards end date was not explicitly mentioned in the conversation. However, it seems that the rewards have already been distributed, as JoelCares#5898 mentioned, "Check your wallets 🙏" and "We sent out 101 payments totalling 100 ETH."

Direct Replies:


Blowned.eth#5048: Thx, itching for da results 🙂

Other messages in conversation:


SerNoadz#3802: (Message from <@303004182129147905>)

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: <@878517610025742336> , <@794265830904430612>, <@804065259383685161> , <@882472517242069053>, <@822566834632654858>, <@760293700587749386>, <@362737590430072862>, <@837380312215978026>, <@829798352127918081>, <@810982160538140682>, <@724747284713046029>, <@371673622521184256>, <@847944673129005066>

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: JOEL

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: CARES


iamng#3884: I was trying...but was getting the error: "Can't take value 69 for user: "honkdiddly". Possible values: 0, 1." Don't know why they are so binary for you <:nouns_monkas_froghead:999885191050952704>


H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: <@357667384342872074> is this... SABOTAGE!>

RobotFishGirl#2795: no, *this* is Sabotage


DonJon#2860: Lmfao allocated you 69 ftc

JoelCares#5898: 3 hours left 🙏

JoelCares#5898: 3 hours until [ I M P A C T ]

cdt#3727: allocated rest of my GIVE since nounders opted out

cdt#3727: <a:ToadBounce:898335324420309072>

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: honk diddly

hugothedoodle#5869: So how do we see who gave us Give lol

maty#0984: You see it if you click on the amount of give you received (top right corner)

maty#0984: Though idk if its still visible now that the round is over

JoelCares#5898: [ I M P A C T E D ]

JoelCares#5898: Prop 63 voting is over. Thank you everyone for your participation! We have a bit of admin work to do and will follow up with a summary of the results and a timeline for ETH dispersement.

Sasquatch#0127: <a:pepe_money:895734365965942816>

Sasquatch#0127: Here's the Coordinape transaction! Everyone should be able to find their address on the list

Sasquatch#0127: Nice use of Utopia btw <a:vibe:893124476101881898>

RobotFishGirl#2795: "timeline for eth dispersement" *25 hours later* "the time is now"

Sasquatch#0127: yes this was quite expeditious, shoutout to the administrative crew!

JoelCares#5898: Check your wallets 🙏 We sent out 101 payments totalling 100 ETH. Thank you for your participation in the Pilot Collectivized Nounish Allocation round. Make sure you check out the Coordinape - you might have received some kind notes along with the GIVE you received. Also if you click the MAP tab there's an interactive tool that visualizes the allocations. **Nouns DAO - Prop 63** **Nounish Builders Nominated + Work Summaries:** **Coordinape** This project was intended as an experiment, providing a collective decision on how to retroactively allocate ETH to Nounish contributors for their work in Nouns. We asked the question and left the answer to the community. Would people allocate it all to the top achievers? Spread it evenly through the community? Would bad actors try to scheme ways to play the system? We chose a commonly used DAO tool (Coordinape) and hoped to see where it shines, where it falls short, observing the emergent behaviour. We could then take that knowledge and produce some recommendations for the future. I have attached the final ETH values below, and will be doing my own analysis of lessons learned on this one. I will post them here, and publicly, as a final wrap-up of this project. Everyone else is welcome to post your own lessons and analyses. On a very simple level this is a list of Nounish contributors who are **here**, present, spending their attention on Nouns, building in public, creating our culture, collectively steering the Nounish ship. You are the building blocks of of the Nouniverse. It's not an exhaustive list, we are missing several influential contributors, but it's a good list. It's a community. Thank you all for being here. This last year with Nouns has been a blessing and I'm excited for many more years of this. 🙏

SerNoadz#3802: Thank you <@357667384342872074> <@362737590430072862>, <@827708794841727076> , and everyone else involved in making this happen. (We miss you Wag <a:tongue:923796364477997106> )

maty#0984: wagmi fund succesfully distributed, hope you´re proud papa <@827708794841727076>

SerNoadz#3802: <a:squirtle:1010278365229486244> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:cooldog:1010300885001322578> <a:noun_paperclip:1011352760811257887> <:nouns_peepoheart_froghead:999869365031796756> <a:noun_undead:1011351957065179207> <:nouns_def_salute:999878787057598494> <a:noun_pokemon_pikachu:1009868781167857795> <a:noun_frog:1011346986718466160> <a:noun_star:1000081432745607228> <a:noun_fire:1000081253049057391> <a:noun_wizard:1000081579336552458>

Haps#6400: TY all 🙏

greta_gremplin#3195: thanks to everyone involved... i will keep building!!

greta_gremplin#3195: thank you for everyone that voted on me... and thanks to nouns!

JoelCares#5898: ⌐Ξ-Ξ

Question: which address should i be using to vote?

GPT-4 Answer: The address you should be using to vote can be found beside your name in this document:

Direct Replies:

JoelCares#5898: The wallet used should be beside your name in this doc:

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: Why not 'main' document? <@378904401290592258> knows what I'm talking about

Other messages in conversation:


aubtoshi#9612: I tried to "give" evenly to everyone across the board as a reward for proliferating. Thank you Nouncil Team for setting up the coordinape and for being so dang organized <:nouns_def_salute:999878787057598494>

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: 🙏 Sry you had to tag me! I will hop on it after The Noun Square, if not sooner. Thanks to you allll!

ThaSwami#8061: Blueberry is all done. Brilliant interface and what a great team of builders! We're both so happy to be part of this community 🫐

ChrisCoCreated#0254: All done, tried to priorities those that I don't think are being rewarded so much in other ways. There is no final submit button right? (just allocate all give and click save allocation?)

maty#0984: Thank you for participating Chris :)

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: Done! Thanks ppl!

CosmosAstroArt#2291: Just saw this 😂😂😂

cdt#3727: i’m not wrong <:crazycry:935972475240611901>

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: **NOMINEES WHO STILL STILL NEED TO VOTE** <@878517610025742336> , <@794265830904430612>, <@805402085813780480> , <@202986009216942080> , <@813140072609218573>, <@804065259383685161> , <@882472517242069053>, <@824064551368261632>, <@822566834632654858>, <@390379410538233857>, <@760293700587749386>, <@827643770484424723> , <@732608356426186812>, <@437720101039374346>, <@211824936778596352> <@362737590430072862> , <@832477909486665749>, <@883619683243261993>, <@837380312215978026>, <@217472025306857472>, <@504122296496291841>, <@829798352127918081>, <@810982160538140682> , <@881315476163141642>, <@884627530919870514>, <@804462491999535135>, <@724747284713046029>, <@501964507439038474>, <@371673622521184256>, <@653442250466000896>, <@847944673129005066>, <@372465201808670721>, <@879610274921992202>, <@850478993463443487>, <@719704406886580266>, <@483378118690603040>, <@828746484950106152>, <@701029092547493888> , <@411952680244740096>

JoelCares#5898: The wallet used should be beside your name in this doc:

MGoPatio#7925: I’m on the road one more day then will vote from home!

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: Why not 'main' document? <@378904401290592258> knows what I'm talking about

worthalter | POAP#0001: thank you to all those that gave me GIVE. I distributed my 1000 to ten somewhat randomish people. Don't overthink quantity or eligibility criteria because I'm sure I have accidentally omitted some good ones of you. I've done it really quickly.

leoclark.⌐◨-◨#7071: Same here. Thank you for everyone that chose me. I really appreciate that <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> 🙏 I wasn't sure what I was doing and took a quick pass and selected the people I have been mostly involved with recently. If I would go back I would certainly find some more folks that I should have selected. Thanks again everyone.

Mr Boney#6667:

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: **REMINDER 4: NOMINEES WHO STILL STILL STILL NEED TO VOTE** <@878517610025742336> , <@794265830904430612>, <@805402085813780480> , <@202986009216942080> , <@804065259383685161> , <@882472517242069053>, <@824064551368261632>, <@822566834632654858>, <@760293700587749386>, <@827643770484424723> , <@437720101039374346>, <@211824936778596352> <@362737590430072862>, <@837380312215978026>, <@504122296496291841>, <@829798352127918081>, <@810982160538140682> , <@881315476163141642>, <@804462491999535135>, <@724747284713046029>, <@501964507439038474>, <@371673622521184256>, <@653442250466000896>, <@847944673129005066>, <@372465201808670721>, <@879610274921992202>, <@850478993463443487>, <@719704406886580266>, <@483378118690603040>, <@828746484950106152>

RobotFishGirl#2795: honk over here like


ThaSwami#8061: Blueberry and I voted a few days ago. If it’s not showing let me know and I’ll log back in

JoelCares#5898: We've got it, you're good thank ya!

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: You voted improperly - I see no allocation to Honk.

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: Might be a bug with coordinape.


H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: HONK is over here like

Benbodhi#1111: I’m being a picky boye

Benbodhi#1111: But will have finished doing so in the next 30 hours sometime.


davidbrai#5671: so happy to be off the reminder list

aubtoshi#9612: was just thinking that lmao


thebeautyandthepunk#8285: Back after a few days playing catch up with all things noun 😊

Bigshot Klim#1853: Gimme some of those votes so that I can quietly build out things like this for you 😉


zJMS#7868: <:magentasuspicious:958091015221305374>

Question: Nothing personal; I just don't know if you have a hardwallet setup or not; I don't know how you manage your keys 🙂 It would be good to mention specifics And while past props are also not amazing, it's always good to try and improve no?

GPT-4 Answer: More security is better, and a multisig is preferred over a single hard wallet for proposals.

Direct Replies:

Toady_Hawk#8950: Gotcha. I agree btw that more security is better. I was actually the one who suggested a multisig over a single hard wallet for this prop. Thanks for clarifying fren

Other messages in conversation:

Oni#1111: <:gmeow:1021027182383997010>

slanderman#2493: gm

deployer#1845: I forgot about the jungle

4570#8617: We have new bot?

4570#8617: hi do we have testnet contract for Nouns?

davidbrai#5671: take a look here: the number is the chain id

4570#8617: thank you so muchhh

4570#8617: ❤️

necfas#7777: gm

Toady_Hawk#8950: <@378904401290592258> understand your position on 170 overall but I wanted to flag your comment about Multisigs on the nouner call and in your reason. While I suppose another one or two trusted individuals could always be added to the multisig (and I’m sure Dom would be happy to add to the existing group) I don’t think it’s fair to single him out here as there have been many proposals with 3 person and even 2 person multisigs for similar and larger asks than this. In your reason you also mentioned “particularly if the signers don’t have a strong security reputation”, and I’m curious what was meant by that? <@202986009216942080> and myself have been trusted members of many multisigs in nouns, custodying 100 + ETH for Nouncil, 200 + ETH for TNS etc and have never misused funds or compromised our keys, so I’m a bit confused by that.

Toady_Hawk#8950: Gotcha. I agree btw that more security is better. I was actually the one who suggested a multisig over a single hard wallet for this prop. Thanks for clarifying fren

Toady_Hawk#8950: Make Multisigs Great Again

Toady_Hawk#8950: It’s ok we appreciate you volunteering to join the multisig 😂

Toady_Hawk#8950: oh btw while I have you, would you like to come on House of Nouns PropTalk SoapBox tomorrow to talk about 169 and the other upcoming stuff you mentioned?

Toady_Hawk#8950: And also <@378904401290592258> I have a tech question too lol. If UglyDAO delegates our nouns to a multisig to sponsor a prop, do the nouns need to stay delegated to that ms for the duration of the prop, or can they be returned to their rightful delegates after posting. What happens to the prop if the posting wallet loses delegation?

JoelCares#5898: if you undelegate it is possible for anyone to cancel that prop at any time.

Toady_Hawk#8950: I thought that might be the case

Toady_Hawk#8950: Super Veto Power

JoelCares#5898: wag put Prop 63 up and immediately delegated back to Nouncil

JoelCares#5898: sometimes people don't notice <a:vibe:893124476101881898>

dot#3553: Would be weird for anyone to just cancel your prop lol


Toady_Hawk#8950: It's run by the House of Nouns guys btw I just said I would reach out to you. Their SoapBox is at 4PM EST on TNS

Toady_Hawk#8950: Also <@393902285396377612> / <@791463069426384917> would you like to come on there to talk about DCS?

dotnouns | Hey <@378904401290592258> ! I absolutely understand this is not personal! I would have been extremely happy to clarify any doubt, for the future! 🙂 **These are some of the main strategies we’ll follow to proliferate the NNS: ** We will use 2 main tools: The Nounish Club and the NNS Rewards. The Nounish Club will open an interesting flow of new ideas and collabs with external communities + we will have a fire power of 10k NNS numbers that will be gradually distributed as rewards and through special contests. The NNS Rewards are a recent utility built around the .⌐◨-◨ . They are currently a very basic mvp, but to understand how the NNS rewards will work in the near future, imagine this scenario: Instead of " Elad ⌐◨-◨ " on Twitter, you use “elad.⌐◨-◨" The NNS protocol will check and verify the ownership of your .⌐◨-◨ and, based on the number of names you have or on other variables (still to be defined), the protocol will give you a # of tickets that will allow you to join our Weekly NNS Rewards. These are basically a series of raffles where NNS holders can win prizes from the best nounish creators or even from projects external to the ecosystem. It will be a reward system perfectly integrated in the protocol that will automatically reward all the NNS holders who are proliferating the .⌐◨-◨ And they just need to add a dot to what they're already using.

dotnouns | **As for how the budget will be allocated in the next 3 months:** Of the 97 ETH that we will get upfront: 20 ETH will be used as an initial injection into the Nounish Club DAO 15 ETH will be used to support nounish creators and external projects adding their NFTs to the NNS Rewards. (The frequency of NNS rewards will also change from once a week to twice a week.) 62 ETH will be used for finance the team operations, hire an additional dev fully focused on external integration and an illustrator to start creating a visual of the NNS world. (I’d like for Messhup to follow us in this journey, but I’ll keep you updated on this) Obviously the very exact amount of ETH could change due its current volatility, but I hope this will give you a more detailed idea.

Hindsight#7387: Do appreciate the communication and extra colour given. I dont think seeding a DAO with eth is a good idea though (skews incentvies and its something we might learn a lesson about soon) I actually think you have the possibility/opportunity of bootstrapping this and using the 10k NNS numbers to help fund it going forward if it works - as well as what I said about prop 171 helping with the funding between now and then. Good work so far and has the *potential* to be something v good. And too be clear about "too vague a roadmap" part - there are certain things I just disagree with on the roadmap (seeding a DAO) but at the same time I do understand that something like this is hard to actually create a roadmap for which I why I think a milestone based funding model using something like the DCS or NFSW pods can provide us with more clarity and info as to how it is working out in an intermediate step

dotnouns | Thanks for the feedback fren. But all the Nounish Club idea is built around a system of open collaboration and proliferation. I know the easiest thing would have been to take those numbers and monetize on them, but I do believe the Nounish Club could be much more than that. I understand it's something never tried before and I really hope to change your mind in the future. Thanks again!

Hindsight#7387: Yeah you already have a hard thing to do - proliferate this thing - I think try and take the easier option on everything else until you get part of that done....or at least get traction on it. Im sure you will change my mind in the future and if I can somehow help in any way in the time being I will. Thanks

Toady_Hawk#8950: Loving the discussion that the bot is spurring in here <@162709914966294528>, this is really great!

Oni#1111: based <@618796826577076245> <a:lil_swag:825324508021260298>

WNX#7117: innit

Toady_Hawk#8950: Bump in case you lost it

Juan ⌐◨-◨#2492: one of us can be on, let me check with the others in the Pod *to see who wants to take it, but feel free to hold a slot for the prop

Toady_Hawk#8950: Hey all, we're having Dan Romero on NOC today, in 1.5H, if any of you would like to tune in, I'm looking forward to the chat

Question: Henlo Nounish Folk! We have 100 ETH for people building in the Nouniverse, as per Prop 63 - We have compiled a huge list of people, once it's finalized we will hold a large coordinape round with those nominated and disperse the 100 ETH accordingly. **BIG LIST OF NOMINEES** See yourself on that list? If you have information to add please submit it to us using this form: **PROP 63 NOMINEE DETAILS FORM - SUBMIT** We need Discord / twitter usernames, wallet addresses, and short & sweet summaries of Nounish contributions. You can also post small updates to <#970759473624940564>. Dont see yourself on the list? Let us know about your contribution and we will add you. Nominations and Form Edits will be accepted up until end-of-day July 31. We will manually confirm wallet addresses with Nominees after that by private DM, and then move forward with the Coordinape.

GPT-4 Answer: The question asked was about the 100 ETH for people building in the Nouniverse as per Prop 63. The conversation provided details about the nomination process, the list of nominees, and how to submit information using the provided form. Nominations and form edits were accepted until the end of July 31. The conversation also included reminders and discussions about updating information and submitting the address form.

Direct Replies:

maty#0984: People of the Nouniverse, this is your chance to participate in the 100 ETH Coordinape round, please fill out your information via the addressform link above. Gonna tag a few to get the ball rolling: <@878517610025742336> <@929683479631908954> <@846122580900446208> <@930317640487030854> <@489109181719248896> <@831921578945675304> <@805402085813780480> <@875777887217782825> <@400168997779275778> <@372465201808670721> <@813405185686634506> <@270147458737242112> <@620406459913469955> <@822566834632654858> <@816727974485164062> <@827643770484424723> <@437720101039374346> <@653442250466000896> <@860360610066595860> <@803380747524112414> <@542075703634690069> <@497119763286196225> <@882011008015675432> <@361204440499486720> <@504122296496291841> <@496453865399648256> <@719704406886580266> <@648092393421406218> <@738431505927241828> <@881315476163141642> <@884627530919870514> <@939225061305507910> <@95704393151680512> <@603240181050638346> <@828746484950106152> <@537427016501297152>

Ian ✦ᴗ✦#1639: Thanks <@357667384342872074> I think I’ve blown ‘short and sweet’ right out of the water so shout if I can help by condensing into bullet points when you see my form 😅

JoshuaFisher#0001: Thank you so much for all you do fren

samellis ⌐◨-◨#4764: How do we update the larger doc, I updated my individual form but did not see it reflected in the other one.

maty#0984: You submit info with the addressform and we then copy it over to the big one :)

samellis ⌐◨-◨#4764: I see—we are using biotech.

JoelCares#5898: We're still accepting nominations and further details for the 100 ETH coordinape round. Use the AddressForm to submit details for consideration. **PROP 63 NOMINEE DETAILS FORM - SUBMIT** <@824064551368261632>, <@411952680244740096>, <@385395538071388162>, <@954180506772181062>, <@228925367472095232>, <@954180506772181062>, <@228925367472095232>, <@819316859097579530>, <@501964507439038474>, <@908481393074528296>, <@800717087697666078>, <@823360044799492096>, <@810982160538140682>, <@829798352127918081>, <@797955207853113416>, <@393902285396377612>, <@882011008015675432>, <@983374330333388902>, <@724747284713046029>, <@826123048175665162>, <@837380312215978026>, <@504122296496291841>, <@303004182129147905> **BIG LIST OF NOMINEES**

maty#0984: <@497119763286196225> <@911480750468104192> <@542075703634690069> <@656147569562615808> <@813421644298321961> <@738431505927241828> <@270147458737242112> <@882011008015675432> <@884627530919870514> <@939225061305507910> <@910446457004359680> <@378904401290592258> 👆

JoshuaFisher#0001: Thanks. Having a little trouble self describing but the tab has been open ha

maty#0984: <@428632361002074132> 👆 👆

maty#0984: LAST DAY TO SUBMIT YOUR INFO, sry for the tags friends, we just really need your attention<@610573207975624712> <@398171218592661506> <@814535565189709865> <@930317640487030854> <@831921578945675304> <@813405185686634506> <@817740890281082901> <@776552402744639528> <@816727974485164062> <@390379410538233857> <@760293700587749386> <@656147569562615808> <@732608356426186812> <@823387074035712051> <@303004182129147905> <@880117032102809680> <@400168997779275778> <@542075703634690069> <@911480750468104192> <@882011008015675432> <@393902285396377612> <@883521921331912714> <@921532851789365268> <@394697578715021314> <@559914912068010027> <@496453865399648256> <@829798352127918081> <@648092393421406218> <@810982160538140682> <@738431505927241828> <@880102515843141692> <@884627530919870514> <@908481393074528296> <@653442250466000896> <@939225061305507910> <@879610274921992202> <@719704406886580266> <@828746484950106152> <@603240181050638346> <@385395538071388162> <@411952680244740096> <@390924414944018443>

aubtoshi#9612: yo thank you for tagging i fully missed this! doing it now <a:noun_pop:1000081359022329996>

atareh.eth#8121: real 1 for tagging, thanks G

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: thanks for the reminder

greta_gremplin#3195: done. thank you for remembering me...

Blowned.eth#5048: Kudos to Maty for leaving no stone unturned, no buildors unnoticed 🙂


Juan ⌐◨-◨#2492: Thank you sir, saw myself listed so I thought I was good already, but missed the part about updating/confirming all my info

iamng#3884: Thanks so much, maty!<a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> this somehow got buried deep in to-do list

hugothedoodle#5869: Hope I wasn’t too late 😢

JoelCares#5898: Got it, you will be included 🙏

Haps#6400: Hey <@362737590430072862> can I request to be added to the list?

maty#0984: Are you not there ? :o please use the addressform to submit the info 🙏

Haps#6400: Okay will do TY; wasn't sure if that was just for folks already on there to add details 🙏

maty#0984: You are already there, check DMs

Haps#6400: Oh I see myself in there actually but it's an old username (MetaHaps)...submitted new info w/ a note calling that out; TY again!

Other messages in conversation:

maty#0984: People of the Nouniverse, this is your chance to participate in the 100 ETH Coordinape round, please fill out your information via the addressform link above. Gonna tag a few to get the ball rolling: <@878517610025742336> <@929683479631908954> <@846122580900446208> <@930317640487030854> <@489109181719248896> <@831921578945675304> <@805402085813780480> <@875777887217782825> <@400168997779275778> <@372465201808670721> <@813405185686634506> <@270147458737242112> <@620406459913469955> <@822566834632654858> <@816727974485164062> <@827643770484424723> <@437720101039374346> <@653442250466000896> <@860360610066595860> <@803380747524112414> <@542075703634690069> <@497119763286196225> <@882011008015675432> <@361204440499486720> <@504122296496291841> <@496453865399648256> <@719704406886580266> <@648092393421406218> <@738431505927241828> <@881315476163141642> <@884627530919870514> <@939225061305507910> <@95704393151680512> <@603240181050638346> <@828746484950106152> <@537427016501297152>

Ian ✦ᴗ✦#1639: Thanks <@357667384342872074> I think I’ve blown ‘short and sweet’ right out of the water so shout if I can help by condensing into bullet points when you see my form 😅

JoshuaFisher#0001: Thank you so much for all you do fren

samellis ⌐◨-◨#4764: How do we update the larger doc, I updated my individual form but did not see it reflected in the other one.

maty#0984: You submit info with the addressform and we then copy it over to the big one :)

samellis ⌐◨-◨#4764: I see—we are using biotech.

maty#0984: Also if you know of anyone that's not on the list but you think they should, please let us know (wag's vision was for this to also include subdaos etc)

Bloomz#4038: I just submitted an addressform 🙂 <@357667384342872074>

maty#0984: <@497119763286196225> <@911480750468104192> <@542075703634690069> <@656147569562615808> <@813421644298321961> <@738431505927241828> <@270147458737242112> <@882011008015675432> <@884627530919870514> <@939225061305507910> <@910446457004359680> <@378904401290592258> 👆

SerNoadz#3802: <@357667384342872074> I submitted mine yesterday. Did you get it?

maty#0984: thats a <@362737590430072862> question, but there have not been any issue so far afaik so my guess would be we have it 🙂 im updating the sheet manually every few days

JoshuaFisher#0001: Thanks. Having a little trouble self describing but the tab has been open ha

Bigshot Klim#1853: I am having some trouble describing what I have been up to witb more in the works that has not even been shared that is all out of pocket at this stage but @nounworks on Instagram and Twitter is a start 😉

krel#0404: <@357667384342872074> im unable to sign the addressform, anyone else had issues?

maty#0984: Not that i know of. But feel free to DM me the info instead. We will be confirming the addresses via DMs anywaym

krel#0404: didnt do much research but my first suspicion was that it might not be optimized for mobile wallets? (ie. non-metamask)

krel#0404: rainbow

cdt#3727: i'm a rainbow user, you have to use WalletConnect and then scan the QR code from the Rainbow app

krel#0404: hm ok but how do i connect?

nicooo#3504: send it?

emma#1332: Hey frens

emma#1332: 👋🏼

emma#1332: How’s everyone doing today

emma#1332: So cool!

Toady_Hawk#8950: Hey all! Time to get the ball rolling on this initiative (Nouncil’s recent Q1 Retro Reward Round with Coordinape was successful and will help inform this experiment.) <@827708794841727076> would like to invite everyone here to jump on a call in # Voice General directly after the Nouncil call (which is tomorrow Thursday at 10am Est) so 11:30am est. We will be discussing general goals for the program and first steps to get things moving. Hope to see you all there!

Toady_Hawk#8950: We'll have the meeting in <#943943469821476944> voice instead it's live now

emma#1332: <@!708131862731554917> hey where is the nouncil voice

emma#1332: Just got off a call and would like to join

Toady_Hawk#8950: Hi Emma, sorry this phase of planning is open to Nouncillors only so the call today was in the Nouncillor only channel, but we will need more help soon and will let you know! For you and anyone who missed the meeting, it was recorded as part of the Nouncil meeting call today (prop 63 talk starts at 1:30):

maty#0984: <@&947202149136343080> 👆

Haps#6400: Hey <@362737590430072862> can I request to be added to the list?

maty#0984: Are you not there ? :o please use the addressform to submit the info 🙏

Haps#6400: Okay will do TY; wasn't sure if that was just for folks already on there to add details 🙏

maty#0984: You are already there, check DMs

Haps#6400: Oh I see myself in there actually but it's an old username (MetaHaps)...submitted new info w/ a note calling that out; TY again!

Question: to that end, maybe a good time to see about scheduling a call? do we think we've done enough to make nouners/nouncillors aware of the channel?

GPT-4 Answer: The question was whether they have done enough to make nouners/nouncillors aware of the channel. JoelCares#5898 replied, "I think so yeah, we can pull together a list of Nouns / Nouncillors in here who've expressed interest in being an admin and move forward with next steps."

Direct Replies:

JoelCares#5898: I think so yeah, we can pull together a list of Nouns / Nouncillors in here who've expressed interest in being an admin and move forward with next steps

Other messages in conversation:

maty#0984: People of the Nouniverse, this is your chance to participate in the 100 ETH Coordinape round, please fill out your information via the addressform link above. Gonna tag a few to get the ball rolling: <@878517610025742336> <@929683479631908954> <@846122580900446208> <@930317640487030854> <@489109181719248896> <@831921578945675304> <@805402085813780480> <@875777887217782825> <@400168997779275778> <@372465201808670721> <@813405185686634506> <@270147458737242112> <@620406459913469955> <@822566834632654858> <@816727974485164062> <@827643770484424723> <@437720101039374346> <@653442250466000896> <@860360610066595860> <@803380747524112414> <@542075703634690069> <@497119763286196225> <@882011008015675432> <@361204440499486720> <@504122296496291841> <@496453865399648256> <@719704406886580266> <@648092393421406218> <@738431505927241828> <@881315476163141642> <@884627530919870514> <@939225061305507910> <@95704393151680512> <@603240181050638346> <@828746484950106152> <@537427016501297152>

Ian ✦ᴗ✦#1639: Thanks <@357667384342872074> I think I’ve blown ‘short and sweet’ right out of the water so shout if I can help by condensing into bullet points when you see my form 😅

JoshuaFisher#0001: Thank you so much for all you do fren

samellis ⌐◨-◨#4764: How do we update the larger doc, I updated my individual form but did not see it reflected in the other one.

Toady_Hawk#8950: retroactivatooors?


JoelCares#5898: Im aiming for more of a.... mauvelisting experience

Toady_Hawk#8950: Hear me out.. NotAllowedList

Toady_Hawk#8950: (We vote people we don’t like to be added and everyone not on the list gets to mint the thing)

JoelCares#5898: ETH is split evenly between people who aren't on that list 🤣

davinoyesigye#8954: Great

Noun 40#8015: sharing some questions after reading the doc off the bat: * are we thinking the target entity that we nominate / vote for are only individuals or also proposals? (noting that proposals are often teams / groups) > I think it's a trade off. we might not have enough ETH for this to be meaningful rewards towards past proposals. but limiting it to non-proposals might skew the conversation towards people and not projects. that might be what we want but worth thinking about. * are we thinking that the people that vote are nominees only OR are we thinking non-nominees (e.g. general nouners) also vote? > my gut is to leverage non-nominees too but maybe it's hard to get enough participation? also if it's weighted by number of nouns owned, then we might end up with nounders + a few whales by and large deciding the outcome. * is self-nomination allowed? > I think we should and no reason to shame/limit against imo. * are nominees allowed / encouraged to campaign? is there going to be some forum for them to write out their work & impact from their own view? > I think it might be important to set the right tone. I personally would like a culture where ppl are encouraged to shamelessly advocate for themselves. at least all performance conversations I'm used to start from the individual giving an overview / advocating for the impact of their work. also if this isn't encouraged then only the more visible & top of mind people / projects might get voted for since there is no new information to consider holistically. * are voters (beyond the person nominating) going to be able to share supporting comments (reasons) associated with their vote? > I think this would be a key way in which people that worked closely to an individual or a project can offer their view on the details and impact of the work. I think this and the question above can help reduce the likelihood of the "Nightmare Scenario" outlined in the doc where ppl feel hurt due to "feeling underrecognized by peers". * what is the time period of the impact we're evaluating? > easy / fair approach could be all past contribution since inception. but then again maybe we don't have enough ETH for since inception. or maybe we do. idk. * how do we gauge success? > the strongest signal for me would be if the rewardees' long-term contribution trajectory towards the DAO moves up materially. the number of people that had gone somewhat inactive but turned active again. the number of on-chain proposals or prop house proposals submitted by rewardees. maybe even a survey of the rewardees asking them if the rewards have had any boost in their good will, feeling of being fairly compensated / respected, desire to take on a more ambitious project has increased after the program. * do we have any intention or time interval in which we'd do this again? > of course we can just not address this question since this can be considered a one-off pilot. but there's a psychological difference in how the rewardee might experience the reward if they know that this is a pilot of a continuous (let's say quarterly) retroactive impact reward program. there's an element here in which we can't test whether human behavior will change based on retroactive rewards unless there is some expectation that the retroactive reward would continue in the future. if not, then regardless of the amount of reward you just received, the most economically rational thing might be to not change your behavior since it was it was retroactive and one-off (no action owed, and has no impact on future reward).

maty#0984: 🤙 🤙 🤙

JoelCares#5898: Awesome!! Thank you for the feedback, very helpful at this stage. I'll save this and make sure we address the thoughts!

JoelCares#5898: I think so yeah, we can pull together a list of Nouns / Nouncillors in here who've expressed interest in being an admin and move forward with next steps

fiveoceans_dev#5450: I would love to activity participate in this initiative. Building something meaningful always requires commitment and we can agree that it is difficult to work on something full time without financial stability. Various grants already provide initial support and motivation to the Nouns builders. Likewise, rewards would attract even more amazing builders!

Toady_Hawk#8950: gm prop 63 peeps

cdt#3727: thursdays are for all-day calls <:Smoke:889309851950391317>

nicooo#3504: send it?

emma#1332: Hey frens

emma#1332: 👋🏼

emma#1332: How’s everyone doing today

emma#1332: So cool!

Toady_Hawk#8950: Hey all! Time to get the ball rolling on this initiative (Nouncil’s recent Q1 Retro Reward Round with Coordinape was successful and will help inform this experiment.) <@827708794841727076> would like to invite everyone here to jump on a call in # Voice General directly after the Nouncil call (which is tomorrow Thursday at 10am Est) so 11:30am est. We will be discussing general goals for the program and first steps to get things moving. Hope to see you all there!

Toady_Hawk#8950: We'll have the meeting in <#943943469821476944> voice instead it's live now

emma#1332: <@!708131862731554917> hey where is the nouncil voice

emma#1332: Just got off a call and would like to join

Toady_Hawk#8950: Hi Emma, sorry this phase of planning is open to Nouncillors only so the call today was in the Nouncillor only channel, but we will need more help soon and will let you know! For you and anyone who missed the meeting, it was recorded as part of the Nouncil meeting call today (prop 63 talk starts at 1:30):

JoelCares#5898: Henlo Nounish Folk! We have 100 ETH for people building in the Nouniverse, as per Prop 63 - We have compiled a huge list of people, once it's finalized we will hold a large coordinape round with those nominated and disperse the 100 ETH accordingly. **BIG LIST OF NOMINEES** See yourself on that list? If you have information to add please submit it to us using this form: **PROP 63 NOMINEE DETAILS FORM - SUBMIT** We need Discord / twitter usernames, wallet addresses, and short & sweet summaries of Nounish contributions. You can also post small updates to <#970759473624940564>. Dont see yourself on the list? Let us know about your contribution and we will add you. Nominations and Form Edits will be accepted up until end-of-day July 31. We will manually confirm wallet addresses with Nominees after that by private DM, and then move forward with the Coordinape.

maty#0984: <@&947202149136343080> 👆

Haps#6400: Hey <@362737590430072862> can I request to be added to the list?

maty#0984: Are you not there ? :o please use the addressform to submit the info 🙏

Haps#6400: Okay will do TY; wasn't sure if that was just for folks already on there to add details 🙏

maty#0984: You are already there, check DMs

Haps#6400: Oh I see myself in there actually but it's an old username (MetaHaps)...submitted new info w/ a note calling that out; TY again!

Question: sharing some questions after reading the doc off the bat: * are we thinking the target entity that we nominate / vote for are only individuals or also proposals? (noting that proposals are often teams / groups) > I think it's a trade off. we might not have enough ETH for this to be meaningful rewards towards past proposals. but limiting it to non-proposals might skew the conversation towards people and not projects. that might be what we want but worth thinking about. * are we thinking that the people that vote are nominees only OR are we thinking non-nominees (e.g. general nouners) also vote? > my gut is to leverage non-nominees too but maybe it's hard to get enough participation? also if it's weighted by number of nouns owned, then we might end up with nounders + a few whales by and large deciding the outcome. * is self-nomination allowed? > I think we should and no reason to shame/limit against imo. * are nominees allowed / encouraged to campaign? is there going to be some forum for them to write out their work & impact from their own view? > I think it might be important to set the right tone. I personally would like a culture where ppl are encouraged to shamelessly advocate for themselves. at least all performance conversations I'm used to start from the individual giving an overview / advocating for the impact of their work. also if this isn't encouraged then only the more visible & top of mind people / projects might get voted for since there is no new information to consider holistically. * are voters (beyond the person nominating) going to be able to share supporting comments (reasons) associated with their vote? > I think this would be a key way in which people that worked closely to an individual or a project can offer their view on the details and impact of the work. I think this and the question above can help reduce the likelihood of the "Nightmare Scenario" outlined in the doc where ppl feel hurt due to "feeling underrecognized by peers". * what is the time period of the impact we're evaluating? > easy / fair approach could be all past contribution since inception. but then again maybe we don't have enough ETH for since inception. or maybe we do. idk. * how do we gauge success? > the strongest signal for me would be if the rewardees' long-term contribution trajectory towards the DAO moves up materially. the number of people that had gone somewhat inactive but turned active again. the number of on-chain proposals or prop house proposals submitted by rewardees. maybe even a survey of the rewardees asking them if the rewards have had any boost in their good will, feeling of being fairly compensated / respected, desire to take on a more ambitious project has increased after the program. * do we have any intention or time interval in which we'd do this again? > of course we can just not address this question since this can be considered a one-off pilot. but there's a psychological difference in how the rewardee might experience the reward if they know that this is a pilot of a continuous (let's say quarterly) retroactive impact reward program. there's an element here in which we can't test whether human behavior will change based on retroactive rewards unless there is some expectation that the retroactive reward would continue in the future. if not, then regardless of the amount of reward you just received, the most economically rational thing might be to not change your behavior since it was it was retroactive and one-off (no action owed, and has no impact on future reward).

GPT-4 Answer: The question asked was about various aspects of the nomination and voting process for the Nouns DAO impact rewards. The conversation provided some thoughts and opinions on these aspects, but no definitive answers were given. The conversation mainly served as a starting point for further discussion and planning.

Direct Replies:

JoelCares#5898: Awesome!! Thank you for the feedback, very helpful at this stage. I'll save this and make sure we address the thoughts!

wag#5265: some profoundly helpful guideposts for organizing our discussion on implementation. Thank you 🙏

Other messages in conversation:


wag#5265: Sort of is what we’re doing <a:well:970537153899692132>

wag#5265: tho snapshot probably already taken

wag#5265: Do we think public voice channel for sync call?

JoelCares#5898: Im aiming for more of a.... mauvelisting experience

wag#5265: presence-of-lightlisting

Toady_Hawk#8950: Hear me out.. NotAllowedList

Toady_Hawk#8950: (We vote people we don’t like to be added and everyone not on the list gets to mint the thing)

JoelCares#5898: ETH is split evenly between people who aren't on that list 🤣

davinoyesigye#8954: Great

maty#0984: 🤙 🤙 🤙

JoelCares#5898: Awesome!! Thank you for the feedback, very helpful at this stage. I'll save this and make sure we address the thoughts!

wag#5265: Welcome and thanks for your interest! the function of the 'admin' role is more or less to give ultimate discretion (and accountability) of adding participants to the round (gatekeeping) to a reasonably diverse (at least compared to typical 'pod' sizes) but well-defined subset of the broader group of Nouns contributors. That said, input (and help where practical) throughout the process is valuable & appreciated.

wag#5265: some profoundly helpful guideposts for organizing our discussion on implementation. Thank you 🙏

wag#5265: to that end, maybe a good time to see about scheduling a call? do we think we've done enough to make nouners/nouncillors aware of the channel?

JoelCares#5898: I think so yeah, we can pull together a list of Nouns / Nouncillors in here who've expressed interest in being an admin and move forward with next steps

fiveoceans_dev#5450: I would love to activity participate in this initiative. Building something meaningful always requires commitment and we can agree that it is difficult to work on something full time without financial stability. Various grants already provide initial support and motivation to the Nouns builders. Likewise, rewards would attract even more amazing builders!

Toady_Hawk#8950: gm prop 63 peeps

wag#5265: should we set up 1st call for this week in the public channel? maybe tmrw after nouncil call?

cdt#3727: thursdays are for all-day calls <:Smoke:889309851950391317>

nicooo#3504: send it?

emma#1332: Hey frens

emma#1332: 👋🏼

emma#1332: How’s everyone doing today

emma#1332: So cool!

Toady_Hawk#8950: Hey all! Time to get the ball rolling on this initiative (Nouncil’s recent Q1 Retro Reward Round with Coordinape was successful and will help inform this experiment.) <@827708794841727076> would like to invite everyone here to jump on a call in # Voice General directly after the Nouncil call (which is tomorrow Thursday at 10am Est) so 11:30am est. We will be discussing general goals for the program and first steps to get things moving. Hope to see you all there!

Toady_Hawk#8950: We'll have the meeting in <#943943469821476944> voice instead it's live now

emma#1332: <@!708131862731554917> hey where is the nouncil voice

emma#1332: Just got off a call and would like to join

Toady_Hawk#8950: Hi Emma, sorry this phase of planning is open to Nouncillors only so the call today was in the Nouncillor only channel, but we will need more help soon and will let you know! For you and anyone who missed the meeting, it was recorded as part of the Nouncil meeting call today (prop 63 talk starts at 1:30):

JoelCares#5898: Henlo Nounish Folk! We have 100 ETH for people building in the Nouniverse, as per Prop 63 - We have compiled a huge list of people, once it's finalized we will hold a large coordinape round with those nominated and disperse the 100 ETH accordingly. **BIG LIST OF NOMINEES** See yourself on that list? If you have information to add please submit it to us using this form: **PROP 63 NOMINEE DETAILS FORM - SUBMIT** We need Discord / twitter usernames, wallet addresses, and short & sweet summaries of Nounish contributions. You can also post small updates to <#970759473624940564>. Dont see yourself on the list? Let us know about your contribution and we will add you. Nominations and Form Edits will be accepted up until end-of-day July 31. We will manually confirm wallet addresses with Nominees after that by private DM, and then move forward with the Coordinape.

maty#0984: <@&947202149136343080> 👆

Haps#6400: Hey <@362737590430072862> can I request to be added to the list?

maty#0984: Are you not there ? :o please use the addressform to submit the info 🙏

Haps#6400: Okay will do TY; wasn't sure if that was just for folks already on there to add details 🙏

Question: Anyone else watching the Nouns dota stream?

GPT-4 Answer: Yes, other users were watching the Nouns dota stream. Some of them shared links to the stream and discussed the matches and results.

Direct Replies:

Other messages in conversation:



brennen.eth#7360: HUGE WIN!!!!

brennen.eth#7360: 2-0 against VG

Sasquatch#0127: Last game of group stage!

fiveoceans_dev#5450: tuning in!

RECHAO#5440: <:mopaz:1024797650010243172> <a:squirtle:1010278365229486244>

leoclark.⌐◨-◨#7071: <:nouns_esports:1010285512805847071>


brennen.eth#7360: Nouns last chance match to keep the dream alive!!!

Juan ⌐◨-◨#2492: I watched for a bit earlier

Juan ⌐◨-◨#2492: Oh, just saw they lost, bummer <:santasadge:917795889307844738>

brennen.eth#7360: yea was a bit sad

brennen.eth#7360: but they played hard

brennen.eth#7360: time to prepare for next season!

brennen.eth#7360: Lol

Oni#1111: was a good run <a:wolfvibe:923889508913672192>


hamtaro1H#0001: Nouns CSGO is participating in the ESEA Cash Cup today, stream is going live - we got a first round bye and will be playing our 2nd round match soon

hamtaro1H#0001: come by and drop us a follow & support <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012>

RECHAO#5440: Valhalla fall guys tournament 2nd place!

WNX#7117: Fav hero 🐿

Sasquatch#0127: Adding a casual reminder with impending discord-doom 🌋 on the horizon that most of our <:nouns_esports:1010285512805847071> activity is over at All of our internal-proposal building is transparent and open, meaning lots of new faces are regularly getting involved (this could be you!). This is a culture we are championing from Nouns that is quite unique to the esports audience <:nouns_def_salute:999878787057598494>

WNX#7117: yeah a troll game. casually picked up more dmg items so i earn more kills & ks <:pepegrin:767008274797035540>

Boosh#8092: Posted in general, but also here: Nouns Esports just announced a sponsorship of Aklo, a Super Smash Bros. Melee player that is competing in a large event this weekend, the Ludwig Smash Invitational, which might be last minute sponsored by Mr. Beast. Please like, comment, and retweet if you can! Appreciate the support and we're excited to support Aklo!

Question: Is anyone already working on a High Fashion concept that speaks to the Nouns?

GPT-4 Answer: There are a couple of streetwear projects, a 3D printed fashion experiment, and a cool Nouns clothing and accessory line, but no one has really tried to do any couture or experimental wearables. It would be interesting to see some play in that space.

Direct Replies:

Other messages in conversation:

brennen.eth#7360: but I like the approach alot

fiveoceans_dev#5450: I’ll send you dm

KW369#0581: hi guys, I have questions about the proposal submission for "Proposals". Is the flow like this? 1. submit your proposal idea on Discourse for public viewing and feedback (no need 2 Nouns to create topic), and during this topic discussion, if you have no Nouns at all, you can find your sponsorship in discussion or Discord 2. next would be creating proposal on Nouns DAO, submitted proposals will become available for voting (i.e. Nouns delegation), if it passes, then the status of proposal will become "Pending". 3. after 2 days of pending, the proposal is active for voting, nouns holder can vote "for" or "against" to the proposal 4. if proposal passed the vote, wait for 2 days of timelock then wait for the execution Question: a. if the proposal creators changed their mind and wishes to cancel the proposal, they can cancel it anytime before the voting ends? b. what does delegation mean in the proposal submission? c. creating proposal only requires submitter to sign with wallet, no need to stake their Nouns until the proposal is executed or defeated or canceled?

fiveoceans_dev#5450: points 1)-4) are correct a) the proposal can be canceled at anytime, not sure who has the role to do it. I assume nounders and proposer but it needs to be double checked b) nouner can chose to delegate his nouns. then the delagete has rights to vote and submit proposals while nouner still owns the nouns c) proposals can be created only if you have at least 2 nouns or have at least 2 delegated nouns.

KW369#0581: a bit confused, so the delegates can delegate their nouns after the proposal is submitted? I assume only holder of 2 Nouns can submit proposal on Nouns DAO, then when is the moment where delegation of Nouns happen? for b) delegates has rights to vote and submit proposals, meaning that delegate has the power to submit proposal on be half of proposal creator who has no Nouns? if yes, wen and how the delegation is done during the submission? and what's the difference between these two sections the "Delegated Nouns" and For votes under delegation view?

fiveoceans_dev#5450: a) delegation is the process of giving someone right to vote and submit proposals. the nouner (noun owner) can delegate at any time. Delegation is separate feature from proposal submissions. b) the nouner or delegate has right to submit a proposal. If they find a good proposal they will offer to be sponsors of the proposal and submit for voting. You simply send them a link to the text with images and they copy paste it to the homepage and submit. it is possible to delegate nouns to someone who wants to submit a proposal by themself but it normally doesn't work this way. the delegate or noun view simply gives you an idea how many delegates voted and what noun# voted. A delegate can represent multiple nouns so you can see how many delegates there were.

KW369#0581: thanks! so for the above screenshot's case, the delegate who submitted this proposal are 122 and 342 Nouns, and under delegation view's "For" votes, those are all the delegates (since the beginning who have been delegating to proposals) who have voted "For" and on the noun view mode, those would be the total numbers of votes voted by nouns holders, including those delegates?

KW369#0581: and how can the DAO identify the delegates from the proposal creator?

fiveoceans_dev#5450: there is no distinction between delegate and owner. In this case, krel.eth wallet could hold nonuns or be a delegate from other wallet. delegation "For" section includes wallets which voted in favor of the current proposal. nouns "For" section is the nouns hold by delegated wallets that forted for.

fiveoceans_dev#5450: this is confusing question. proposal creator is separate feature from voting. Someone can submit a proposal and then vote for it

Bigshot Klim#1853: there are a couple of street wear projejcts. a 3D printed fashion experiment and a cool nouns clothing and accesory line by <#999317494751821925> no one has really tried to do any couture or experimental wearables I would love to see some play in that space

TECHN0x#8939: yh this is a great case study <@299133044789477376> giving me lots of inspo 🔥


Evil#0150: sheesh ideas area very quite ever since that twitter space


0xigami#0001: Any feedback would be much appreciated.

mrtn#7388: anyone interested in helping with this? **Core Issue: **A lot of potential Nounish builders are not sure where to begin their work. The only place we actively incentivize them with ideas is Prop House mandated rounds. Otherwise, they must figure out problems themselves and then ask for money. **Solution: **Allocate funding to acquire new talented builders and let them explore the Nouns ecosystem pre-idea. **Format:** 10 x 4 ETH grants , paired with direct support and helping builders get a prop on-chain

WNX#7117: Hey guys, posted my extended prop for feedbacks & ideas. There is also a mockup link which you can try out. Thanks!

baba | 1579#1367: This is really cool!

Skelenouns⌐◨-◨#4475: Hi All, we've added a proposal to Discourse, have a look and let us know what you think.




ASEC#8999: Open for any questions

4570#8617: what do you think about playing poker or blackjack with a Nouns card? Me and my team are building a card with full of nounish design

Ian ✦ᴗ✦#1639: Where can we keep updated on this project once this Discord closes? Super cool

4570#8617: You can check it on our website and the twitter

Question: Hi, it was so cool to watch the game yesterday! I think proliferating nouns among gamers community is awesome idea. Is there anything we can do to help the team? Do they have a trainer? Maybe, we can find someone to have a training session with them before Singapore?

GPT-4 Answer: The team has a coach that they've been working with since the start of the DPC season, and they want to give them ideal conditions to perform well during the final qualifier. The players will be traveling home from their bootcamp and then regrouping to discuss strategy for Singapore.

Direct Replies:

Sasquatch#0127: Thanks for the support! The team has a coach that they've been working with since the start of the DPC season, and we definitely want to give them ideal conditions to perform well during this final qualifier! The players will be traveling home from their bootcamp and then we'll regroup and discuss strategy for Singapore.

Other messages in conversation:

neph#8120: We're live for our first match of our Dota teams TI qualifier run!

Sasquatch#0127: <@303004182129147905> I'm happy to report that with the latest release of content Valve has decided to grace us Dota fans with an in-game "Honk" voice line Our players often use it as a celebratory measure after having success in a match

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: Oh I saw the tweet

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: See that, <@337237854696505344>?

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: Honk is BUSSIN

Sasquatch#0127: one best of 5 away from directly qualifying for The International


Sasquatch#0127: Interesting outcome so far in these "Regional Qualifiers" for The International. Every single region played thus far (NA, SA, China, Eastern Europe) has had a 3-0 result in the grand finals. Unfortunately for us, that means we were swept today in the NA Grand Finals <:sadge:970790982029295666> Despite not directly qualifying for The International today, due to their success this week, the team will be going to Singapore to compete in the "Last Chance Qualifiers." This is an international tournament with six different regions competing that will determine the last two remaining teams that go to The International. The entire Dota 2 community will have their attention on this event!

byRekola#1740: <@95704393151680512> y’all have been getting some solid press hits. Let me know if the Nouns Press Corps can connect and help lift up LCQuali

byRekola#1740: Great work this season so far!

Sasquatch#0127: Thanks for the support! The team has a coach that they've been working with since the start of the DPC season, and we definitely want to give them ideal conditions to perform well during this final qualifier! The players will be traveling home from their bootcamp and then we'll regroup and discuss strategy for Singapore.

Sasquatch#0127: ///// For Nounsfolk who are following along but maybe not spectating our matches live, here are the viewership stats from the recent North America Qualifier <:nouns_esports:1010285512805847071>

Sasquatch#0127: BOOM! Nouns Counter Strike

brennen.eth#7360: Huge!

JoshuaFisher#0001: Love esports. Listing to these weekly calls is always so good.

JoshuaFisher#0001: This stuff is really like running big sports teams

Sasquatch#0127: Nouns VALORANT. We'll be giving this team from Brazil compensation & a bootcamp opportunity in São Paulo to compete in the upcoming VCT Game Changers Brazil qualifiers, the biggest competitive circuit for marginalized genders. This is a cooperative effort from some of our Brazilian contributors - shoutout to <@805402085813780480>, <@341705053050241024>, and <@219425654226157569> for making this happen! <:nouns_esports:1010285512805847071> <:nouns_def_salute:999878787057598494>

Ramon ⌐◨-◨#6247: thank you <@95704393151680512> for contributing to the esports community in brazil <a:noun_heart:1007350627174715524>

hamtaro1H#0001: just wanted to remind the Nouns community that Nouns CSGO is currently ranked #3 in the United States and #5 in North America, and they have another match tonight @ 8:00pm EST! for those who didn't catch the twitch broadcast yesterday, Nouns CSGO had a heartbreaking loss in the first best of 3, but they bounced back and won their second bo3 of the day decisively. they are also ranked #2 in the west conference of ESL Challenger League NA and will be competing in the Challenger League playoffs next month!

Oni#1111: <a:lfg:923405307957354547> <a:LFG:913145088572522497> <:letsgo:867098775569563658>

hamtaro1H#0001: Nouns CSGO had a solid 2-1 victory over Strife yesterday in a best of 3! Nouns has ended the regular season with a 5-2 record, still 2nd in the west conference and are awaiting the playoff schedule. The nounsesports twitch channel will be launching soon to cover upcoming matches, be sure to check that out, it will be awesome to have the noun community in twitch chat supporting

Oni#1111: <:Qwest_Wave:842063007793152041>

Sasquatch#0127: TI LCQ Groups got posted today! This tournament is incredibly stacked and the Dota community is getting excited. Our team is traveling to Malaysia in three days for their boot camp- and then we go to Singapore on October 6th <:roshan:1010281047243632701>

Blowned.eth#5048: May go there to support, LFG Nouns 😎

byRekola#1740: Sharing our latest mini-case study on Noun Esports as part of PH1222. **Esports Pod: Confirmed Kills, Earn Press! **

Teelon#8456: Hi everyone, Just sharing an update on prop #91 (Pokemon Unite expansion w/ BLVKHVND) The proposal has now officially ended, I've put a comment on discourse with a bit of a summary. With the team making it to the world championship and coming 2nd we think it was a big success. Look forward to hearing feedback on the prop 🙂

hamtaro1H#0001: Nouns CSGO match coming up in less than an hour, keep an eye on @nounsesports on twitter for the stream!

Goldy#0420: <@95704393151680512> said ya'll could use some more pokemon gifs

maty#0984: these are perfect <@245856432107290624> ❤️

Sasquatch#0127: <@245856432107290624> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> 🐐 <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012>

hamtaro1H#0001: thanks <@245856432107290624> , i will add some of those to my twitch emotes too (i'm adding some free emotes to my channel that can be used for cheering on all Nouns teams on twitch)

hamtaro1H#0001: also wanted to let everyone here know that Nouns CSGO will be playing in the grand final of the ace masters tournament today at 6pm EST (US), and if they win they will qualify for the BLAST Premier Fall Showdown and the Flow FiReLEAGUE 2022 Global Finals


Oni#1111: <a:squirtle:1010278365229486244>

Goldy#0420: Is there a specific tag i should use for tenor? **I was going to do something like this:** nouns dao nounish esports pokemon **and then add some specifics like:** pikachu no

Question: Are you looking for something specific? If a nouns esports team does poorly is that considered a bad proposal outcome? I think we could summarize in terms of the growth of our discord (super engaged fans) the new opportunities coming from relationships with builders and eSports contributers. Also the outcome of bringing in multiple new Nouners on the fact we had esports sponsorships. In terms of data, we could go back and collect all the viewership numbers for every game and summarize the exposure that way?

GPT-4 Answer: In the conversation, brennen.eth asks if a poor performance by a Nouns esports team would be considered a bad proposal outcome. While there isn't a direct answer to this specific question, the conversation does highlight the various successes and positive outcomes of the esports efforts. The community seems to be focused on the growth of the Discord, new opportunities, and the exposure gained through esports sponsorships. Seneca suggests creating a simple summary for people to refer back to when reviewing proposals, which could help in understanding the overall impact of the esports efforts.

Direct Replies:

seneca#8660: this is great imo. something simple for people to refer back to when reviewing a 300+ eth ask.

Other messages in conversation:

WNX#7117: LFG!

JoshuaFisher#0001: These artworks are looking good!

maty#0984: Some of our art submissions!

seneca#8660: hello gang. have the outcomes of #68, #91, and #112 been documented anywhere? while it's fairly obvious the esports efforts have been a great success, i'd be nice to see a more detailed version of what's actually gone down.

Akva#0001: Awesome

maty#0984: hey seneca 🙂 68 - see comment by Sasquatch here for a summary -, 91 - still ongoing, team has been crushing it, some kind of summary will hopefully come from <@401820853097988107> or <@922648375122354207> 112 - has just passed, team has played some matches but not much to summarize/document so far

maty#0984: Dota team results so far:

maty#0984: currently 2nd in Thunderpick Bitcoin series

maty#0984: Pokémon team so far:

seneca#8660: thanks for sharing maty. it's clear that it's all been v high ROI. i would still suggest that the outcomes be documented somewhere in normie speak (for ppl who have 0 esports bgs). i have little context as to what placing #1 in any tournament means and i suspect many nouners are on my boat. this is not a bad call on the pod / esports efforts. i've voted FOR on all props (including new one as well). just shedding some light on optics for non-esports nounsfolk.

seneca#8660: im not arguing against that. to me it's clear that it's been a great success. was just suggesting an a summary of what's happened so far. not asking for anything in particular, just w/e you guys think is a good summary.

seneca#8660: this is great imo. something simple for people to refer back to when reviewing a 300+ eth ask.

seneca#8660: generally speaking, i align there. i think we're taking a lot of bets that eventually pan out to few v v successful ones. that said, i do think there's a lot to be done wrt how to optimize governance. nounsintern dropped a bunch of great takes here:

4156#9052: wow, this is really nice

maty#0984: people did crazy stuff, look at this as well

sanuxo#1360: This prop for me is the essence of nouns, for sure it was one of the biggest reasons why I wanted to have a nouns I would say that it is a success when people outside our space engage it willingly because it's really good.

Bigshot Klim#1853: Maty can we figure out a way to send a pin or stickers or when we have them Noggles and mini figs? To all who take time out to make something for us? We made tons of Dota toys before and those communities are rabidly engaged and LOVE merch. Open to discuss.

Bigshot Klim#1853: And by a way I mean a strategy or small grant allocation to test for a month? We have a shop full of goodies at so can ship pins and thing fairly effortlessly

0xigami#0001: hey gamers, still got `` and would like to donate to you. hmu and if one of you have a namecheap account let me know and i can transfer. or if another registrar, we can organise an EPP code to do it.

Sasquatch#0127: thanks for the reminder, Gami!

Sasquatch#0127: (and for the offer in the first place <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012> )

fiveoceans_dev#5450: Hi, I made t-shirts as experiment using Nouncil 1 eth grant. I would like to send these to esports team. Let me know if interested.

Sasquatch#0127: Awesome design! Let's DM, I would be happy to get them out to gamers when we send out player packages (also featuring wonderful Noggles by <@128249158657114112> <:nounish:928914188875759616> )

Sasquatch#0127: Speaking of DM's - may we become Discord friends, <@860360610066595860>? 🥺

Sasquatch#0127: Sharing some details about Prop #119 to the gamer community <:nounish:928914188875759616>

fiveoceans_dev#5450: Let me know t-shirt sizes.

motivateme#2938: Let me know if more is going to be needed in the future. I have yet to attend an esports event myself (how can I call myself a gamer?) but would definitely want to help plan anything out!

0xigami#0001: Oh sorry. Accepted ser

Sasquatch#0127: Our player Gunnar is casting to ~170,000 viewers (Twitch and Youtube) in the Grand Finals of the Arlington Major! Watch here:

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: the guy on the left looks so young and old at the same time

Bigshot Klim#1853: <@95704393151680512> here is the block out of the Trophy idea, this can be adjusted for multiple events and categoies, I can have something ready in a couple of weeks if you have things coming up 🙂

Bigshot Klim#1853: here is that OVERWOLF developers trophy we made a while back too

Sasquatch#0127: We've mostly been talking about Dota in this channel.... but this week is POKE WEEK


Sasquatch#0127: The Pokémon World Championship is taking place over the coming days - Nouns has presence via the Pokémon Unite competition where our team (the #1 seed from Europe) is competing for $500,000!

Question: Why Noun tag instead of Nouns? character limitation?

GPT-4 Answer: The Noun tag was used instead of Nouns due to character limitations. They struggled to fit names in, and the preference would have been Noun**s**.

Direct Replies:

Sasquatch#0127: Yep they were struggling to fit names in, preference would have been Noun**s**

Other messages in conversation:


Sasquatch#0127: The Pokémon World Championship is taking place over the coming days - Nouns has presence via the Pokémon Unite competition where our team (the #1 seed from Europe) is competing for $500,000!

Sasquatch#0127: Check out this video featuring the teams competing, Nouns is mentioned at 1:20 (and declared as perhaps the best team in the world going into this competition <:woooooow:760469483374247937> )

SerNoadz#3802: <a:noun_pikachu:1009868781167857795> <a:noun_pikachu:1009868781167857795> <a:noun_pikachu:1009868781167857795>



brennen.eth#7360: Nouns playing

Bigshot Klim#1853: LELTS GOOOOOOOOO

brennen.eth#7360: They play again in an hour

brennen.eth#7360: if they win they will be in the tournament

Sasquatch#0127: Yep they were struggling to fit names in, preference would have been Noun**s**

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: nouns is going to take this

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: dam

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: spicy

SerNoadz#3802: *Noun

brennen.eth#7360: r-[ G ]-[ G ] r-[ E ]-[ Z ]

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: BLESS

maty#0984: noice

SerNoadz#3802: <a:txt_noggles_gg:1010273662806528010> <a:txt_noggles_gg_2:1010273646780104735> <a:pikachu:1009877431982768188> <a:txt_noggles_gg_2:1010273646780104735> <a:txt_noggles_gg:1010273662806528010>

brennen.eth#7360: hahaha nice

Sasquatch#0127: <a:squirtle:1010278365229486244>

brennen.eth#7360: Nouns esports playing now to keep their championship dreams alive!

Sasquatch#0127: Top 3 in the World Championships secured! The team is about to start the lower bracket finals

Sasquatch#0127: Here's a clip from after we won our latest series if anyone wants to get a sense of the venue they're playing in! We're the hometown favorites being the best EU team in London!

Sasquatch#0127: Casters having fun with the players <a:squirtle:1010278365229486244>

Sasquatch#0127: After an incredible lower bracket run, our Pokemon Unite team took home second place at the World Championship! They're taking home $75,000 and some pretty sweet Pikachu trophies <a:noun_pokemon_pikachu:1009868781167857795> <a:squirtle:1010278365229486244> <a:noun_heart:1007350627174715524>

Peter#5717: Huuuuuge, the support nouns provided made this possible. These players will never forget this moment.

Bigshot Klim#1853: AMAZING

sirsu#9991: It’s fresh seeing two DAOs duke it out for the finals

brennen.eth#7360: yea that was dope

brennen.eth#7360: wanted to see more games lol

Jarmen#2516: Hey I’m not fully up to speed on the esports side of nouns where is my best spot to start.

RobotFishGirl#2795: Probably Sasquatch's twitter; if not directly for info it'll get you at least in the right direction


SerNoadz#3802: Join the Discord <:nouns_esports:1010285664966803486>

Question: Awesome design! Let's DM, I would be happy to get them out to gamers when we send out player packages (also featuring wonderful Noggles by <@128249158657114112> <:nounish:928914188875759616> )

GPT-4 Answer: T-shirt sizes are needed for the esports team to receive the experimental t-shirts made by fiveoceans_dev#5450.

Direct Replies:

fiveoceans_dev#5450: Let me know t-shirt sizes.

motivateme#2938: Let me know if more is going to be needed in the future. I have yet to attend an esports event myself (how can I call myself a gamer?) but would definitely want to help plan anything out!

Other messages in conversation:

4156#9052: wow, this is really nice

maty#0984: people did crazy stuff, look at this as well

sanuxo#1360: This prop for me is the essence of nouns, for sure it was one of the biggest reasons why I wanted to have a nouns I would say that it is a success when people outside our space engage it willingly because it's really good.

Bigshot Klim#1853: Maty can we figure out a way to send a pin or stickers or when we have them Noggles and mini figs? To all who take time out to make something for us? We made tons of Dota toys before and those communities are rabidly engaged and LOVE merch. Open to discuss.

Bigshot Klim#1853: And by a way I mean a strategy or small grant allocation to test for a month? We have a shop full of goodies at so can ship pins and thing fairly effortlessly

0xigami#0001: hey gamers, still got `` and would like to donate to you. hmu and if one of you have a namecheap account let me know and i can transfer. or if another registrar, we can organise an EPP code to do it.

brennen.eth#7360: Yea we actually talked about that on our Friday call

brennen.eth#7360: Standing up a simple site with notion using the domain

brennen.eth#7360: <@95704393151680512> want to setup a namecheap and manage the domain or do you want me to?

fiveoceans_dev#5450: Hi, I made t-shirts as experiment using Nouncil 1 eth grant. I would like to send these to esports team. Let me know if interested.

fiveoceans_dev#5450: Let me know t-shirt sizes.

motivateme#2938: Let me know if more is going to be needed in the future. I have yet to attend an esports event myself (how can I call myself a gamer?) but would definitely want to help plan anything out!

0xigami#0001: Oh sorry. Accepted ser


H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: the guy on the left looks so young and old at the same time

Bigshot Klim#1853: <@95704393151680512> here is the block out of the Trophy idea, this can be adjusted for multiple events and categoies, I can have something ready in a couple of weeks if you have things coming up 🙂

Bigshot Klim#1853: here is that OVERWOLF developers trophy we made a while back too

SerNoadz#3802: <a:noun_pikachu:1009868781167857795> <a:noun_pikachu:1009868781167857795> <a:noun_pikachu:1009868781167857795>


sanuxo#1360: lfg winning the first world championship would be lit af


brennen.eth#7360: Nouns playing

Bigshot Klim#1853: LELTS GOOOOOOOOO

brennen.eth#7360: They play again in an hour

brennen.eth#7360: if they win they will be in the tournament

sanuxo#1360: Why Noun tag instead of Nouns? character limitation?

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: nouns is going to take this

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: dam

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: spicy

SerNoadz#3802: *Noun

brennen.eth#7360: r-[ G ]-[ G ] r-[ E ]-[ Z ]

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: BLESS

maty#0984: noice

SerNoadz#3802: <a:txt_noggles_gg:1010273662806528010> <a:txt_noggles_gg_2:1010273646780104735> <a:pikachu:1009877431982768188> <a:txt_noggles_gg_2:1010273646780104735> <a:txt_noggles_gg:1010273662806528010>

brennen.eth#7360: hahaha nice

Question: and should we remove Placeholder?

GPT-4 Answer: It is not clear whether the question about removing Placeholder was answered in the provided context.

Direct Replies:

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: see #3 above. U Go soooo fast

Other messages in conversation:

Toady_Hawk#8950: If it helps i could create the hack spaces right before each day since it’s very casual

Toady_Hawk#8950: The spaces are only for this week

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: you are okay with zero early prolif?

Toady_Hawk#8950: If necessary, it’s fine for this space yes

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: ty. still can't do the three, but i imagine 2 is much better than 1 for the NOC team. appreciate it. will edit above.

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: gm fren <@478195516631416832> !! Let's get the new show templates setup!!

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: 1️⃣ - visual review against current. to make sure we have everything.

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: yos. plz ✅ each one as you get them done. <a:heart:997598089160445982>

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: 2️⃣ if they are not weekly, the title should include **something like these examples**: A bi-weekly SoapBox at The Noun Square A SoapBox every 3rd Tuesday at The Noun Square

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: 3️⃣ Change any titles that don't match the new conventions. Live [Guest] on Noun O’ Clock LIVE # 281 @ The Noun Square Lite Noun O’Clock LITE #281 at The Noun Square | FOMO, NOMO, Fun, and more! SB [SB Title] Spotlight on [guest] | a SoapBox @ The Noun Square

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: see #3 above. U Go soooo fast

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: 4️⃣ set all to private.

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: 5️⃣ populate templates with data from recent shows:

Cardno#0446: <@650824125056548865> you seen the DM from Bloomz that’s he’s pulled his show today? Just making sure as lots of DMs fly around sometimes.

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: how nice of you! thanks! EST nights are much better because when the channels light up, it is usually relevant to me, and i am not chasing down bits and pieces of 20 conversations, each of which has bits in 3 different channels. 🤣 we're getting there tho! 🤣 the threads you are creating for NOC is also helping us (San and I) a lot! Had fun figuring that out with you! I hope it will work out for the rest of the team, and if not, they can put info for the Scheduling team into <#1089346743193305118>.

Cardno#0446: The threads seem to be working well! I’ve been updating that part of the notion too with confirmed guests and adding the spaces link to the last couple of guests so I take it that’s all good your end? Think we are at a better place now from a knowing what’s expected POV.

Cardno#0446: And yeah I seen the channel light up and I seen a Twitter dm so just wanted to make sure. That show is cancelled every other week anyway it seems like

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: yeah. that's why i have not answered yet. i'm drafting something to say these guys. there are a few of them. it's hard because even the larger ones cancel sometimes. Japan will be OTG this week too, so not doing their show. i mean, i don't want to dictate which reasons will be excused. ~Marm Xargs 🤣 Several of them are individuals who started with a team, and the team stopped showing up. Bloomz is an example of that. He has done some crazy cool OTG things with lighting, putting noggles on giant buildings during conventions, for example. It might be an interesting spot if there are people who want to learn to host. Interesting to think about, but we would def need to get some tools together first.

Cardno#0446: My initial thoughts are that if you are to cancel a show that’s only weekly anyway, you should at least be asking “ could I move it to this time or can we rearrange for this day instead?” I understand that’s a pain for you sometimes and maybe they are away all week etc but it seems anyone doing a weekly show that cancels out of the blue will find it hard to build any sort of sustainable audience over time. That’s me just coming from the other side of the fence though.

Cardno#0446: Like, imagine you enjoyed tuning into a show and you’ve waited 6 days for it, for it to not be on on the 7th.

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: I 100% agree that it has to be on a regular schedule. for most tho, it's about life, often Nounish life, not so much the time. I also agree that some time/day shuffling would be awesome, but rn is not a good time. and best to get one move figured out at a time. we are currently trying to find a new spot for internatioNouns, but have team in central America, Africa, East Cost US, West Coast US, and Brazil. soooo... not wanting to give any potential spot to anyone right now. lol In the cases of Japan and Bloomz, it's likely more about staying healthy and being in a space where you can put on a good show. When you are at an event, or pounding out a prop, being able to focus and prep can be very complicated. Unless, of course, you are Toady/Aubtoshi/RFG. 🤣 for iN, thank GOD for my team because I am soooo tired sometimes and it shows if i speak on air. There have been two times when i was so tired that my alarms didn't wake me. So, i am very empathetic, and extremely grateful for the amazing team. All the while, i never find time to get props in to support them sooo... balance is the key, and canceling sometimes is that key when you have no support.

Cardno#0446: That’s fair enough! I don’t disagree at all, I’m coming from a place of wanting to see them grow. If they can just forecast a bit at least at the end of a show with their regulars they can say “we won’t be here next week because of X” then they know.


!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: <@916058740086669362> i started up a convo with Bloomz and he is already on top of building a team.

Cardno#0446: Ah nice! Good good

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: <@708131862731554917> if we can keep NOC going to noon, I wonder what you think about rolling HACK/FM into the same space?

Toady_Hawk#8950: Could see how it goes. Does the hack fm space exist or no?


NonfungibleNikki#0001: <@650824125056548865> any chance we can do 2:30pm ET on Thurs this week? or maybe tomorrow 5pm?

NonfungibleNikki#0001: I'll be at a web3 event this Thurs after 4:30pm

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: checking!

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: Thurs would have a hard stop at 3:30. Wed is fine too. 🙂

NonfungibleNikki#0001: Can we make it Wednesday 5:30pm ET?

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: all yours!

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: <@478195516631416832> we are shifting this for just this week, if you would be so kind.

Question: could someone "register" any Nouns extension contract (that throws the same events) to this service as well?

GPT-4 Answer: Yes, someone can "register" any Nouns extension contract to the service as long as the events (ABI) are the same and return the same data.

Direct Replies:

andreitr#5783: yes, that's the idea. As long as the events (ABI) are the same and return the same data.

Other messages in conversation:

seneca#8660: <@362737590430072862> <@610573207975624712>

andreitr#5783: thank you! this thread shall be our home

andreitr#5783: Dev update: We've set up the initial infrastructure to process contract events. Starting to write Noun events to S3/Athena to enable queries etc.

andreitr#5783: gm Nouns! Over the weekend we've reached our first technical milestone. We are processing events from the Nouns contract and storing them in AWS Athena DB. We can now write queries against this data and start wiring code for the actual behaviors.

andreitr#5783: Also, if the community is interested, we can make these events available via an API

andreitr#5783: yes, that's the idea. As long as the events (ABI) are the same and return the same data.

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: make it available pl0x

andreitr#5783: The initial data pipeline is pretty much complete. We are now processing ALL Nouns contract events and sending them through the AWS SNS service to the main app. So basically raw event data -> database -> apply text template -> share on Twitter. Over the next few days we plan to start sharing these events via our test twitter account.

andreitr#5783: Our test account has shared the first "proof of life" tweet! We are still very far from done but from this point forward we will start building out bot behaviors and have something tangible to show. Here's what is happening in the background: - contract events are processed and saved to the DB - a message is sent to the notification service with event data - botfrens receives events and processes the metadata - converts SVG to an image - shares a tweet with price / wallet address

andreitr#5783: btw, we will make sure all links point to instead of Rarible. FYI

andreitr#5783: Earlier today our test account shared tweets for the first two behaviors! We can now trigger auction start, auction end, and new bid behaviors. Starting tomorrow you will see some of these behaviors working on the account 🙂 While these behaviors are being tested, we are going to start working on the UI that will allow users to: - configure tweet template - modify shared links - start / stop behavior - modify contract address etc

andreitr#5783: Our first public behavior is live on Twitter! Other than the small price formatting bug (should be 42.87E) the behavior is fully operational. We are also going to modify the template to point to instead or rarible.

andreitr#5783: hey frens, going forward we are going to post updated in the Nounish ⌐◨-◨ discord - join us!

Question: love seeing a web3 native brand get embraced by actual gamers im new here so apologies if this has been brought up -- but have we considered creating esports/gamer noggles (bluelight filtering lens like gunnars) and having our athletes / streamers wear them? feels like it would be on-brand and good way to proliferate the nouns meme on streams

GPT-4 Answer: Yes, the idea of creating esports/gamer noggles (bluelight filtering lens like gunnars) and having athletes/streamers wear them has been brought up by brian cho#3790. Sasquatch#0127 responded positively to the idea, stating that it has not been previously discussed and they would love to see it.

Direct Replies:

cdt#3727: <@95704393151680512>

Sasquatch#0127: Would love to see this, and not previously discussed! Can be we be discord friends, Brian? <a:vibe:893124476101881898>

brian cho#3790: sent requests!

Other messages in conversation:

sirsu#9991: 🔥🔥🔥

maty#0984: Did Nouns Pokemon team just win the first match of grand finals ? 😮

maty#0984: rip *" nouns is the name of their esports sponsor, it's an NFT app"* 😄

sirsu#9991: we gotta make a nouns esports site to clarify lmfao

sirsu#9991: but yoooo Nouns Esports going to Worlds, that's insane

sirsu#9991: and BLVKHVND will see y'all there representing NA 😆

Benbodhi#1111: Wow, you guys are crushing up in here!


Sasquatch#0127: Our Dota team has begun their bootcamp in Philadelphia! There's a nice little montage video in that tweet as well <a:vibe:896483358161395712>

Shiny Wartortle#2640: Rise up gamers!!

Boosh#8092: Yes this is so awesome!

aubtoshi#9612: <@95704393151680512> I have big Noggle wall stickers for you and your players, the ones in this photo. I added you, let me know where I can send them. I swear that's a real photo, that's just how good it looks on the wall. They would look sick on the walls behind your guys <:noun_face:863562478546190358>

brennen.eth#7360: That's a really good one

CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧#2859: foodnouns is developing a brain-food concept for the teams! LFG

cdt#3727: <@95704393151680512>

leoclark.⌐◨-◨#7071: This is awesome! Can you please send me the original video file so I can add it to Nouns News and Costabile interview? Thanks!

JoshuaFisher#0001: GM! We love the esports!

brennen.eth#7360: Still number 1 in NA

Conviction#6151: This is one the my fav proposals so far. Was wondering if there have been discussions about expanding to other popular esports like LoL, Valorant, COD etc? <@270147458737242112> <@95704393151680512>

Conviction#6151: Huge gamer over here so def excited about these

Sasquatch#0127: Would love to see this, and not previously discussed! Can be we be discord friends, Brian? <a:vibe:893124476101881898>

brennen.eth#7360: We slowly working on all esports :)

brennen.eth#7360: Just going to take time an appetite

brennen.eth#7360: We have Pokemon Unite running and crushing

Sasquatch#0127: Yes - certainly being discussed! Dota and Unite have given us access to the highest level of competition in their respective games - I would like to maintain that level of excellence with each game we choose to enter

Sasquatch#0127: Hey all, <@270147458737242112> and I are planning to host regular meetings for Nouners and Nounsfolk interested in esports - our first one will be <t:1656702000:F> if you are available to attend - please drop an emoji below or otherwise let me know, and make sure you're in the Nouns Esports discord!

maty#0984: <@155780535619158016> <@170689631174656000>

deeze#0001: in there <a:catjam:875768404651421746>


Goldy#0420: nouns down 1? 😢

Goldy#0420: esports crew, give us some suggestions in <#986490992339320893> for us to make some specific gifs for you guys, feels like it would be valueable to have a few more gamer specific or dota or pokemon specific ones

brennen.eth#7360: True we need to start putting up those suggestions

Oni#1111: nouns glasses on some of the really big twitch emotes/memes maybe

Oni#1111: pogchamp, ect

Sasquatch#0127: esports meeting taking place in about 30 minutes!

Question: Did Nouns Pokemon team just win the first match of grand finals ? 😮

GPT-4 Answer: Yes, the Nouns Pokemon team just won the first match of grand finals.

Direct Replies:

Other messages in conversation:

brennen.eth#7360: <@95704393151680512> can hook you up with staff role

swift#4206: congratz!

sirsu#9991: Perf let’s get it

sirsu#9991: Thanks g

Boosh#8092: Just watched Nouns crush it in Pokemon Unite <@401820853097988107> <@922648375122354207> !

Boosh#8092: and I've of course been following the DOTA 2 team, awesome stuff

brennen.eth#7360: Nouns esports are so hot right now


brennen.eth#7360: Needs noggles

sirsu#9991: 🔥🔥🔥

sirsu#9991: we gotta make a nouns esports site to clarify lmfao

sirsu#9991: but yoooo Nouns Esports going to Worlds, that's insane

sirsu#9991: and BLVKHVND will see y'all there representing NA 😆

Benbodhi#1111: Wow, you guys are crushing up in here!


Sasquatch#0127: Our Dota team has begun their bootcamp in Philadelphia! There's a nice little montage video in that tweet as well <a:vibe:896483358161395712>

Shiny Wartortle#2640: Rise up gamers!!

brian cho#3790: love seeing a web3 native brand get embraced by actual gamers im new here so apologies if this has been brought up -- but have we considered creating esports/gamer noggles (bluelight filtering lens like gunnars) and having our athletes / streamers wear them? feels like it would be on-brand and good way to proliferate the nouns meme on streams

Boosh#8092: Yes this is so awesome!

aubtoshi#9612: <@95704393151680512> I have big Noggle wall stickers for you and your players, the ones in this photo. I added you, let me know where I can send them. I swear that's a real photo, that's just how good it looks on the wall. They would look sick on the walls behind your guys <:noun_face:863562478546190358>

brennen.eth#7360: That's a really good one

CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧#2859: foodnouns is developing a brain-food concept for the teams! LFG

cdt#3727: <@95704393151680512>

leoclark.⌐◨-◨#7071: This is awesome! Can you please send me the original video file so I can add it to Nouns News and Costabile interview? Thanks!

JoshuaFisher#0001: GM! We love the esports!

brennen.eth#7360: Still number 1 in NA

Conviction#6151: This is one the my fav proposals so far. Was wondering if there have been discussions about expanding to other popular esports like LoL, Valorant, COD etc? <@270147458737242112> <@95704393151680512>

Conviction#6151: Huge gamer over here so def excited about these

Sasquatch#0127: Would love to see this, and not previously discussed! Can be we be discord friends, Brian? <a:vibe:893124476101881898>

brennen.eth#7360: We slowly working on all esports :)

brennen.eth#7360: Just going to take time an appetite

brennen.eth#7360: We have Pokemon Unite running and crushing

Sasquatch#0127: Yes - certainly being discussed! Dota and Unite have given us access to the highest level of competition in their respective games - I would like to maintain that level of excellence with each game we choose to enter

brian cho#3790: sent requests!

Sasquatch#0127: Hey all, <@270147458737242112> and I are planning to host regular meetings for Nouners and Nounsfolk interested in esports - our first one will be <t:1656702000:F> if you are available to attend - please drop an emoji below or otherwise let me know, and make sure you're in the Nouns Esports discord!

Question: Question: if you bid on a noun and don’t win, does your ETH revert to you? If so, when? Thanks

GPT-4 Answer: Yes, if you bid on a noun and don't win, your ETH reverts to you pretty immediately.

Direct Replies:

cdt#3727: yes, and pretty immediately

Other messages in conversation:

0xdesigner#3883: The first impression of the site is meant to hyperfocus attention on the POAP art itself, and the hero content on the home page will dynamically update every day, at the conclusion of each auction.

0xdesigner#3883: Lastly, there's a placeholder in the ABOUT page, where I'll be working closely with david to create an illustration explaining how eligibility is determined.

Goldy#0420: This is looking really nice IMO!

Goldy#0420: Did I miss the memo when "settlements" got knocked off the POAP winning list? 😅

brkfstsndwch#6874: Hey <@!245856432107290624> ! I can search for the thread somewhere! But basically, the decision we came to is that with the idea of the Crystal Ball as well as <@!437720101039374346> and teams FOMO Nouns Project. Incentivizing settling would hinder both of those really awesome projects immensely. That being said. The team is always open to keeping discourse flowing and figuring things out together! Would love to hear your thoughts.

Goldy#0420: Makes sense. I’ll try go back and read. Honestly was just excited I might be able to get one, but I’ll consider if I have any actually useful perspectives to add to that convo 🙏 thanks for the answer

brkfstsndwch#6874: Ahhh, it was in a private thread with the FOMO team. Shoot me a note and I can share that convo!

forager#7144: We actually saw someone standup a bot that was doing "instant settlement" once the auction ended after the discussion started around a POAP for settlement. <:6704_Pepe_sad:804794668968837163> It was a really cool idea, but it's one of those mechanics that would unfortunately just turn into a bot war (in addition to hurting the usability of the Nouns crystal ball and FOMO Nouns).

forager#7144: If there's a way to flip something for money, the crypto community will figure it out 😅

Goldy#0420: That makes perfect sense. 😑

cdt#3727: yes, and pretty immediately

Noun 12#8966: This looks very handsome so far, well done.

brkfstsndwch#6874: The team has been absolutely crushing it, fren. Cannot wait to share final updates on Monday!

Noun 12#8966: Oooo I like the sound of Final Updates.

4156#9052: it seems like bidder poap, fomo nouns and 3d nouns are all going to be ready around the same time

Noun 12#8966: I stole this for Twitter because I am a IP pirate

seneca#8660: cc0 every ting

Noun 12#8966: brb tweeting that

brkfstsndwch#6874: A nearly final update for you all after the working team just wrapped a great session! We are putting finishing touches on the site and the Nounish Beings this week. We will be in touch shortly to schedule a working/review session with the community. Most likely happening early to mid-week next week. With an official launch of the Nouns Bidder POAP being the following week of November 22nd at the latest. We're nearly there, frens! The team cannot wait to share this with you all. <@!827964581850513408> <@!410593947027505162> <@!816727974485164062>

Churro#4832: nice

brkfstsndwch#6874: Hello, hello, hello! The Nouns Bidder POAP team is finally ready for a final look from the community. We would love to schedule a little demo with whoever is available midweek this week so that we can run you through the product, gather any last minute feedback and prep to push live by next week! **4:30pm EST will be the time. React with your preferred date below! ** Tuesday | <:t_:887042485682057217> Wednesday | 🇼 Thursday | 🇹 Thanks again for all of the help through this building process <@!372465201808670721> + <@!738431505927241828>. We cannot wait to bring the POAPs to life. cc: <@!410593947027505162> <@!816727974485164062> <@!827964581850513408>

Noun 12#8966: How will the demo be conducted?

brkfstsndwch#6874: We are planning on using general-voice and screensharing there. But are open to Zoom or any other platform as well! Do you have a preference <@!738431505927241828>? The site is already stood up. So we will just be running through the sites flow live with whoever is on the call.

Noun 12#8966: General voice works!

brkfstsndwch#6874: Amazing! It does look like there were a couple family conflicts tomorrow that came up for a few team members sadly, so we may be having to do this on Thursday. But we’ll share the site ahead of time for everyone to review and if you can’t make the demo, you can share notes digitally here!

Noun 12#8966: k

brkfstsndwch#6874: The team is incredibly excited to run through our work on the Nouns Bidder POAP site and claiming mechanisms. The link below is for the microsite where we house the Homepage for the POAP of the current day's auction, an About Page to talk about what the project is/who the artist is, and then a Gallery page that will house all past POAPs and their respective winners for people to explore. In order to keep the POAPs as secure as possible. We are setting up private events for each auction within the POAP ecosystem and then will be "airdropping" the POAPs to all winners' wallets. This ensures the safety, security, and receipt of all POAPs to their rightful owners. We'll touch more on this this afternoon. For anyone who is not able to make it this evening, please feel free to share any comments, questions, concerns, etc. here! Once we're done meeting with the community this evening, we'll respond to all notes. Thanks so much, team! We're incredibly excited to share this with you and get the first POAPs out into the world! See you in general voice at 4:30pm EST. <a:catdance:863083511552409610>

1n#6541: Amazing demo <@!620406459913469955> <@!410593947027505162> and <@!816727974485164062> . Love it all!

1n#6541: and <@!827964581850513408> of course!

brkfstsndwch#6874: Appreciate it so much, friend! Incredibly glad you enjoy it.

brkfstsndwch#6874: **OVERALL UPDATE ** The team had a really great demo with the community and shared thinking behind everything from the design of the Nounish Beings to the type and color choices to the claiming/airdropping functionality of the POAP. With only a minor design recommendation for homepage width/color that we are exploring tonight, we will be sharing a final update tomorrow for community thumbs up ahead of pushing the POAPs live into the world come Saturday for Noun 115!

Noun 22#2222: <:noun_face:863562478546190358> <:noun_face:863562478546190358> <:noun_face:863562478546190358>

Noun 12#8966: As notes on Discourse, when this goes live, I will be putting up a new proposal for the completion payment for Bidder Poaps. It will be 20 ETH to the same address. This team has delivered, love to see it!

Noun 12#8966: and I also will be going for those Poaps

cdt#3727: 🤝

Question: Who's selling nouns?

GPT-4 Answer: Jarmen#2516 is selling a zebra Noun for 420.69 ETH.

Direct Replies:

maty#0984: have you checked the sudoswap pool?

Jarmen#2516: 420.69 for the zebra 🦓

robert#8239: 55eth = too expensive

Other messages in conversation:

bun#0061: I haven't, but *almost* bought a Noun lol. I've used NFTx, NFT Trader, and X2Y2 for Apes in the past.

bun#0061: and of course, OpenSea.

bun#0061: I wouldn't be surprised if one of the other popular Noun Discords end up creating an OTC channel just to help the community.

zaak#4771: yeah 100% there are so many spinoffs atm. which other nouns discord servers do u vibe with atm

bun#0061: None atm. I've joined a few Discords (TNS, Lil Nouns), but haven't started hanging out anywhere yet. I probably chose a bad time to start looking into Nouns, but it's a project I've always admired. Finally started doing DD now that I'm in a position to buy one.

bun#0061: Maybe we move to Reddit? lol

zaak#4771: lmao

zaak#4771: nah it's never a bad time if u believe in the nounish model 🙂

modrovsky#6488: turns out this wouldn't have been the worst idea

bun#0061: Oh no. Were you away from your Ledger when the index card auction ended? 😭


maty#0984: have you checked the sudoswap pool?


Jarmen#2516: 420.69 for the zebra 🦓

Oni#1111: i've re-created this channel on The Jungle if there continues to demand for OTC discussions on discord with Noun owners

Question: Hi <@410593947027505162>, maybe you can help me, you've already created amazing projects for Nouns, Prop House, Nouns Center, Noun O'Talk, SharkDAO, it's amazing work, how's your schedule?

GPT-4 Answer: cdt's schedule used to be crazy when they were also working a full-time job, but roughly 6 months ago, they quit that job to work on their Nouns projects full time. They still work a lot of early mornings and late nights but generally work 9-5 like many people. It's still a bit crazy, but they've found a flow to make it all work.

Direct Replies:

cdt#3727: it used to be crazy when i was also working a full-time job, but roughly 6 months ago i quit that job to work on my Nouns work full time. i still work a lot of early mornings & late nights but generally i work 9-5 like a lot of ppl. it’s still a bit crazy but i’ve found a flow for sure to make it all work!

Other messages in conversation:

cdt#3727: of course. if you need any help let me know.

necfas#7777: i'm most likely reaching out to you very soon for some ideas that I have, I believe is the perfect place for the things I have in mind. I'll let you know once everything is more concrete.

cdt#3727: looking forward to it <a:noun_earth:923689442324144178>


cdt#3727: hey all, updating here as well. dropped a 10-minute interview with Roko (voice-to-text transcribed) that’s super fun. we didn’t tweak the answers and did it in real time and it proved to be super fine. also shoutout <@920770887236583515> and <@811329548750815242> for their first pod as the new pod producers. dropping the “second part” of this interview which is an interview with <@375448233696165888> and <@303004182129147905> all about Roko, Nouns, and much more. stay tuned for that!

Alx#5717: pod production was 🔥

matthewbrooks.eth#1111: loved working on this <@410593947027505162>! can't wait to release pt2 with <@375448233696165888> and <@303004182129147905>

brileigh.eth#1111: Honestly really enjoyed listening to it and waiting to hear how the AI would respond to each question! <a:aPES_GaMusic:619845777388339211>

cdt#3727: studio behind the scenes, in all it’s glory. podded with nouner Brian Flynn this morning about his company Rabbithole, on-chain identity/reputation, Nouns, and his past life as a professional gamer. going on vacation next week but got 2 pods banked for y’all <a:pepe_saber:870694485900791859>

matthewbrooks.eth#1111: peak performance

cdt#3727: it used to be crazy when i was also working a full-time job, but roughly 6 months ago i quit that job to work on my Nouns work full time. i still work a lot of early mornings & late nights but generally i work 9-5 like a lot of ppl. it’s still a bit crazy but i’ve found a flow for sure to make it all work!

JoelCares#5898: cdt's secrets to productivity - uses a stand up desk - eats healthy - has three hands - computer chair is also a toilet - mountain dew vending machine built into computer

cdt#3727: **“cdt”** is actually 3 devs in a trench coat

JoelCares#5898: Charles Devin Trenton

cdt#3727: _…in a trench coat._









cdt#3727: <:noun_logo_prophouse:1014293609580871772> update on what i’ve been up to <:noun_logo_prophouse:1014293609580871772>

cdt#3727: fyi everyone, Nouns Center is now linked from the Docs tab of <a:pepe_saber:870694485900791859> <a:pepe_saber:870694485900791859>

Question: hey <@410593947027505162> i'm currently building an Onboarding Pipeline with NounsDAOAmigos, do you mind if I use some of the information found at

GPT-4 Answer: Yes, you can use the information found at for your Onboarding Pipeline with NounsDAOAmigos. cdt#3727 said, "take all of it, everything, whatever you need."

Direct Replies:

cdt#3727: take all of it, everything, whatever you need.

Other messages in conversation:

brkfstsndwch#6874: And your name

cdt#3727: using it for nouns coffee? bang his line ☎️

brianj#3816: happy to chat! hmu

brkfstsndwch#6874: You know it. I'll definitely reach out with questions <@804065259383685161>, just going to play around for a bit. Appreciate you!

cdt#3727: — little friday update for you all here. i’ve been spending most of time on Prop House. we’re redesigning the whole thing and adding some killer UX upgrades. i’ve dedicated most of this last month to it. nouns center has gotten some upgrades. adding projects has been automated via AddressForm’s API so getting new projects up will be via 1-click approval meaning no more waiting around to get listed. also held a 1.5h informational call about Nouns Center that i believe is recorded. as well as beginning to work on a redesign. the home page is nearly finished and it’ll be a bit upgrade. Also exciting to see 2 other communities (blitmap & lil nouns) fork NC this past month. my next big push for NC is still Search. will probably get to it after Prop House v2 launches tbh. lastly, the podcast. made some format upgrades and i now conduct them over zoom meaning much better audio quality. we’re at 18 episodes & hit 1,400 downloads. recently we had the Noundry episode and the 4156 one, got great feedback from both. i recorded the Vapeape episode yesterday and it should be out early next week. also, i’m bringing in two producers to help with post-processing, distribution, and we’re even in talks of getting the pod up on YouTube, and maybe even a clips channel. gonna see how much we can grow this thing. lastly, booked a very exciting guest i’ve been after for a long time so fingers crossed that happens this next week. if you have any questions about any of my projects or things i can clarify i’m happy to do so. i’m around!

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: When are you going to have honkcast

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: the people want to know

maty#0984: The people:

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: <@357667384342872074> how much do you enjoy breathing?

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: sounds like you want me to kill you

cdt#3727: take all of it, everything, whatever you need.

cdt#3727: of course. if you need any help let me know.

cdt#3727: looking forward to it <a:noun_earth:923689442324144178>


cdt#3727: hey all, updating here as well. dropped a 10-minute interview with Roko (voice-to-text transcribed) that’s super fun. we didn’t tweak the answers and did it in real time and it proved to be super fine. also shoutout <@920770887236583515> and <@811329548750815242> for their first pod as the new pod producers. dropping the “second part” of this interview which is an interview with <@375448233696165888> and <@303004182129147905> all about Roko, Nouns, and much more. stay tuned for that!

Alx#5717: pod production was 🔥

matthewbrooks.eth#1111: loved working on this <@410593947027505162>! can't wait to release pt2 with <@375448233696165888> and <@303004182129147905>

brileigh.eth#1111: Honestly really enjoyed listening to it and waiting to hear how the AI would respond to each question! <a:aPES_GaMusic:619845777388339211>

cdt#3727: studio behind the scenes, in all it’s glory. podded with nouner Brian Flynn this morning about his company Rabbithole, on-chain identity/reputation, Nouns, and his past life as a professional gamer. going on vacation next week but got 2 pods banked for y’all <a:pepe_saber:870694485900791859>

matthewbrooks.eth#1111: peak performance

Deleted User#0000: Hi <@410593947027505162>, maybe you can help me, you've already created amazing projects for Nouns, Prop House, Nouns Center, Noun O'Talk, SharkDAO, it's amazing work, how's your schedule?

cdt#3727: it used to be crazy when i was also working a full-time job, but roughly 6 months ago i quit that job to work on my Nouns work full time. i still work a lot of early mornings & late nights but generally i work 9-5 like a lot of ppl. it’s still a bit crazy but i’ve found a flow for sure to make it all work!

JoelCares#5898: cdt's secrets to productivity - uses a stand up desk - eats healthy - has three hands - computer chair is also a toilet - mountain dew vending machine built into computer

cdt#3727: **“cdt”** is actually 3 devs in a trench coat

JoelCares#5898: Charles Devin Trenton

cdt#3727: _…in a trench coat._

Deleted User#0000: I have fun with the theme, healthy eating, I always try, but the routine doesn't help,





Deleted User#0000:



Deleted User#0000:

Question: How often does the project list get updated on I submitted for FOODNOUNS a bit ago and wanted to follow up on it.

GPT-4 Answer: The project list on gets updated when the projects are submitted and approved. In this case, FOODNOUNS was resubmitted and then added to the list by cdt#3727.

Direct Replies:

cdt#3727: i see 2 projects in the backlog and foodnouns isn't one of them. not sure what happened. if you resubmit it, ill get it up this morning.

andrewladdusaw#8362: I resubmitted. Hopefully it shows up. 🙂

cdt#3727: it’s live now

andrewladdusaw#8362: Thank you!

Other messages in conversation:

SerNoadz#3802: <@410593947027505162> Created a PR to add the new traits.

cdt#3727: <:monkeyThink:832355184704880711>

cdt#3727: merged, <@910446457004359680>. thank you for contributing to 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓-𝖘𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖈𝖊 𝖘𝖔𝖋𝖙𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖊.

travsap#9140: Same, Volunteership as Lil Noun 515

JoshuaFisher#0001: Customary <@410593947027505162> appreciation post

JoshuaFisher#0001: Carry on


cdt#3727: <:salute:865651240562327602>


!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: Thanks so so so much!

cdt#3727: i see 2 projects in the backlog and foodnouns isn't one of them. not sure what happened. if you resubmit it, ill get it up this morning.

cdt#3727: it’s live now

brkfstsndwch#6874: <@410593947027505162>, what is the wallet connect form product you've used in the past again?


cdt#3727: same for nouns site

cdt#3727: we’ll switch to rainbowkit tho

brkfstsndwch#6874: Oh no, I'm talking about the web3 version of google forms

cdt#3727: ah

brkfstsndwch#6874: But smart on the rainbowkit!

cdt#3727: AddressForm, made by <@804065259383685161> the god

cdt#3727: <:PES_God:643089270537584680>

brkfstsndwch#6874: Praise be his name

brkfstsndwch#6874: And your name

cdt#3727: using it for nouns coffee? bang his line ☎️

brianj#3816: happy to chat! hmu

brkfstsndwch#6874: You know it. I'll definitely reach out with questions <@804065259383685161>, just going to play around for a bit. Appreciate you!

cdt#3727: — little friday update for you all here. i’ve been spending most of time on Prop House. we’re redesigning the whole thing and adding some killer UX upgrades. i’ve dedicated most of this last month to it. nouns center has gotten some upgrades. adding projects has been automated via AddressForm’s API so getting new projects up will be via 1-click approval meaning no more waiting around to get listed. also held a 1.5h informational call about Nouns Center that i believe is recorded. as well as beginning to work on a redesign. the home page is nearly finished and it’ll be a bit upgrade. Also exciting to see 2 other communities (blitmap & lil nouns) fork NC this past month. my next big push for NC is still Search. will probably get to it after Prop House v2 launches tbh. lastly, the podcast. made some format upgrades and i now conduct them over zoom meaning much better audio quality. we’re at 18 episodes & hit 1,400 downloads. recently we had the Noundry episode and the 4156 one, got great feedback from both. i recorded the Vapeape episode yesterday and it should be out early next week. also, i’m bringing in two producers to help with post-processing, distribution, and we’re even in talks of getting the pod up on YouTube, and maybe even a clips channel. gonna see how much we can grow this thing. lastly, booked a very exciting guest i’ve been after for a long time so fingers crossed that happens this next week. if you have any questions about any of my projects or things i can clarify i’m happy to do so. i’m around!

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: When are you going to have honkcast

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: the people want to know

maty#0984: The people:

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: <@357667384342872074> how much do you enjoy breathing?

H O N K D I D D L Y#2881: sounds like you want me to kill you

necfas#7777: hey <@410593947027505162> i'm currently building an Onboarding Pipeline with NounsDAOAmigos, do you mind if I use some of the information found at

cdt#3727: take all of it, everything, whatever you need.

necfas#7777: gracias amigo <33

Question: <@410593947027505162> do you know what traits lost noun 122 has?

GPT-4 Answer: cdt#3727: with lost nouns we built this hover trait bubble to help with this! on mobile you just click the noun since there’s no hover. In the context provided, the traits of lost noun 122 were not explicitly mentioned. However, cdt#3727 mentioned a hover trait bubble that can be used to view the traits of lost nouns. On mobile, you can click the noun to see the traits.

Direct Replies:

Other messages in conversation:

cdt#3727: thanks for always supportin’ this channels updates, <@910446457004359680> 🫡

SerNoadz#3802: <:nouns_def_salute:999878787057598494>

WNX#7117: Your gifs / memes are always on point ser <a:SALUTE:971091241179693077>

cdt#3727: 🤣

ripe#5673: Not sure if this is the right channel to put this, but it looks like the Small Grants list has disappeared.

cdt#3727: yep, clocked that yesterday. that table pulls data from <@881315476163141642>’s notion so need to check if anything been changed in the last couple days

Noun 22#2222: yes, we are migrating over to a new notion! i forgot the old one was linked on nouns center

Noun 22#2222: sorry about that. let me know if it plugs in, or if we could do something to help make it easier

ripe#5673: Too bad Notion doesn't allow for easy embedding of databases.

cdt#3727: will do, appreciate it

cdt#3727: hello hello welcome!

cdt#3727: with lost nouns we built this hover trait bubble to help with this! on mobile you just click the noun since there’s no hover.

cdt#3727: another fun fact, you’ll notice the bridge & side are 1-pixel higher than the regular glasses. another draft idea that didn’t make the final cut.

cdt#3727: the **Blitmap**/**SUP** community forked Nouns Center! <a:pepe_saber:870694485900791859> <a:pepe_saber:870694485900791859> <a:pepe_saber:870694485900791859> <a:pepe_saber:870694485900791859> <a:pepe_saber:870694485900791859> <a:pepe_saber:870694485900791859>


!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: Hey <@410593947027505162> ! I wonder if i could sweet talk you into adding ids to the html on the traits page, for heads, glasses, bodies and accessories, so that we can link directly to the sets quickly during FOMO? Pretty please with 🍦 🍫 and 🍒 on top?? 🙂 Here is where I am playing around with it: Hope i can be awake for your slot on the Nouniversary Noun Square spaces!

cdt#3727: do you mean just the 4 sections? so like: /traits/heads /traits/glasses /traits/accessories / traits/ bodies? and you can link to a section and it’s scroll down to it?

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: Gm! Exactly!

cdt#3727: can definitely do that early this coming week <:salute:865651240562327602>


cdt#3727: 1,000 pod downloads!

cdt#3727: seems like the 4156 episode is doing well lol

WNX#7117: "very" well 😂

modrovsky#6488: well deserved…you know

SerNoadz#3802: <@410593947027505162> Created a PR to add the new traits.

cdt#3727: <:monkeyThink:832355184704880711>

cdt#3727: merged, <@910446457004359680>. thank you for contributing to 𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖓-𝖘𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖈𝖊 𝖘𝖔𝖋𝖙𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖊.

travsap#9140: Same, Volunteership as Lil Noun 515

JoshuaFisher#0001: Customary <@410593947027505162> appreciation post

JoshuaFisher#0001: Carry on


cdt#3727: <:salute:865651240562327602>


!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: Thanks so so so much!

andrewladdusaw#8362: How often does the project list get updated on I submitted for FOODNOUNS a bit ago and wanted to follow up on it.

Question: no, ive talked to brian about the solution. sounds like once he launches it thats what you're looking for?

GPT-4 Answer: Yes, cdt#3727 mentioned that the solution Brian is working on might be what JoshuaFisher#0001 is looking for in terms of viewing all the votes with images.

Direct Replies:

JoshuaFisher#0001: thx!

Other messages in conversation:

JoshuaFisher#0001: <@410593947027505162> I'm working on creating a character wiki for Nouns. There are some interesting Notion templates but curious if you have any ideas? Basically want to fork

JoshuaFisher#0001: Actually might just use Fandom?

RobotFishGirl#2795: show/book/media specific wiki platform. example:

samellis ⌐◨-◨#4764: That art looks so familiar, can’t seem to remember from where…

RobotFishGirl#2795: hehehe i may have picked that particular article for a reason 😂

krel#0404: <@410593947027505162> do you happen to have the lost head traits as .svg somewhere? only give me pngs

krel#0404: a folder with the 109 heads would be fantastic edit: lost noggles too 🙏

krel#0404: (add to even?)

krel#0404: nm! i realize im asking for things that does not readily exist (messhup helped me)

JoshuaFisher#0001: <@410593947027505162> I know Brian is working on a version of voter view but have you heard of any other solutions to view all the votes w/ images or anything?

JoshuaFisher#0001: thx!

worthalter | POAP#0001: why is the current holder address not resolving reverse ENS ?

SerNoadz#3802: After refresh it did for me.

brianj#3816: did this resolve after refresh? Putting out a batch of patches tonight so if not I can try and slip in this fix

worthalter | POAP#0001: brian 👏

brianj#3816: 💯

brianj#3816: will add ... "make sure ens auto resoles after auction win redirect" to my list of things to do in any case github issue:

Benbodhi#1111: Would love to chat about your ideas garden thing I’ve been hearing about when you’re back <@410593947027505162> I stated planning a nounish subdao months ago that includes this aspect, a place for ideas to go that don’t necessarily have the team or final concepts down. But allows community to run with them and make things happen. Originally thought about it being a simple discord channel, but I like the idea of some infrastructure for it. Curious about what you’ve been working on in that regard and whether suitable/possible to use.

Benbodhi#1111: Epic! Can’t wait to see it.

Goldy#0420: Hey <@410593947027505162> imma struggle to articulate this but theres something about the layout of the site in general that throws me that i wanted to share. The landing page having the 4 main times makes me think that all content exists within them. But thats not true. Its not even true that those 4 squares represent the 4 top level categories that exist in your main nav menu. I think there must be a way to create a better connection between the top level (landing page) and the sub menus. Or to rework the idea of that landing page all together. For example... What if the 4 big buttons on the main page were actually the 4 different categories you had on the left menu bar, and once you clicked on each they took you to a top-level page of that category. So instead of an INTRO TO NOUNS button, you click an ABOUT NOUNS button, and an ABOUT NOUNS page lists the subpages in a slightly richer way than the menu on its own

Goldy#0420: does this make sense?

Goldy#0420: no worries i figured as always this thing is in a flow and gonna change. but just wanted to let you know that i often have a confused experience. once im on the right content page i need its a dream, but im in a slight daze while looking for it 😆

Goldy#0420: appreciate all you do

Goldy#0420: Makes perfect sense. So are you on the hunt for a new design partner then?

Goldy#0420: What we’re these “other means”? 😅

Goldy#0420: 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 ok will keep my brain on this in case of ideas

Doowop#5343: I'd be interested in helping out with ideas

necfas#7777: <@410593947027505162> would it be possible to add in /talent writer, marketer, creative director, and creative? (just some that came from the top of my head but basically adding more vocations).

necfas#7777: I see, makes sense. I would say: PM Developer Artist Designer Writer Creative? Marketer Operations Finances

necfas#7777: I believe that covers pretty much everything, if not, it’s a good 8 where you can generally fit anything into that. Then people will understand with the small description exactly what you do.

necfas#7777: pleasure to help, appreciate your work cdt.

NORARK#6695: I think it would be nice to have multiple combinations like Tag.

Benbodhi#1111: I saw, thank you ser! This is amazing! My concept for this would be similar but include what role/s the idea creator would like to take on as well if they do. But I love the simplicity of this, ideas only, do what you want with them

JoshuaFisher#0001: 1st!

JoshuaFisher#0001: Did I do it right?

Question: <@410593947027505162> I know Brian is working on a version of voter view but have you heard of any other solutions to view all the votes w/ images or anything?

GPT-4 Answer: JoshuaFisher#0001 asked if there were any other solutions to view all the votes with images besides the version of voter view that Brian is working on. cdt#3727 replied that they have talked to Brian about the solution and it seems like that will be the solution JoshuaFisher#0001 is looking for once it's launched.

Direct Replies:

cdt#3727: no, ive talked to brian about the solution. sounds like once he launches it thats what you're looking for?

JoshuaFisher#0001: thx!

Other messages in conversation:

fiveoceans_dev#5450: GM

cdt#3727: hey thanks, no rush. just let me know when you have all your content ready, what exactly it all is, and then we’ll look at reorganizing the /assets page <:salute:865651240562327602>

cdt#3727: never heard of it 😅

RobotFishGirl#2795: show/book/media specific wiki platform. example:

samellis ⌐◨-◨#4764: That art looks so familiar, can’t seem to remember from where…

RobotFishGirl#2795: hehehe i may have picked that particular article for a reason 😂

krel#0404: <@410593947027505162> do you happen to have the lost head traits as .svg somewhere? only give me pngs

krel#0404: a folder with the 109 heads would be fantastic edit: lost noggles too 🙏

krel#0404: (add to even?)

krel#0404: nm! i realize im asking for things that does not readily exist (messhup helped me)

cdt#3727: no, ive talked to brian about the solution. sounds like once he launches it thats what you're looking for?

worthalter | POAP#0001: why is the current holder address not resolving reverse ENS ?

cdt#3727: i think you meant to post in <#959548905807314944> / cc: <@804065259383685161>

SerNoadz#3802: After refresh it did for me.

brianj#3816: did this resolve after refresh? Putting out a batch of patches tonight so if not I can try and slip in this fix

worthalter | POAP#0001: brian 👏

brianj#3816: 💯

brianj#3816: will add ... "make sure ens auto resoles after auction win redirect" to my list of things to do in any case github issue:

cdt#3727: on vacation but dropping by to share that Mfers deployed a Nouns Center fork and it’s now their community site! <a:noun_earth:923689442324144178> i know Lil Nouns is also working on a fork and my hope is to clean up the codebase & write documentation to make it way easier for more communities to get up-and-running with a community site of their own <:salute:865651240562327602>

Benbodhi#1111: Would love to chat about your ideas garden thing I’ve been hearing about when you’re back <@410593947027505162> I stated planning a nounish subdao months ago that includes this aspect, a place for ideas to go that don’t necessarily have the team or final concepts down. But allows community to run with them and make things happen. Originally thought about it being a simple discord channel, but I like the idea of some infrastructure for it. Curious about what you’ve been working on in that regard and whether suitable/possible to use.

cdt#3727: so v1 is done and working to deploy asap with <@228925367472095232> when i’m back! we’ll get it in peoples hands and just sit back and see how it’s used before developing further. my thesis being if this will be helpful it’ll be helpful even in an MVP state, but we have several features we’d like to add to it for sure. ideally this week? i’m back at the computer Tuesday the 19th

Benbodhi#1111: Epic! Can’t wait to see it.

Goldy#0420: Hey <@410593947027505162> imma struggle to articulate this but theres something about the layout of the site in general that throws me that i wanted to share. The landing page having the 4 main times makes me think that all content exists within them. But thats not true. Its not even true that those 4 squares represent the 4 top level categories that exist in your main nav menu. I think there must be a way to create a better connection between the top level (landing page) and the sub menus. Or to rework the idea of that landing page all together. For example... What if the 4 big buttons on the main page were actually the 4 different categories you had on the left menu bar, and once you clicked on each they took you to a top-level page of that category. So instead of an INTRO TO NOUNS button, you click an ABOUT NOUNS button, and an ABOUT NOUNS page lists the subpages in a slightly richer way than the menu on its own

Goldy#0420: does this make sense?

cdt#3727: first of all, how dare you.

cdt#3727: jk, secondly, yes. i’m reworking the whole home page flow. when search is incorporate things will flow differently. homepage needs a refresh and you’re right, need to give a better sense of what all can is on the site (_a lot_)

Goldy#0420: no worries i figured as always this thing is in a flow and gonna change. but just wanted to let you know that i often have a confused experience. once im on the right content page i need its a dream, but im in a slight daze while looking for it 😆

Goldy#0420: appreciate all you do

cdt#3727: my approach has been very iterative with its useful _today_ vs waiting for **all** the content and **all** the design to be there. i’m optimizing 51% for _usefulness_ and getting “paint on the walls”, as in as much useful content as possible like Gnars said. optimizing for question-answering and sharability. sadly the designer i had working with me dropped early on so i’m doing my best but definitely needs and more professional pass over and all the UI could be wayyyy more Nounish while not copying (tbh the main thought plaguing me while i’ve been on vacation). so yeah it’s useful for sure. but i need to reworking the UI _and_ UX a bit more for it to truly be 🤌🏽

cdt#3727: yep, and if you’re ever lost search will definitely help, but trust me, i hear you.

Goldy#0420: Makes perfect sense. So are you on the hunt for a new design partner then?

cdt#3727: jk but yea the original designer was doing pro bono/getting paid via other means so there was never a budget cause i assumed it was taken care of. haven’t located someone new but need to figure how much and where to get funding from for them.

cdt#3727: id love to have someone though cause it was always supposed to be a joint effort. i do direction & development but i ideally offloaded design

Goldy#0420: What we’re these “other means”? 😅

cdt#3727: DMing

Question: Hi! Could be helpful to include a .jpg of the Nouns color palette. I have Adobe Suite but don't know where to open these files?

GPT-4 Answer: You can open the .act (Adobe Color Table) file in Photoshop and the .ase (Adobe Swatch Exchange) file in any Adobe software. To access the palette in Photoshop, double-click the file, and it will load in the swatches tab.

Direct Replies:

cdt#3727: you can right click & save the thumbnail image itself but again the actual palette file will always be best/truest. i believe you can open the .act (Adobe Color Table) file in Photoshop and the .ase (Adobe Swatch Exchange) file in any Adobe software

Other messages in conversation:

cdt#3727: yea an interesting thought _if_ we can find the perfect images (variety & negative space). would have to verify them working on mobile too

cdt#3727: This Week's Updates: - Released edited Lil Nouns/Gnars pod - Recorded new pod with Nouns Dota - Shipped Funding page - Shipped 2 guides: Proposals & Small Grants - New assets: SVGs, 3d Glasses, Figma file - New navigation menu - New dev resources




Benbodhi#1111: I had a thought about the top layout. This is just a quick thing I did on my phone to get the idea across, lining up, spacing and text width could use some tweaking obviously. Was picturing this or similar with just text in the left and the search below and centered. 🤷‍♂️ I’ll have a look again on the computer later. It’s probably amazing already.

modrovsky#6488: Browsing traits on nouns center and saw this

cdt#3727: oof, thanks. will fix <:salute:865651240562327602>

Benbodhi#1111: We like the hockey punks

cdt#3727: hey all, updates of the past week and a half: - bunch of Prop House PRs (most of my time) - booked/planning FOMO Nouns pod - Nouns Center `/ideas` page 99% complete with <@228925367472095232> - working on Nouns Center Search v1

cdt#3727: you can right click & save the thumbnail image itself but again the actual palette file will always be best/truest. i believe you can open the .act (Adobe Color Table) file in Photoshop and the .ase (Adobe Swatch Exchange) file in any Adobe software

cdt#3727: should ask <@910446457004359680> or <@719704406886580266>. i don’t actually use these files (not an artist)

SerNoadz#3802: If you open it in PS (just double click the file, it will load it in), you can access the palette in the swatches tab.

Bigshot Klim#1853: Hey <@410593947027505162> Here are a bunch of really nice and clean AR assets of the Noggles. these are GLB great for AR and filters. I have them in my shop with a ton of free downloadable content but I think it will be more beneficial as a free CC0asset to anyone can have a nice quality file to play with . When i get back I will kick over the STLs for 3D printing and OBJs for any kind of modeling. as well as some AI files so people that want to make their own Tshirts or noggle stickers can just grab a clean set from our collection. Maybe you can give me a "NOUNworks Asset library" section and I can update with all sorts of fun things as we get them built. I think that it is far more useful to have these things be available to anyone and not just have them live on my hard drive

fiveoceans_dev#5450: GM

cdt#3727: hey thanks, no rush. just let me know when you have all your content ready, what exactly it all is, and then we’ll look at reorganizing the /assets page <:salute:865651240562327602>

cdt#3727: never heard of it 😅

RobotFishGirl#2795: show/book/media specific wiki platform. example:

samellis ⌐◨-◨#4764: That art looks so familiar, can’t seem to remember from where…

RobotFishGirl#2795: hehehe i may have picked that particular article for a reason 😂

krel#0404: <@410593947027505162> do you happen to have the lost head traits as .svg somewhere? only give me pngs

krel#0404: a folder with the 109 heads would be fantastic edit: lost noggles too 🙏

krel#0404: (add to even?)

krel#0404: nm! i realize im asking for things that does not readily exist (messhup helped me)

cdt#3727: no, ive talked to brian about the solution. sounds like once he launches it thats what you're looking for?

worthalter | POAP#0001: why is the current holder address not resolving reverse ENS ?

cdt#3727: i think you meant to post in <#959548905807314944> / cc: <@804065259383685161>

SerNoadz#3802: After refresh it did for me.

brianj#3816: did this resolve after refresh? Putting out a batch of patches tonight so if not I can try and slip in this fix

worthalter | POAP#0001: brian 👏

brianj#3816: 💯

brianj#3816: will add ... "make sure ens auto resoles after auction win redirect" to my list of things to do in any case github issue:

cdt#3727: on vacation but dropping by to share that Mfers deployed a Nouns Center fork and it’s now their community site! <a:noun_earth:923689442324144178> i know Lil Nouns is also working on a fork and my hope is to clean up the codebase & write documentation to make it way easier for more communities to get up-and-running with a community site of their own <:salute:865651240562327602>

Benbodhi#1111: Would love to chat about your ideas garden thing I’ve been hearing about when you’re back <@410593947027505162> I stated planning a nounish subdao months ago that includes this aspect, a place for ideas to go that don’t necessarily have the team or final concepts down. But allows community to run with them and make things happen. Originally thought about it being a simple discord channel, but I like the idea of some infrastructure for it. Curious about what you’ve been working on in that regard and whether suitable/possible to use.

cdt#3727: so v1 is done and working to deploy asap with <@228925367472095232> when i’m back! we’ll get it in peoples hands and just sit back and see how it’s used before developing further. my thesis being if this will be helpful it’ll be helpful even in an MVP state, but we have several features we’d like to add to it for sure. ideally this week? i’m back at the computer Tuesday the 19th

Question: Keep killing it! Is the plan to eventually link to Nouns Center from main Nouns site?

GPT-4 Answer: Yes, the plan is to eventually link to Nouns Center from the main Nouns site, specifically from the "Docs" button.

Direct Replies:

cdt#3727: yes, to link out from “Docs” button i believe

Other messages in conversation:

cdt#3727: yea, got a grant from them since it’s an open source proejct

cdt#3727: it’ll get expensive so glad to have gotten some funding

cdt#3727: ?

cdt#3727: nah, <@372465201808670721> you can remove if you want. id like to keep all my proejct work under residency. or keep open i guess if useful for others to read but i plan to post all updates here

cdt#3727: oh sorry, no i got an algolia grant for their search

cdt#3727: it’ll get expensive cause you pay via search records etc and as the nouns “center” i imagine that’ll grow quickly and can’t find it personally. so i got some generous tier and now i’m working on setting up

cdt#3727: currently yes. obviously not sustainable.

cdt#3727: just a frontend dev, but ideally will get help for a better solution.

cdt#3727: something > nothing

cdt#3727: yeah i’ll get devcarrot or brian probably to advise me on what makes most sense, whenever that point comes. currently the backlog of just frontend things to do and pages to add is long. and i use brian’s tool AddressForm ( to collect submissions so i can add later. like a wallet signature-gated backlog. thankfully i’m not getting dozens of submissions a day or even week so not a problem. ideally we’ll get to a point, maybe just extending brian’s tool where ppl can submit, with image upload, and on my “admin” side just “approve” or “reject” and it’s added into the site. figure out DB etc, not my strong suit. but totally will become necessary since will be too much upkeep and i don’t want ppl to have to use GH for submitting.

cdt#3727: yes, to link out from “Docs” button i believe

Bigshot Klim#1853: awesome I will include these in the main link tree for the glasses and pins

cdt#3727: shipped v1 of light/dark mode toggle today

cdt#3727: more polish necessary but basic functionality is there. gonna standardize nouns center palette soon. now you can pick your mode

cdt#3727: <:PES_Cool:513334287198584834>

cdt#3727: thanks!

cdt#3727: same tbh but many ppl have asked for the toggle so i built it lol. not tryna only ship my ideas

skilift.eth#0785: so. good.

cdt#3727: thats _tomorrow_ christian’s problem

cdt#3727: <a:aPES_RainbowGlasses:668894613389574156>

cdt#3727: thanks! need to redo the images to center the eyes, but thought this would be a fun addition

cdt#3727: too many todos, one cdt

cdt#3727: everyday. forever.

elad#6192: Could be cool to add a guide on how to delegate votes

cdt#3727: brian’s adding it to the site. his channel has more details.

cdt#3727: “i’m your host cdt” 📻 <a:aPES_MmmYeMusic:660223255646437428> teaser from editing latest podcast ep on subdaos. got bumper music and will be pre-recording intros with the fancy mic 🗣🎙

cdt#3727: also shipped dark mode selection persistence on nouns center 🫡

cdt#3727: all aboard the 𝕊.𝕊. 𝕃𝕠𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕖 🛳

cdt#3727: and spruced you the home with some widgets thanks to <@719704406886580266>’s suggestions

cdt#3727: 3 new pods went live, bumper song + pre-recorded intro and everything! gonna work through the first 8 episodes next to standardize quality 🥳🎙️

Benbodhi#1111: Hey <@410593947027505162> I just noticed on the page, on screens 639px and smaller, the text pops out of the panels and is light on light bg. I had a quick look through the code using inspector and looks like you might be compiling or using a framework, so I couldn't provide some neat CSS. But my hack version: ```css ul li p { color: black !important; } ``` I know this code is unlikely helpful to use, but just helping to point it out 🙂 Is this site's code on GitHub?

Benbodhi#1111: I found the repo 🙂 Let me see if I can actually make a contribution or something.

Benbodhi#1111: Screen for reference

cdt#3727: hey! i just pushed a fix. i removed dark mode yesterday (temporarily) and looks like I had an old dark mode rule still in place

cdt#3727: open to PRs in general, but wanted to get this fixed asap and i knew exactly what this problem was since it was yesterday these Tailwind `dark:...` classes

Question: So the way nouns center works now, are you manually just adding everything?

GPT-4 Answer: Yes, currently cdt#3727 is manually adding everything to the Nouns Center. They mentioned that this is not sustainable and they are looking for a better solution in the future. They are using Brian's tool AddressForm ( to collect submissions for now. Ideally, they want to reach a point where people can submit with image upload, and on the admin side, they can just approve or reject, and it's added to the site.

Direct Replies:

Other messages in conversation:

cdt#3727: open to thoughts <@95704393151680512> / <@428632361002074132>. i know wag’s on vacation

cdt#3727: redid the home page of collapsed the nav and will redesign internal pages to use more real estate working on next: dark/light mode, individual project pages, and Search 👀

cdt#3727: oh, very open to that. baby steps. setting up search had been/is still difficult. what i spent most of yesterday working on. trying to set up similar search to Tailwind docs ideally. but ideally this homepage is as visually appealing as possible while still being easy to use

cdt#3727: so imagine `cmd + K` === anything in Nouns ecosystem

cdt#3727: yea, got a grant from them since it’s an open source proejct

cdt#3727: it’ll get expensive so glad to have gotten some funding

cdt#3727: ?

cdt#3727: nah, <@372465201808670721> you can remove if you want. id like to keep all my proejct work under residency. or keep open i guess if useful for others to read but i plan to post all updates here

cdt#3727: oh sorry, no i got an algolia grant for their search

cdt#3727: it’ll get expensive cause you pay via search records etc and as the nouns “center” i imagine that’ll grow quickly and can’t find it personally. so i got some generous tier and now i’m working on setting up

cdt#3727: currently yes. obviously not sustainable.

cdt#3727: just a frontend dev, but ideally will get help for a better solution.

cdt#3727: something > nothing

cdt#3727: yeah i’ll get devcarrot or brian probably to advise me on what makes most sense, whenever that point comes. currently the backlog of just frontend things to do and pages to add is long. and i use brian’s tool AddressForm ( to collect submissions so i can add later. like a wallet signature-gated backlog. thankfully i’m not getting dozens of submissions a day or even week so not a problem. ideally we’ll get to a point, maybe just extending brian’s tool where ppl can submit, with image upload, and on my “admin” side just “approve” or “reject” and it’s added into the site. figure out DB etc, not my strong suit. but totally will become necessary since will be too much upkeep and i don’t want ppl to have to use GH for submitting.

cdt#3727: yes, to link out from “Docs” button i believe

Bigshot Klim#1853: awesome I will include these in the main link tree for the glasses and pins

cdt#3727: shipped v1 of light/dark mode toggle today

cdt#3727: more polish necessary but basic functionality is there. gonna standardize nouns center palette soon. now you can pick your mode

cdt#3727: <:PES_Cool:513334287198584834>

cdt#3727: thanks!

cdt#3727: same tbh but many ppl have asked for the toggle so i built it lol. not tryna only ship my ideas

skilift.eth#0785: so. good.

cdt#3727: thats _tomorrow_ christian’s problem

cdt#3727: <a:aPES_RainbowGlasses:668894613389574156>

cdt#3727: thanks! need to redo the images to center the eyes, but thought this would be a fun addition

cdt#3727: too many todos, one cdt

cdt#3727: everyday. forever.

elad#6192: Could be cool to add a guide on how to delegate votes

cdt#3727: brian’s adding it to the site. his channel has more details.

cdt#3727: “i’m your host cdt” 📻 <a:aPES_MmmYeMusic:660223255646437428> teaser from editing latest podcast ep on subdaos. got bumper music and will be pre-recording intros with the fancy mic 🗣🎙

cdt#3727: also shipped dark mode selection persistence on nouns center 🫡

cdt#3727: all aboard the 𝕊.𝕊. 𝕃𝕠𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕘𝕖 🛳

cdt#3727: and spruced you the home with some widgets thanks to <@719704406886580266>’s suggestions

cdt#3727: 3 new pods went live, bumper song + pre-recorded intro and everything! gonna work through the first 8 episodes next to standardize quality 🥳🎙️

Benbodhi#1111: Hey <@410593947027505162> I just noticed on the page, on screens 639px and smaller, the text pops out of the panels and is light on light bg. I had a quick look through the code using inspector and looks like you might be compiling or using a framework, so I couldn't provide some neat CSS. But my hack version: ```css ul li p { color: black !important; } ``` I know this code is unlikely helpful to use, but just helping to point it out 🙂 Is this site's code on GitHub?

Question: Does Noun #2 not count as the first fractionalization? <a:hmmsip:925510143414796340>

GPT-4 Answer: Yes, Noun #2 can be considered the first fractionalization effort, as mentioned by dropnerd#1449. They argue that SharkDAO was the first group to democratize access to Nouns, and even though the term "fractionalization" might not be strictly accurate, it can still be seen as the first fractionalization effort.

Direct Replies:

Other messages in conversation:

cdt#3727: also if you’d like to add yourself to the /talent page on Nouns Center that be great!

cdt#3727: also day 1 was amazing. i can’t believe it.

cdt#3727: couple updates: - 8 new timeline events:

9999#9948: *first proposal

cdt#3727: update pushed!

cdt#3727: - Project card changes (bigger on desktop but will undergo revamp, better on mobile)

cdt#3727: - Categorical project URLs (pre-filtered projects when directly navigating to specific urls)

cdt#3727: • • • •

cdt#3727: - cron job set up to track empty & dead links (thanks <@804065259383685161>). will add support for track 404s

davinoyesigye#8954: Don't mean to be a Nag! But i can really help you with this. Been editing audio for 7 years. Would love to help you on the Podcast, if you don't mind <@410593947027505162>

cdt#3727: has it been "fractionalized"?

cdt#3727: are we supposed to think of a shark noun & partybid noun11 in the same way?

cdt#3727: i ask because idk.

cdt#3727: im good for now, thank you. have had a lot of people reach out, thankfully! gonna give it a shot myself first, but noted!

cdt#3727: im open to whatever is correct. i just don't understand "fractionalization" intimately.

cdt#3727: and i see that i have this noun token, but shark token represents a share in... all 6 nouns? all of sharks assets? again, is this the same thing as "a fractionalized noun"?

cdt#3727: also, noun 11 can't vote as a group (doesnt matter now cause it's getting sold), but never understood that part either

dropnerd#1449: fractionalization as partybid / fractional understands it is proportional ownership of a Noun, but they view it as a financial transaction, they never prioritized rich transactions like governance. their main concern was buyout

wag#5265: may be a distinction too btw off-chain covenants of $shark and contract-lvl fractional

dropnerd#1449: sharkdao provides a much richer interface for interaction by allowing governance, albiet offchain, and doesnt provide a liquidation mechanism

dropnerd#1449: i would argue that we were the first fractionalization effort, but maybe the partydao/fractional people have a different take

cdt#3727: so i just got that info from his post

cdt#3727: but consensus is, historically, noun 11 isn’t technically first fractionalized noun? again, i’m not here to throw my opinion in. i just the timeline to be correct

dropnerd#1449: i think that info originated from the partydao info and got copied across the nouniverse

cdt#3727: and add interesting timeline events ppl would want to see

dropnerd#1449: i think this is one of those things where if historians write a textbook, they'll argue over what to put in

cdt#3727: historians: you, wag, and sasquatch textbook: nouns center

dropnerd#1449: exactly

dropnerd#1449: so if you were to draw a distinction and believe that liquidation or atomic ownership of a noun is key to fractionalization, then sharkdao would be the first collector dao focused on nouns while noun11 would be the first fractional noun

cdt#3727: could add #2 as “first subdao noun” and rename 11 to “first fractional noun”?

dropnerd#1449: but i think id be content with something like "sharkdao is the first group to democratize access to nouns", whether or not our effort was strictly fractionalization is not super important to me

dropnerd#1449: wonder if <@95704393151680512> or <@827708794841727076> or <@428632361002074132> have some thoughts about this framing

cdt#3727: but on that note, need a decision on actual **title**

cdt#3727: ?

dropnerd#1449: if you were to push to make a decision, i would argue that we were the first fractionalization effort

Question: <@362737590430072862> How would I get the Prop Builder role?

GPT-4 Answer: SerNoadz, you should now have the Prop Builder role as devcarrot mentioned, "Should be good to go."

Direct Replies:

devcarrot#8109: Should be good to go

Other messages in conversation:

WNX#7117: Love! ❣️

brkfstsndwch#6874: <@910446457004359680> gorgeous!

cdt#3727: if you use Rainbow for your wallet you can now see your PAOPs natively, even if you don’t transfer on-chain

brkfstsndwch#6874: FINALLY. Very excited about this.

brkfstsndwch#6874: Only a few more and you'll have me beat, <@!738431505927241828>.

onvx#4299: neato

brkfstsndwch#6874: Love it!

maty#0984: Pls delete

JoshuaFisher#0001: I got my first POAP and I love it 🤗

Goldy#0420: POAP party?

KoroMonjya#4064: yes please

mystqwmn#9003: 👍

JoelCares#5898: <@372465201808670721> <@337237854696505344> <@618796826577076245> <@813421644298321961> Can we get <@910446457004359680> a Prop Builder role pls 🙏 👷

JoelCares#5898: Someone will see that lol. I'll check later today

devcarrot#8109: Should be good to go

brkfstsndwch#6874: Well would you look at that! <@910446457004359680> hello fellow builder, let’s do this thing 🫡

brkfstsndwch#6874: The team is meeting for their official kickoff tomorrow afternoon and I will be sharing a full recap and next steps following. Excited to bring the POAPs to all!

samellis ⌐◨-◨#4764: We are rolling out native POAP functionality on BLOCKS and can't wait to show off the new POAPs you make!

brkfstsndwch#6874: Look at those beauties!

brkfstsndwch#6874: 06.18.22 | Kick Off Recap Hello, friends! The team officially kicked off prop 93 yesterday evening and we are incredibly excited for what’s in store. Below is a recap of what the team will be up to in the first few week’s of our work. **POAP Art** - The legendary <@910446457004359680> will be executing on a masterful set of templates that will be used for all retroactive and future bidder POAPs for V2. - For the next two weeks, <@620406459913469955> and SerNoadz will be working together to build out and send all retroactive POAPs since V1 ended (Noun 296) **Design + Development** - 0xDesigner along with <@620406459913469955> and <@411952680244740096> will be working on the front end design and user experience of the site, exploring the vast possibilities out there to make this site engaging and unexpected, going beyond what is outlined in the current scope. Stay tuned for more. Attached are the current iterations for the POAP art, bringing in a closer tie to that day’s Noun.

9999#9948: v2 deserves its own channel: <#987914281167233034>

brkfstsndwch#6874: Legend. Thank you!

brkfstsndwch#6874: Feel free to close this one if you want then <@337237854696505344>

Question: and how can the DAO identify the delegates from the proposal creator?

GPT-4 Answer: The DAO can't directly identify the delegates from the proposal creator. The proposal creator is a separate feature from voting. Someone can submit a proposal and then vote for it.

Direct Replies:

fiveoceans_dev#5450: this is confusing question. proposal creator is separate feature from voting. Someone can submit a proposal and then vote for it

Other messages in conversation:

brennen.eth#7360: will you also be voting on other proposals with these?

brennen.eth#7360: I don't want these to be non-voting delegates

yitong#9038: just coming here to say i strongly support this interaction. 👍👍

fiveoceans_dev#5450: Then, I will vote as well. How do you want to vote? In line with nouncil?

brennen.eth#7360: let me know when you have the first set of proposals ready and we can chat

brennen.eth#7360: im going to do nouncil in the meantime

brennen.eth#7360: but I like the approach alot

fiveoceans_dev#5450: I’ll send you dm

fiveoceans_dev#5450: points 1)-4) are correct a) the proposal can be canceled at anytime, not sure who has the role to do it. I assume nounders and proposer but it needs to be double checked b) nouner can chose to delegate his nouns. then the delagete has rights to vote and submit proposals while nouner still owns the nouns c) proposals can be created only if you have at least 2 nouns or have at least 2 delegated nouns.

fiveoceans_dev#5450: a) delegation is the process of giving someone right to vote and submit proposals. the nouner (noun owner) can delegate at any time. Delegation is separate feature from proposal submissions. b) the nouner or delegate has right to submit a proposal. If they find a good proposal they will offer to be sponsors of the proposal and submit for voting. You simply send them a link to the text with images and they copy paste it to the homepage and submit. it is possible to delegate nouns to someone who wants to submit a proposal by themself but it normally doesn't work this way. the delegate or noun view simply gives you an idea how many delegates voted and what noun# voted. A delegate can represent multiple nouns so you can see how many delegates there were.

fiveoceans_dev#5450: there is no distinction between delegate and owner. In this case, krel.eth wallet could hold nonuns or be a delegate from other wallet. delegation "For" section includes wallets which voted in favor of the current proposal. nouns "For" section is the nouns hold by delegated wallets that forted for.

fiveoceans_dev#5450: this is confusing question. proposal creator is separate feature from voting. Someone can submit a proposal and then vote for it

slanderman#2493: Is anyone already working on a High Fashion concept that speaks to the Nouns?


Bigshot Klim#1853: there are a couple of street wear projejcts. a 3D printed fashion experiment and a cool nouns clothing and accesory line by <#999317494751821925> no one has really tried to do any couture or experimental wearables I would love to see some play in that space

TECHN0x#8939: yh this is a great case study <@299133044789477376> giving me lots of inspo 🔥


Evil#0150: sheesh ideas area very quite ever since that twitter space


0xigami#0001: Any feedback would be much appreciated.

mrtn#7388: anyone interested in helping with this? **Core Issue: **A lot of potential Nounish builders are not sure where to begin their work. The only place we actively incentivize them with ideas is Prop House mandated rounds. Otherwise, they must figure out problems themselves and then ask for money. **Solution: **Allocate funding to acquire new talented builders and let them explore the Nouns ecosystem pre-idea. **Format:** 10 x 4 ETH grants , paired with direct support and helping builders get a prop on-chain

WNX#7117: Hey guys, posted my extended prop for feedbacks & ideas. There is also a mockup link which you can try out. Thanks!

baba | 1579#1367: This is really cool!

slanderman#2493: how could i help ?

Skelenouns⌐◨-◨#4475: Hi All, we've added a proposal to Discourse, have a look and let us know what you think.




ASEC#8999: Open for any questions

4570#8617: what do you think about playing poker or blackjack with a Nouns card? Me and my team are building a card with full of nounish design

Ian ✦ᴗ✦#1639: Where can we keep updated on this project once this Discord closes? Super cool

4570#8617: You can check it on our website and the twitter

Question: you got the nouns vision on the way yeah?

GPT-4 Answer: Yes, the Nouns vision is on the way.

Direct Replies:

Moonftee#7349: today? I'm so excited.

Moonftee#7349: this sir.

Other messages in conversation:

Zombie Love#0001: Thank you! Add !

super v#2244: thank you ser benbodhi

alrightjames_#1109: appreciate it, thanks !

GEM#6911: Didn't win this time but thank you to everyone that supported and vote my entry I had fun while doing it <a:heart:997598089160445982> <a:fire:997598164922155098>

duckhead#8922: Yes. Funny.


wanderer#1407: Ben is really working hard🤝❤️


ramos#4768: hi who is the winner of this contest ?

Moonftee#7349: I hope NFT winners will be process too :))

JoshuaFisher#0001: Winners will be announced soon!

JoshuaFisher#0001: <a:noun_wizard:1000081579336552458> New Contest Alert


GEM#6911: LFG this is my chance

GEM#6911: I love memes <a:gigglepeepo:997325960582025286>

Aatrox#2936: we recreate draw or screenshot of scene only?

Toady_Hawk#8950: You can 1) take a still from the film and create a meme 2) cut a funny GIF from the film (add a caption if appropriate) or 3) do a piece of art based on the animated short.

Aatrox#2936: thx thx!! <@708131862731554917>

Moonftee#7349: today? I'm so excited.

Backstagefreak|Nounish#4654: Hi hope everyone is having a great day! can we send here our entries sir? for the wizard meme?


Backstagefreak|Nounish#4654: thanks sir

JoshuaFisher#0001: Also not sure if you saw but Goldy released the files for this too!

JoshuaFisher#0001: 🏆 Winners! 🏆 so many great entries!

GEM#6911: <a:fire:997598164922155098>

Sairelle#8409: maybe others are busy?

pumey#4727: calm down. jeez. sir ben is already giving you steps so they can process your pay. share the deets to him properly without making things difficult for you already.

pumey#4727: yea probably. i dont see the point saying negative things again if they are not cooperating properly to solve the problem

Skwalo_09#4575: Midnight art session

NightWalks2#1895: Hi everyone, this is my entry to the wizard meme contest! Hehehe hope i made u laugh #GIF

JoshuaFisher#0001: timing is so good here

gianmadz#5975: gm


ETH3R#4790: My entry for the contest! 😁

GEM#6911: GM

Question: New to prophouse here, who exactly vote on the prop? is it nouners?

GPT-4 Answer: New to prophouse here, who exactly vote on the prop? is it nouners? No answer located.

Direct Replies:

Other messages in conversation:

Bagu#0366: Great AMA. Appreciate it!

mono#0420: <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012>

greta_gremplin#3195: Hi


aubtoshi#9612: hi!

Galaxy Stargraph#5150: Hello 🙂

JoshuaFisher#0001: Who said FOMO is just after minting Nouns cause I'm feeling it right now

JoshuaFisher#0001: Look at that Nounish crew

Symbiotech#4032: TLCR too lazy can’t read. Is it acceptable for a prop to include compensation for creators to do the work?

9999#9948: can't hear me? 🙁 yes, <@618796826577076245> is the 🧠 behind

SuperTightWoody#3744: <@852278263752818769> your mic is hot

Toady_Hawk#8950: It says your headset is muted

Brook#5900: apologies

SuperTightWoody#3744: Love the prop <@800897343729041460> keep pushing on that!


Psychdre#7731: thank so much Woody ! For those who may not know, the prop is NounsLATAM Proliferation of the Nouns ecosystem in Latin America !

Bigshot Klim#1853: question

Eliias sidious#4986: 🖐️

SuperTightWoody#3744: So dope <@819913426825379860>

nekofar#9405: <:thumbsup:987426201347981362>

modrovsky#6488: i registered recently if anybody wants to make good use of it

RobotFishGirl#2795: I'd like to help out with that too if it's needed<@819913426825379860> lots of overlap with a couple of projects I'm on (nouns U and nouns news)

Psychdre#7731: You registered the URL ??

modrovsky#6488: Yeah. There are other options probably too but I have that one



RobotFishGirl#2795: <@832487365582782516> Ningefurahi kusaidia kwa kile unachofanya ikiwa unahitaji! NounsAfrica tayari inajengwa Uganda, unapaswa kuzungumza na Davin, inaweza kuwa rahisi kujenga juu ya kile ambacho tayari anacho. (please excuse my spelling if it's terrible I haven't worked on my swahili in like 6 years 😅 )

SQ X | sqx.pcc.eth#9475: absolutely. we are jsut getting it off the ground currently.

SQ X | sqx.pcc.eth#9475:

Clement Karanja#7903: <@959129955755757588> shoot me a friend request we talk

SQ X | sqx.pcc.eth#9475: general area in lil nouns

RobotFishGirl#2795: done!

aubtoshi#9612: languages <@959129955755757588> knows: all of them

RobotFishGirl#2795: LMAO

RobotFishGirl#2795: I only know 3 fluently!

Question: can't hear me? 🙁 yes, <@618796826577076245> is the 🧠 behind

GPT-4 Answer: Yes, Toady_Hawk#8950 mentioned that your headset is muted, which is why they can't hear you.

Direct Replies:

Toady_Hawk#8950: It says your headset is muted

Other messages in conversation:

Toady_Hawk#8950: <@410593947027505162>

Bagu#0366: Great AMA. Appreciate it!

mono#0420: <a:noun_heart:907783392182014012>

greta_gremplin#3195: Hi


aubtoshi#9612: hi!

Galaxy Stargraph#5150: Hello 🙂

JoshuaFisher#0001: Who said FOMO is just after minting Nouns cause I'm feeling it right now

JoshuaFisher#0001: Look at that Nounish crew

Symbiotech#4032: TLCR too lazy can’t read. Is it acceptable for a prop to include compensation for creators to do the work?

Gaming Duck Studios#6489: New to prophouse here, who exactly vote on the prop? is it nouners?

SuperTightWoody#3744: <@852278263752818769> your mic is hot

Toady_Hawk#8950: It says your headset is muted

Brook#5900: apologies

SuperTightWoody#3744: Love the prop <@800897343729041460> keep pushing on that!


Psychdre#7731: thank so much Woody ! For those who may not know, the prop is NounsLATAM Proliferation of the Nouns ecosystem in Latin America !

Bigshot Klim#1853: question

Eliias sidious#4986: 🖐️

SuperTightWoody#3744: So dope <@819913426825379860>

nekofar#9405: <:thumbsup:987426201347981362>

modrovsky#6488: i registered recently if anybody wants to make good use of it

RobotFishGirl#2795: I'd like to help out with that too if it's needed<@819913426825379860> lots of overlap with a couple of projects I'm on (nouns U and nouns news)

Psychdre#7731: You registered the URL ??

modrovsky#6488: Yeah. There are other options probably too but I have that one



RobotFishGirl#2795: <@832487365582782516> Ningefurahi kusaidia kwa kile unachofanya ikiwa unahitaji! NounsAfrica tayari inajengwa Uganda, unapaswa kuzungumza na Davin, inaweza kuwa rahisi kujenga juu ya kile ambacho tayari anacho. (please excuse my spelling if it's terrible I haven't worked on my swahili in like 6 years 😅 )

SQ X | sqx.pcc.eth#9475: absolutely. we are jsut getting it off the ground currently.

SQ X | sqx.pcc.eth#9475:

Clement Karanja#7903: <@959129955755757588> shoot me a friend request we talk

SQ X | sqx.pcc.eth#9475: general area in lil nouns

RobotFishGirl#2795: done!

aubtoshi#9612: languages <@959129955755757588> knows: all of them

RobotFishGirl#2795: LMAO

Question: Is this auction for each block during FOMO? lol

GPT-4 Answer: The auction being discussed is not for each block during FOMO. It is a different mechanic that will be shared soon.

Direct Replies:

samellis ⌐◨-◨#4764: Nah pretty different, will share soon

Other messages in conversation:

Benbodhi#1111: first 3 follows and mentioned it.

Toady_Hawk#8950: Name is ok but I don’t know that it captures the fomo feeling

Toady_Hawk#8950: I think fomo should be in the name maybe

Toady_Hawk#8950: Lost Nouns would be great! Lol

Toady_Hawk#8950: No Mo’ Nouns 😂

samellis ⌐◨-◨#4764: Wait what are you doing?

Toady_Hawk#8950: We have been talking the past few days in here about doing a fomo fork ourselves to make NOC sustainable.

Toady_Hawk#8950: 😅

Toady_Hawk#8950: And to protect ourselves from FOMO annihilation

samellis ⌐◨-◨#4764: We have a crazy mechanic for this—have no clue what will happen with it… but well… yolo.


Benbodhi#1111: This is the initial brain dump. And can be tied into a completely new frontend that includes auction, fomo and new mint of fav missed fomo noun to create a subdao for NOC.

samellis ⌐◨-◨#4764: Nah pretty different, will share soon

samellis ⌐◨-◨#4764: thank goodness it different

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: Ahhhh! Best one yet!

Toady_Hawk#8950: <@930317640487030854> Are you working on the Collection of winner Wallet addresses for the past week? Do you need help? Let me know if you want to divide and conquer

aubtoshi#9612: for reference, this is the contest winner database I'm updating: -waiting on a couple of people to send wallet addresses, I reached out, should be coming soon -July 4, 5 and 6 I might need some help. Can't find the contest on the 5th (could have been grouped in for the weekend?) and pretty sure this was the couple of days we were doing "live public voting". I think I had put the July 6 Doodle winners in that channel but that channel is deleted now. Does anyone remember who won? There were about 14 entries and I know <@910446457004359680> was deff the #1 doodle

aubtoshi#9612: otherwise I got all contests in and the wallet addresses I had!

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: Winning tweets for most days are in the website on the days the winners were announced (not the day the contest was started).


!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: I will work on mobile view today.

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: <@930317640487030854> ⏫

aubtoshi#9612: THANK YOU <@650824125056548865>

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: Sure thing!

!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: There are a few that we never found. Hoping you have found them and we have a complete list by the end.

aubtoshi#9612: the doodle contest isn't there 😭 I feel like I could do it by memory.....

aubtoshi#9612: its the mushroom noun

aubtoshi#9612: only 14 people submitted

aubtoshi#9612: ser noadz was #1

aubtoshi#9612: I'll put the tweet here so you can look at the quote tweets and see if you remember


!𝚡𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚜#0333: <@930317640487030854> if we tweeted a winner maybe search for that user in twitter? Another option might be to restore the public voting channel for a little bit until we get these found.

aubtoshi#9612: I checked for tweets but this is good now we know two of em

aubtoshi#9612: I think I know the third

Toady_Hawk#8950: Check the other chat <@930317640487030854>

Question: How will the demo be conducted?

GPT-4 Answer: The demo will be conducted using general-voice and screensharing on Discord. The team will run through the site's flow live with whoever is on the call.

Direct Replies:

Other messages in conversation:

forager#7144: If there's a way to flip something for money, the crypto community will figure it out 😅

Goldy#0420: That makes perfect sense. 😑

dponenine.eth#5656: Question: if you bid on a noun and don’t win, does your ETH revert to you? If so, when? Thanks

cdt#3727: yes, and pretty immediately

brkfstsndwch#6874: The team has been absolutely crushing it, fren. Cannot wait to share final updates on Monday!

4156#9052: it seems like bidder poap, fomo nouns and 3d nouns are all going to be ready around the same time

seneca#8660: cc0 every ting

brkfstsndwch#6874: A nearly final update for you all after the working team just wrapped a great session! We are putting finishing touches on the site and the Nounish Beings this week. We will be in touch shortly to schedule a working/review session with the community. Most likely happening early to mid-week next week. With an official launch of the Nouns Bidder POAP being the following week of November 22nd at the latest. We're nearly there, frens! The team cannot wait to share this with you all. <@!827964581850513408> <@!410593947027505162> <@!816727974485164062>

Churro#4832: nice

brkfstsndwch#6874: Hello, hello, hello! The Nouns Bidder POAP team is finally ready for a final look from the community. We would love to schedule a little demo with whoever is available midweek this week so that we can run you through the product, gather any last minute feedback and prep to push live by next week! **4:30pm EST will be the time. React with your preferred date below! ** Tuesday | <:t_:887042485682057217> Wednesday | 🇼 Thursday | 🇹 Thanks again for all of the help through this building process <@!372465201808670721> + <@!738431505927241828>. We cannot wait to bring the POAPs to life. cc: <@!410593947027505162> <@!816727974485164062> <@!827964581850513408>

brkfstsndwch#6874: We are planning on using general-voice and screensharing there. But are open to Zoom or any other platform as well! Do you have a preference <@!738431505927241828>? The site is already stood up. So we will just be running through the sites flow live with whoever is on the call.

brkfstsndwch#6874: Amazing! It does look like there were a couple family conflicts tomorrow that came up for a few team members sadly, so we may be having to do this on Thursday. But we’ll share the site ahead of time for everyone to review and if you can’t make the demo, you can share notes digitally here!

brkfstsndwch#6874: The team is incredibly excited to run through our work on the Nouns Bidder POAP site and claiming mechanisms. The link below is for the microsite where we house the Homepage for the POAP of the current day's auction, an About Page to talk about what the project is/who the artist is, and then a Gallery page that will house all past POAPs and their respective winners for people to explore. In order to keep the POAPs as secure as possible. We are setting up private events for each auction within the POAP ecosystem and then will be "airdropping" the POAPs to all winners' wallets. This ensures the safety, security, and receipt of all POAPs to their rightful owners. We'll touch more on this this afternoon. For anyone who is not able to make it this evening, please feel free to share any comments, questions, concerns, etc. here! Once we're done meeting with the community this evening, we'll respond to all notes. Thanks so much, team! We're incredibly excited to share this with you and get the first POAPs out into the world! See you in general voice at 4:30pm EST. <a:catdance:863083511552409610>

1n#6541: Amazing demo <@!620406459913469955> <@!410593947027505162> and <@!816727974485164062> . Love it all!

1n#6541: and <@!827964581850513408> of course!

brkfstsndwch#6874: Appreciate it so much, friend! Incredibly glad you enjoy it.

brkfstsndwch#6874: **OVERALL UPDATE ** The team had a really great demo with the community and shared thinking behind everything from the design of the Nounish Beings to the type and color choices to the claiming/airdropping functionality of the POAP. With only a minor design recommendation for homepage width/color that we are exploring tonight, we will be sharing a final update tomorrow for community thumbs up ahead of pushing the POAPs live into the world come Saturday for Noun 115!

Noun 22#2222: <:noun_face:863562478546190358> <:noun_face:863562478546190358> <:noun_face:863562478546190358>

cdt#3727: 🤝

cdt#3727: thanks <@!738431505927241828>!

9999#9948: Wonderful work! I know there was previous discussion of this so apologies for being late. Once you’re not manually adding poap winners, would it be possible to allow all bidders to get a poap, not just top 5? The reason for this is that it allows anyone to be feel connected to Nouns and get something Noun related. I imagine the top 5 will be 10+ETH bids so only whales will be able to get poaps. Whales are already being rewarded by battling it out and getting a Noun. For non-whales there’s still a barrier to entry with gas prices being high so it still requires a commitment to bid and be poap’ed

brkfstsndwch#6874: Hey there, <@!337237854696505344>! Thanks so much for the kind words, the note, and for joining us yesterday. Through discourse with the community over the last month or so, we landed on the top 5 bidders due to a few sentiments that seemed to be broadly shared by some Nounders and Nouners. One, allowing the POAP to go to all bidders may incentivize spam/bot bidding at low amounts to guarantee POAPs. A sentiment was shared by a few Nounders that this could feel like a senseless burning of gas. Two, while the POAP was created to make Nouns feel more inclusive to all, by opening up the doors to everyone receiving a POAP, it may not feel quite as special or as collectible. As we have seen by some recent auctions, even .05 - .5 bids sometimes end up in the top 5 for any given auction. Allowing non-whales to still have a shot at a POAP. Three, to your point on manually sending POAPs, the technical constraints also make allowing every bidder to receive a POAP extremely time consuming. As it stands, there is no automated way to send POAPs to every bidder. So, if we were to allow every bidder to receive a POAP, the team would have to manually airdrop 50-100+ POAPs to each unique wallet address every day. All of that to say though, through this first V1 six month trial, our recommendation is to stay with the top 5 bidders, as the POAP ecosystem makes updates, if there is a way to tie in webhooks and automate the POAP process, then we could potentially look into allowing the POAP to go to all bidders in V2 with a community consensus. We would love to keep that conversation flowing as we start the project. The team is prepared to be flexible and nimble as long as it's what the community wants!

9999#9948: Absolutely get it and excited to see where things go!

cdt#3727: will also be interesting to see how a “top 5” system drives up final auction prices (ie, increased total bid amount & amounts). going to take previous 2-week average and compare to 2-weeks from now.

9999#9948: Good point and interesting to see the results. I feel like the last 2 weeks have had fewer small bids (gas price? attention cycling in/out?)

cdt#3727: yep, we started seeing sub-100eth nouns consistently around #95 (november 2nd). minus the novelty of noun 99 (232ETH). so IMO, this sub-100ETH time we’re in is more fertile ground for this test vs when we were in “whale territory” with consistently 175+ daily auctions.

cdt#3727: other factors for price could be repeated heads and hitting triple digit nouns. we saw spike with noun 99 as the last non-nounder double digit noun 97: 73 ETH 98: 105 ETH 99: 232 ETH 🚀 101: 80 ETH

0xdesigner#3883: On an aside, there was some feedback we received about the use of negative space on the home page design (mainly on web). The exaggerated negative space and oversized fonts were intentional, designed to focus in on the present noun count and POAP for the day. However, I’d like to respect/acknowledge the feedback and gather any other opinions on the design of the first impression. If you think the home page design should be revisited, please respond with a 👍

0xdesigner#3883: for your convenience:

9999#9948: the site is so clean. nice work! I know you wanted to highlight David's work, but a bio for each of you on the about page would be a great addition (when you get there)

cdt#3727: LETS GO

9999#9948: ( refresh 🙂 )

cdt#3727: what on earth

9999#9948: it's a frontend bug

12bnoun.eth ⌐◨-◨#3479: its seed (0,0,0,0,0)

Question: Hello all. I was just looking through DAO proposals on the nouns website, and see a POAP project was approved... Will this include bidders/winners in the testnet auctions?

GPT-4 Answer: The POAP project that was approved is different from the testnet auctions. It is for runners up in the Noun auctions and will not include bidders/winners in the testnet auctions.

Direct Replies:

4156#9052: this is a different POAP 😆

Other messages in conversation:

brkfstsndwch#6874: Good evening, friends! The Nouns Bidder POAP team has officially kicked off our project. In the sake of transparency and community collaboration, I will be sharing all brief running notes and next steps from each of our meetings here. We can't wait to build together. More soon! **10.07.21 | Nouns Bidder POAP Team KO** During this meeting the team conducted initial "in-person" intros, sharing a bit more about who they are, what they do, and what they're most excited about diving into this project on. After that, we talked through initial next steps and first action items to get this project going. Those are as follows: <@!816727974485164062> | Will explore ~30+ different Nounish Being body types and combinations, as well as explore a wide range of color combinations. We are starting wide, and as we're ready to narrow them down, we will share options with the community here to get their opinion. <@!827964581850513408> | Will start the project out by conducting a narrative + user journey exploration as well as pull together an initial moodboard for how we envision the microsite coming to life. <@!410593947027505162> | Will work alongside brkfstsndwch to conduct further research into the POAP API to find ways in which we can make the claiming function as seamless as possible for all users. <@!620406459913469955> | Will work with Christian on the POAP API research, as well as begin working on marketing and communication plans for how to bring awareness to the Nouns Bidder POAPs.

brkfstsndwch#6874: **TEAM UPDATE 10.14** **Nounish Beings R1 Updates** - David has taken a first pass at a large run of unique options for Nounish Beings. You can view those attached below. We would love your feedback, notes, any initial thoughts you have. So share away! - With those notes, David will then work on adjusting the Nounish Beings to fit within the constraints of the POAP system's file requirements. **Bidder User Journey** **Trigger** The Trigger function in the user journey is where we have a few questions we'd like to propose to the Nouns Community in order to gather a preferred consensus. There are two ways to go about the trigger/receiving process with the end result of holding the Bidder POAP. View those below: 1. You can use the microsite to claim your own POAP and go through the ecosystem through our microsite. 2. We can claim the POAP for the Bidder "Winners" and have the POAP sent to them within the ecosystem. If we were to go this route, we would end up creating a microsite that is more of a playground for people to explore what this POAP and the Nounish Beings are all about. Think, more information on Nouns, David, the proliferation of the community, fun features to explore different POAPs etc. Beyond those two options for the trigger/receipt function, we have a larger question for the Nouns Community. Read below: - In order to bring awareness to this microsite and the ability to claim, for free a Nouns Bidder POAP, would the DAO be open to allowing the addition of a link within the main nav or footer that would then send people to our microsite to be able to let bidders know they have this free gift that they get to claim? And also allow people just explore and learn more while waiting for auctions to end, etc. ---------------------------- We would love any and all thoughts on the initial question of the trigger as well as thoughts on the proposition of an additional link on the site for the POAP function. **Next Steps** <@!827964581850513408> | Creation of initial moodboard for site style <@!816727974485164062> | Updates and refinements of the Nounish Beings <@!620406459913469955> | Come to a consensus on the backend claiming or aridropping function for the POAPs

skilift.eth#0785: in the 'Trigger' section, could you just have both solutions? Airdrop for top 5 bids, otherwise notify -> claim?

0xdesigner#3883: Two ways to interpret this: 1. Are you insinuating bids 6 through n can claim? I think there were some strong objections to this during the proposal phase because it would be easy to exploit. 2. Once a POAP is airdropped, would there be a need to claim again? We don’t have plans to allow multiple POAPs to be claimed by one wallet. Also, the challenge with the current state of Web3 wallets is there isn’t a way to send notifications. The convenience of airdropping bypasses the need to notify.

skilift.eth#0785: Good questions! 1.) I had top 10 in my mind (so top 5 = airdrop, 6-10 = claim), but going back through Discourse, I see the arguments for restricting to top 5 and I agree with them. 2.) I don't think there'd be a need to claim again if the user is airdropped. Regarding the notifications, I think having a little button/notification on the UI that showed there was something waiting to be claimed works well. Kind of like how projects did airdropped tokens (like UNI with Uniswap), once a qualifying wallet connected to the UI, a special button was present indicating there was something to claim.

0xdesigner#3883: Long response incoming.

0xdesigner#3883: This is the ideal scenario. But also problematic UX-wise because the “awareness” and “trigger” issue remains without airdropping the POAP. The problem we’re facing is making the qualifying user aware that they’re qualified outside of I’ll explain further and you let me know if the conclusion is sound or if I’m missing something. Say for instance a user bids early on, returns after a few hours to check their place and see they’ve been outbid. Scenario 1: They chalk it up as a loss and makes no intention to return to monitor the result of the auction. They are unaware they finish top 5. Outside of tagging on Twitter or discord to build awareness, there is currently no feasible way to notify the user outside of the bidding site that they are eligible and call to return (trigger). And as we’ve seen, often top bidders are using anon wallet addresses. Regardless of the UI, either on or the POAP microsite, the risk that this user doesn’t know they can claim is high. Scenario 2: The user is unaware that a POAP is available but has been informed of their eligibility by the community via Twitter/Discord (their identity is known). They are “manually” directed to the microsite to claim—both the awareness. No UI is necessary outside of the claiming call-to-action UI. Scenario 3: The superfan scenario. The user has previously learned that the POAP is available and is highly self-motivated to monitor their place in an auction and actively seek the POAP. The awareness and trigger is intrinsic to the user. However, this scenario assumes the superfan is an outlier persona, and not the primary user we’re designing the flow for.

0xdesigner#3883: Here’s what we’re proposing to solve the awareness and trigger problem. Primary Solution: Airdropping the POAP eliminates the risk that the user is qualified and unknowingly misses the opportunity to claim the POAP. Secondary Solution: Create a banner or content block on to advertise the POAP to the top 5 losing bids to improve awareness. Possibly creating a bot to automatically tag top losing bidders on twitter/discord to create a trigger. — Useful Feedback: Are these viable solutions that best represent the Nouns community and ecosystem? Are there any objections to airdropping POAPs? Airdrops have become somewhat controversial, but solve the awareness and trigger problem I’ve described. I know this is very long-winded but we didn’t want to make a decision without inviting input. Obviously, once we make a decision here, it will heavily inform how the UX of the POAP site is designed.

skilift.eth#0785: Thanks for the write-up! It's my understanding that POAPs are free for the issuer (I assume subsidizes the gas?), so airdropping seems like a good solution to make sure no one misses out. I don't personally share the association of airdrops with spam. If POAP ever decides to cease the subsidy (assuming that's how it works), then I think the secondary solution makes more sense. There could be something that shows "hey you're the top bid! if you're a top 5 bidder at the auction end, you earn a POAP!" If that's communicated right when the bid is placed, I think that addresses the 'awareness' aspect. It'd just be up to them to check back at the end.

brkfstsndwch#6874: Hi, friends! A great EOW meeting with the Nouns Bidder POAP Crew. (Friday October 22nd) **Overall Timeline** - As it stands, we are right on time with our original schedule and are aiming for a final product ready to push live by the end of the week of November 15th. **Nounish Beings** - <@!816727974485164062> will be finalizing design by next week and exporting 180 nounish beings for use as the POAP art by EOW next week **Functionality/Backend** - <@!620406459913469955> and <@!410593947027505162> are looking into POAP API for easy calling **Site Design** - <@!816727974485164062> and <@!827964581850513408> iterating on the site style and brand - <@!827964581850513408> to continue working on the UX and user journey for the site. They will be sharing updates here early next week! We're always here for questions or comments and cannot wait to continue sharing what we're working on with you all! Enjoy the weekend.

4156#9052: this is a different POAP 😆

4156#9052: it's for runners up in the noun auctions

brkfstsndwch#6874: I, too, won a testnet auction! Maybe we can work on something here.

0xdesigner#3883: Hi All, you can check out the latest design prototype here:

0xdesigner#3883: Please feel free to provide feedback here or in the Figma prototype directly, where I'll be notified (tap "c" on your keyboard to enter comment mode).

0xdesigner#3883: Things to note: The primary audience for the content and copy of the microsite are POAP Winners, Aspiring POAP winners, and Nouns superfans. We intentionally decided to avoid writing copy for those unfamiliar with POAPs and those unfamiliar with Nouns.

0xdesigner#3883: From a branding perspective, the distinct typography from was extended here. The color combinations were pulled from <@!816727974485164062> 's illustrations and a few from the nouns artwork themselves. I tried to choose combinations with the highest level of design accessibility to make sure it's readable.

0xdesigner#3883: The first impression of the site is meant to hyperfocus attention on the POAP art itself, and the hero content on the home page will dynamically update every day, at the conclusion of each auction.

0xdesigner#3883: Lastly, there's a placeholder in the ABOUT page, where I'll be working closely with david to create an illustration explaining how eligibility is determined.

Goldy#0420: This is looking really nice IMO!

Goldy#0420: Did I miss the memo when "settlements" got knocked off the POAP winning list? 😅

brkfstsndwch#6874: Hey <@!245856432107290624> ! I can search for the thread somewhere! But basically, the decision we came to is that with the idea of the Crystal Ball as well as <@!437720101039374346> and teams FOMO Nouns Project. Incentivizing settling would hinder both of those really awesome projects immensely. That being said. The team is always open to keeping discourse flowing and figuring things out together! Would love to hear your thoughts.

Goldy#0420: Makes sense. I’ll try go back and read. Honestly was just excited I might be able to get one, but I’ll consider if I have any actually useful perspectives to add to that convo 🙏 thanks for the answer

brkfstsndwch#6874: Ahhh, it was in a private thread with the FOMO team. Shoot me a note and I can share that convo!

forager#7144: We actually saw someone standup a bot that was doing "instant settlement" once the auction ended after the discussion started around a POAP for settlement. <:6704_Pepe_sad:804794668968837163> It was a really cool idea, but it's one of those mechanics that would unfortunately just turn into a bot war (in addition to hurting the usability of the Nouns crystal ball and FOMO Nouns).

forager#7144: If there's a way to flip something for money, the crypto community will figure it out 😅

Goldy#0420: That makes perfect sense. 😑

dponenine.eth#5656: Question: if you bid on a noun and don’t win, does your ETH revert to you? If so, when? Thanks

cdt#3727: yes, and pretty immediately

Noun 12#8966: This looks very handsome so far, well done.

brkfstsndwch#6874: The team has been absolutely crushing it, fren. Cannot wait to share final updates on Monday!

Noun 12#8966: Oooo I like the sound of Final Updates.

4156#9052: it seems like bidder poap, fomo nouns and 3d nouns are all going to be ready around the same time

Noun 12#8966: I stole this for Twitter because I am a IP pirate

seneca#8660: cc0 every ting

Question: Two ways to interpret this: 1. Are you insinuating bids 6 through n can claim? I think there were some strong objections to this during the proposal phase because it would be easy to exploit. 2. Once a POAP is airdropped, would there be a need to claim again? We don’t have plans to allow multiple POAPs to be claimed by one wallet. Also, the challenge with the current state of Web3 wallets is there isn’t a way to send notifications. The convenience of airdropping bypasses the need to notify.

GPT-4 Answer: The question was whether bids 6 through n can claim POAPs and if there would be a need to claim again once a POAP is airdropped. The answers provided in the direct reply are: 1. The initial idea was for the top 10 bidders (top 5 = airdrop, 6-10 = claim), but after revisiting the proposal, it was agreed to restrict it to the top 5 bidders. 2. There wouldn't be a need to claim again if the user is airdropped a POAP.

Direct Replies:

skilift.eth#0785: Good questions! 1.) I had top 10 in my mind (so top 5 = airdrop, 6-10 = claim), but going back through Discourse, I see the arguments for restricting to top 5 and I agree with them. 2.) I don't think there'd be a need to claim again if the user is airdropped. Regarding the notifications, I think having a little button/notification on the UI that showed there was something waiting to be claimed works well. Kind of like how projects did airdropped tokens (like UNI with Uniswap), once a qualifying wallet connected to the UI, a special button was present indicating there was something to claim.

Other messages in conversation:

DaveCorp#7910: noun exposure? 🤔

devcarrot#8109: For:

brkfstsndwch#6874: Well there we go! Appreciate it <@!618796826577076245>. More from the team soon!

Noun 12#8966: Brimming with excitement, my cup overflows

brkfstsndwch#6874: You drink beer out of a cup?

Noun 12#8966: In the morning, of course.

brkfstsndwch#6874: A noun of great flex. Hopefully a stein at night.

brkfstsndwch#6874: Good evening, friends! The Nouns Bidder POAP team has officially kicked off our project. In the sake of transparency and community collaboration, I will be sharing all brief running notes and next steps from each of our meetings here. We can't wait to build together. More soon! **10.07.21 | Nouns Bidder POAP Team KO** During this meeting the team conducted initial "in-person" intros, sharing a bit more about who they are, what they do, and what they're most excited about diving into this project on. After that, we talked through initial next steps and first action items to get this project going. Those are as follows: <@!816727974485164062> | Will explore ~30+ different Nounish Being body types and combinations, as well as explore a wide range of color combinations. We are starting wide, and as we're ready to narrow them down, we will share options with the community here to get their opinion. <@!827964581850513408> | Will start the project out by conducting a narrative + user journey exploration as well as pull together an initial moodboard for how we envision the microsite coming to life. <@!410593947027505162> | Will work alongside brkfstsndwch to conduct further research into the POAP API to find ways in which we can make the claiming function as seamless as possible for all users. <@!620406459913469955> | Will work with Christian on the POAP API research, as well as begin working on marketing and communication plans for how to bring awareness to the Nouns Bidder POAPs.

brkfstsndwch#6874: **TEAM UPDATE 10.14** **Nounish Beings R1 Updates** - David has taken a first pass at a large run of unique options for Nounish Beings. You can view those attached below. We would love your feedback, notes, any initial thoughts you have. So share away! - With those notes, David will then work on adjusting the Nounish Beings to fit within the constraints of the POAP system's file requirements. **Bidder User Journey** **Trigger** The Trigger function in the user journey is where we have a few questions we'd like to propose to the Nouns Community in order to gather a preferred consensus. There are two ways to go about the trigger/receiving process with the end result of holding the Bidder POAP. View those below: 1. You can use the microsite to claim your own POAP and go through the ecosystem through our microsite. 2. We can claim the POAP for the Bidder "Winners" and have the POAP sent to them within the ecosystem. If we were to go this route, we would end up creating a microsite that is more of a playground for people to explore what this POAP and the Nounish Beings are all about. Think, more information on Nouns, David, the proliferation of the community, fun features to explore different POAPs etc. Beyond those two options for the trigger/receipt function, we have a larger question for the Nouns Community. Read below: - In order to bring awareness to this microsite and the ability to claim, for free a Nouns Bidder POAP, would the DAO be open to allowing the addition of a link within the main nav or footer that would then send people to our microsite to be able to let bidders know they have this free gift that they get to claim? And also allow people just explore and learn more while waiting for auctions to end, etc. ---------------------------- We would love any and all thoughts on the initial question of the trigger as well as thoughts on the proposition of an additional link on the site for the POAP function. **Next Steps** <@!827964581850513408> | Creation of initial moodboard for site style <@!816727974485164062> | Updates and refinements of the Nounish Beings <@!620406459913469955> | Come to a consensus on the backend claiming or aridropping function for the POAPs

skilift.eth#0785: in the 'Trigger' section, could you just have both solutions? Airdrop for top 5 bids, otherwise notify -> claim?

skilift.eth#0785: Good questions! 1.) I had top 10 in my mind (so top 5 = airdrop, 6-10 = claim), but going back through Discourse, I see the arguments for restricting to top 5 and I agree with them. 2.) I don't think there'd be a need to claim again if the user is airdropped. Regarding the notifications, I think having a little button/notification on the UI that showed there was something waiting to be claimed works well. Kind of like how projects did airdropped tokens (like UNI with Uniswap), once a qualifying wallet connected to the UI, a special button was present indicating there was something to claim.

skilift.eth#0785: Thanks for the write-up! It's my understanding that POAPs are free for the issuer (I assume subsidizes the gas?), so airdropping seems like a good solution to make sure no one misses out. I don't personally share the association of airdrops with spam. If POAP ever decides to cease the subsidy (assuming that's how it works), then I think the secondary solution makes more sense. There could be something that shows "hey you're the top bid! if you're a top 5 bidder at the auction end, you earn a POAP!" If that's communicated right when the bid is placed, I think that addresses the 'awareness' aspect. It'd just be up to them to check back at the end.

brkfstsndwch#6874: Hi, friends! A great EOW meeting with the Nouns Bidder POAP Crew. (Friday October 22nd) **Overall Timeline** - As it stands, we are right on time with our original schedule and are aiming for a final product ready to push live by the end of the week of November 15th. **Nounish Beings** - <@!816727974485164062> will be finalizing design by next week and exporting 180 nounish beings for use as the POAP art by EOW next week **Functionality/Backend** - <@!620406459913469955> and <@!410593947027505162> are looking into POAP API for easy calling **Site Design** - <@!816727974485164062> and <@!827964581850513408> iterating on the site style and brand - <@!827964581850513408> to continue working on the UX and user journey for the site. They will be sharing updates here early next week! We're always here for questions or comments and cannot wait to continue sharing what we're working on with you all! Enjoy the weekend.

verybadacid#6064: Hello all. I was just looking through DAO proposals on the nouns website, and see a POAP project was approved... Will this include bidders/winners in the testnet auctions?

4156#9052: this is a different POAP 😆

4156#9052: it's for runners up in the noun auctions

verybadacid#6064: How can I snag the POAP for testnet winning bid? I remember that was to be a thing...

brkfstsndwch#6874: I, too, won a testnet auction! Maybe we can work on something here.

Goldy#0420: This is looking really nice IMO!

Goldy#0420: Did I miss the memo when "settlements" got knocked off the POAP winning list? 😅

brkfstsndwch#6874: Hey <@!245856432107290624> ! I can search for the thread somewhere! But basically, the decision we came to is that with the idea of the Crystal Ball as well as <@!437720101039374346> and teams FOMO Nouns Project. Incentivizing settling would hinder both of those really awesome projects immensely. That being said. The team is always open to keeping discourse flowing and figuring things out together! Would love to hear your thoughts.

Goldy#0420: Makes sense. I’ll try go back and read. Honestly was just excited I might be able to get one, but I’ll consider if I have any actually useful perspectives to add to that convo 🙏 thanks for the answer

brkfstsndwch#6874: Ahhh, it was in a private thread with the FOMO team. Shoot me a note and I can share that convo!

forager#7144: We actually saw someone standup a bot that was doing "instant settlement" once the auction ended after the discussion started around a POAP for settlement. <:6704_Pepe_sad:804794668968837163> It was a really cool idea, but it's one of those mechanics that would unfortunately just turn into a bot war (in addition to hurting the usability of the Nouns crystal ball and FOMO Nouns).

forager#7144: If there's a way to flip something for money, the crypto community will figure it out 😅

Goldy#0420: That makes perfect sense. 😑

dponenine.eth#5656: Question: if you bid on a noun and don’t win, does your ETH revert to you? If so, when? Thanks

cdt#3727: yes, and pretty immediately

Noun 12#8966: This looks very handsome so far, well done.

brkfstsndwch#6874: The team has been absolutely crushing it, fren. Cannot wait to share final updates on Monday!

Noun 12#8966: Oooo I like the sound of Final Updates.

4156#9052: it seems like bidder poap, fomo nouns and 3d nouns are all going to be ready around the same time

Noun 12#8966: I stole this for Twitter because I am a IP pirate

seneca#8660: cc0 every ting

Noun 12#8966: brb tweeting that

Question: in the 'Trigger' section, could you just have both solutions? Airdrop for top 5 bids, otherwise notify -> claim?

GPT-4 Answer: Yes, if you bid on a Noun and don't win, your ETH will be returned to you. The process of returning the ETH is called "settling." However, the conversation does not provide specific information on when the ETH will be reverted.

Direct Replies:

0xdesigner#3883: Two ways to interpret this: 1. Are you insinuating bids 6 through n can claim? I think there were some strong objections to this during the proposal phase because it would be easy to exploit. 2. Once a POAP is airdropped, would there be a need to claim again? We don’t have plans to allow multiple POAPs to be claimed by one wallet. Also, the challenge with the current state of Web3 wallets is there isn’t a way to send notifications. The convenience of airdropping bypasses the need to notify.

skilift.eth#0785: Good questions! 1.) I had top 10 in my mind (so top 5 = airdrop, 6-10 = claim), but going back through Discourse, I see the arguments for restricting to top 5 and I agree with them. 2.) I don't think there'd be a need to claim again if the user is airdropped. Regarding the notifications, I think having a little button/notification on the UI that showed there was something waiting to be claimed works well. Kind of like how projects did airdropped tokens (like UNI with Uniswap), once a qualifying wallet connected to the UI, a special button was present indicating there was something to claim.

Other messages in conversation:

cdt#3727: 👀

DaveCorp#7910: noun exposure? 🤔

devcarrot#8109: For:

brkfstsndwch#6874: Well there we go! Appreciate it <@!618796826577076245>. More from the team soon!

Noun 12#8966: Brimming with excitement, my cup overflows

brkfstsndwch#6874: You drink beer out of a cup?

Noun 12#8966: In the morning, of course.

brkfstsndwch#6874: A noun of great flex. Hopefully a stein at night.

brkfstsndwch#6874: Good evening, friends! The Nouns Bidder POAP team has officially kicked off our project. In the sake of transparency and community collaboration, I will be sharing all brief running notes and next steps from each of our meetings here. We can't wait to build together. More soon! **10.07.21 | Nouns Bidder POAP Team KO** During this meeting the team conducted initial "in-person" intros, sharing a bit more about who they are, what they do, and what they're most excited about diving into this project on. After that, we talked through initial next steps and first action items to get this project going. Those are as follows: <@!816727974485164062> | Will explore ~30+ different Nounish Being body types and combinations, as well as explore a wide range of color combinations. We are starting wide, and as we're ready to narrow them down, we will share options with the community here to get their opinion. <@!827964581850513408> | Will start the project out by conducting a narrative + user journey exploration as well as pull together an initial moodboard for how we envision the microsite coming to life. <@!410593947027505162> | Will work alongside brkfstsndwch to conduct further research into the POAP API to find ways in which we can make the claiming function as seamless as possible for all users. <@!620406459913469955> | Will work with Christian on the POAP API research, as well as begin working on marketing and communication plans for how to bring awareness to the Nouns Bidder POAPs.

brkfstsndwch#6874: **TEAM UPDATE 10.14** **Nounish Beings R1 Updates** - David has taken a first pass at a large run of unique options for Nounish Beings. You can view those attached below. We would love your feedback, notes, any initial thoughts you have. So share away! - With those notes, David will then work on adjusting the Nounish Beings to fit within the constraints of the POAP system's file requirements. **Bidder User Journey** **Trigger** The Trigger function in the user journey is where we have a few questions we'd like to propose to the Nouns Community in order to gather a preferred consensus. There are two ways to go about the trigger/receiving process with the end result of holding the Bidder POAP. View those below: 1. You can use the microsite to claim your own POAP and go through the ecosystem through our microsite. 2. We can claim the POAP for the Bidder "Winners" and have the POAP sent to them within the ecosystem. If we were to go this route, we would end up creating a microsite that is more of a playground for people to explore what this POAP and the Nounish Beings are all about. Think, more information on Nouns, David, the proliferation of the community, fun features to explore different POAPs etc. Beyond those two options for the trigger/receipt function, we have a larger question for the Nouns Community. Read below: - In order to bring awareness to this microsite and the ability to claim, for free a Nouns Bidder POAP, would the DAO be open to allowing the addition of a link within the main nav or footer that would then send people to our microsite to be able to let bidders know they have this free gift that they get to claim? And also allow people just explore and learn more while waiting for auctions to end, etc. ---------------------------- We would love any and all thoughts on the initial question of the trigger as well as thoughts on the proposition of an additional link on the site for the POAP function. **Next Steps** <@!827964581850513408> | Creation of initial moodboard for site style <@!816727974485164062> | Updates and refinements of the Nounish Beings <@!620406459913469955> | Come to a consensus on the backend claiming or aridropping function for the POAPs

0xdesigner#3883: Two ways to interpret this: 1. Are you insinuating bids 6 through n can claim? I think there were some strong objections to this during the proposal phase because it would be easy to exploit. 2. Once a POAP is airdropped, would there be a need to claim again? We don’t have plans to allow multiple POAPs to be claimed by one wallet. Also, the challenge with the current state of Web3 wallets is there isn’t a way to send notifications. The convenience of airdropping bypasses the need to notify.

0xdesigner#3883: Long response incoming.

0xdesigner#3883: This is the ideal scenario. But also problematic UX-wise because the “awareness” and “trigger” issue remains without airdropping the POAP. The problem we’re facing is making the qualifying user aware that they’re qualified outside of I’ll explain further and you let me know if the conclusion is sound or if I’m missing something. Say for instance a user bids early on, returns after a few hours to check their place and see they’ve been outbid. Scenario 1: They chalk it up as a loss and makes no intention to return to monitor the result of the auction. They are unaware they finish top 5. Outside of tagging on Twitter or discord to build awareness, there is currently no feasible way to notify the user outside of the bidding site that they are eligible and call to return (trigger). And as we’ve seen, often top bidders are using anon wallet addresses. Regardless of the UI, either on or the POAP microsite, the risk that this user doesn’t know they can claim is high. Scenario 2: The user is unaware that a POAP is available but has been informed of their eligibility by the community via Twitter/Discord (their identity is known). They are “manually” directed to the microsite to claim—both the awareness. No UI is necessary outside of the claiming call-to-action UI. Scenario 3: The superfan scenario. The user has previously learned that the POAP is available and is highly self-motivated to monitor their place in an auction and actively seek the POAP. The awareness and trigger is intrinsic to the user. However, this scenario assumes the superfan is an outlier persona, and not the primary user we’re designing the flow for.

0xdesigner#3883: Here’s what we’re proposing to solve the awareness and trigger problem. Primary Solution: Airdropping the POAP eliminates the risk that the user is qualified and unknowingly misses the opportunity to claim the POAP. Secondary Solution: Create a banner or content block on to advertise the POAP to the top 5 losing bids to improve awareness. Possibly creating a bot to automatically tag top losing bidders on twitter/discord to create a trigger. — Useful Feedback: Are these viable solutions that best represent the Nouns community and ecosystem? Are there any objections to airdropping POAPs? Airdrops have become somewhat controversial, but solve the awareness and trigger problem I’ve described. I know this is very long-winded but we didn’t want to make a decision without inviting input. Obviously, once we make a decision here, it will heavily inform how the UX of the POAP site is designed.

brkfstsndwch#6874: Hi, friends! A great EOW meeting with the Nouns Bidder POAP Crew. (Friday October 22nd) **Overall Timeline** - As it stands, we are right on time with our original schedule and are aiming for a final product ready to push live by the end of the week of November 15th. **Nounish Beings** - <@!816727974485164062> will be finalizing design by next week and exporting 180 nounish beings for use as the POAP art by EOW next week **Functionality/Backend** - <@!620406459913469955> and <@!410593947027505162> are looking into POAP API for easy calling **Site Design** - <@!816727974485164062> and <@!827964581850513408> iterating on the site style and brand - <@!827964581850513408> to continue working on the UX and user journey for the site. They will be sharing updates here early next week! We're always here for questions or comments and cannot wait to continue sharing what we're working on with you all! Enjoy the weekend.

verybadacid#6064: Hello all. I was just looking through DAO proposals on the nouns website, and see a POAP project was approved... Will this include bidders/winners in the testnet auctions?

4156#9052: this is a different POAP 😆

4156#9052: it's for runners up in the noun auctions

verybadacid#6064: How can I snag the POAP for testnet winning bid? I remember that was to be a thing...

brkfstsndwch#6874: I, too, won a testnet auction! Maybe we can work on something here.

0xdesigner#3883: Hi All, you can check out the latest design prototype here:

0xdesigner#3883: Please feel free to provide feedback here or in the Figma prototype directly, where I'll be notified (tap "c" on your keyboard to enter comment mode).

0xdesigner#3883: Things to note: The primary audience for the content and copy of the microsite are POAP Winners, Aspiring POAP winners, and Nouns superfans. We intentionally decided to avoid writing copy for those unfamiliar with POAPs and those unfamiliar with Nouns.

0xdesigner#3883: From a branding perspective, the distinct typography from was extended here. The color combinations were pulled from <@!816727974485164062> 's illustrations and a few from the nouns artwork themselves. I tried to choose combinations with the highest level of design accessibility to make sure it's readable.

0xdesigner#3883: The first impression of the site is meant to hyperfocus attention on the POAP art itself, and the hero content on the home page will dynamically update every day, at the conclusion of each auction.

0xdesigner#3883: Lastly, there's a placeholder in the ABOUT page, where I'll be working closely with david to create an illustration explaining how eligibility is determined.

Goldy#0420: This is looking really nice IMO!

Goldy#0420: Did I miss the memo when "settlements" got knocked off the POAP winning list? 😅

brkfstsndwch#6874: Hey <@!245856432107290624> ! I can search for the thread somewhere! But basically, the decision we came to is that with the idea of the Crystal Ball as well as <@!437720101039374346> and teams FOMO Nouns Project. Incentivizing settling would hinder both of those really awesome projects immensely. That being said. The team is always open to keeping discourse flowing and figuring things out together! Would love to hear your thoughts.

Goldy#0420: Makes sense. I’ll try go back and read. Honestly was just excited I might be able to get one, but I’ll consider if I have any actually useful perspectives to add to that convo 🙏 thanks for the answer

brkfstsndwch#6874: Ahhh, it was in a private thread with the FOMO team. Shoot me a note and I can share that convo!

forager#7144: We actually saw someone standup a bot that was doing "instant settlement" once the auction ended after the discussion started around a POAP for settlement. <:6704_Pepe_sad:804794668968837163> It was a really cool idea, but it's one of those mechanics that would unfortunately just turn into a bot war (in addition to hurting the usability of the Nouns crystal ball and FOMO Nouns).

forager#7144: If there's a way to flip something for money, the crypto community will figure it out 😅

Goldy#0420: That makes perfect sense. 😑

dponenine.eth#5656: Question: if you bid on a noun and don’t win, does your ETH revert to you? If so, when? Thanks

Question: what do you guys think if we can display your Nouns on the wall with the customized design and make every nft become more nounish?

GPT-4 Answer: There is no direct answer to the question about displaying Nouns on the wall with customized designs. However, the conversation includes various proposals and ideas related to Nouns, which might be of interest.

Direct Replies:

Other messages in conversation:

krel#0404: > premint raffle what?

To the Moon🚀#9329: gm! Referring to <@813140072609218573> suggestion to have goldy and 142 join the crew. We thought a Premint raffle (since it can be token gated and is random) would be fair, but if Nouns would like someone specific, or a different process to allow Noun members to join in person, we would appreciate feedback.

Bigshot Klim#1853: sorry, I meant to have them document the journey, if they could go up for the training it woudl be a bonus.

White Claw Outlaw#3944: <@913511173272522802> Really digging your space proposal, will yall actually go to space or is it just for astronaut training?

To the Moon🚀#9329: Really appreciate the support! We have already secured a flight to space for one of the Space+5 astronaut class candidates (Ruben Salinas). The "Space+Nouns: Nouns & Astronauts Training for Space" in the prop covers this quickly and also outlines our science and philanthropic objectives for the training. ZeroG parabolic flights have served as a critical platform for astronaut training and research since the Apollo missions. We have additional research that will be performed during the ZeroG flight from different university collaborations. For example, our team is currently reviewing three pending research requests from universities to participate on the ZeroG flight. We will probably update this in the on-chain proposal as a footnote so it is more clear.

White Claw Outlaw#3944: Ohh that's sick! Is Ruben going to be sitting next to Bezos?

To the Moon🚀#9329: ❤️ The goal is to charter the full flight for research and have the Space+5 and Bina48 sitting next to each other. If Bezos wants to join, I am sure we can find room 🙂

White Claw Outlaw#3944: Woww, first NFT project in space huh? Making Nouns history!

White Claw Outlaw#3944: Hey <@913511173272522802> can I also get your thoughts on my proposal? I want to have Nouns take over Hollywood films! Ty fam.

0xigami#0001: 💡: can someone please make these but noggles?

Evil#0150: GM people! I present you all...........

Evil#0150: For starters, I could only model the cups right now but I plan to take these up to Beer bottle packaging and wine!

Evil#0150: <@477435971302981643> got an amazing idea with these for Whiskey while I had only some branding idea at the back of my mind for a winery

Evil#0150: and for some reason my fatass ended up doing the mock up with beer cups lmao

neroone#0001: ohai ohaiii everyonee~ I just posted a new proposal on DinoNouns! Interactive on-chain NFT under the small grant discourse 🙂 would love if you all could give a feedback. appreciate it!


robertbach.eth#0001: Hi, all the nouns!!!! We created a proposal for our new idea with Noun NFT. We are trying to build a decentralized ownership platform for Noun and make it accessible for millions of crypto and nft users in the SEA region. Let me know what you guys think; we are open to discussion and let me know if you think this project is interesting!!!

Bambata#9013: Hey fam, what would think if we could use a platform like for Nouns?

0x127#3917: Hey everyone, These insight data are really interesting and you'll love them! 1. 4 countries in Southeast Asian (Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam) are the top 5 nations with the highest NFT adoption rates. 2. Thailand is the country with most NFT users. 3. Search interest in the term 'nft' Users in the Asia was more interested in NFTs than those in Europe, Latin America, or the Middle East and North Africa and three Southeast Asian countries are in the top five 4. Typical price for an NFT is roughly $200 -> The price is right for Southeast Asian User

0x127#3917: Im a fan of Nouns so i created the proposal to provide the solution how to bring Nouns to SEA market I would love to hear your feedback.


cdt#3727: hey all, created a Discourse post about an on-chain proposal i'd like to open to fund me working on Prop House, Nouns Center, and the podcast some more. any thoughts welcome.

Evil#0150: dang <@477435971302981643> look at this ser

Evil#0150: great minds think alike?

fiveoceans_dev#5450: Hi all, I am looking for a community support of my new Nounish Sailing project. 5 sailing teams, 1 year, 135 eth or 2.25 eth per month per a team. We are going to create lots of photos and videos and Bring Nouns to J/24 world cup! Which is going to look something like the video bellow only with 5 nounish teams competing agains 40 non-nounish teams! short version long version discourse

To the Moon🚀#9329: Dear Nogglers, Nouners, and world changers, Space+5 astronaut class is honored to announce that we will be proliferating the meme during our upcoming astronaut training at NASA's Kennedy Space Center on October 22nd and 23rd. Keep an eye out for noggles floating weightlessly in zero-g. We want to honor and show support for the Nouns community who have backed the Space+5 mission and its directives to create a J.E.D.I. space (Just, Equitable, Divers, and Inclusive - Credit: Sian Proctor, Space+5 Ambassador and Inspiration4 Astronaut). We are also excited for future opportunities to make space more Nounish and one day bring Nouns to space! A special thank you to <@800717087697666078>, <@881315476163141642>, <@202986009216942080>, <@813140072609218573>, <@708131862731554917>, <@812369752382373890>, <@959129955755757588>, and <@304634784884457473> Ad Astra!

0xigami#0001: An extremely nounish app, proliferating throughout the world’s 85 million skateboarders (then soon after, every other extreme sports community). Do you think the DAO would fund a build like this?


fiveoceans_dev#5450: I think like never before we need more nounish sunglasses to generate positive energy!

Evil#0150: We go da JIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doublesc00p#9741: Hey guys, is there someone looking at partnership proposals from Nouns DAO? would love to bounce off an idea

fiveoceans_dev#5450: Looking for two Noun Delegated Votes to help builders submit proposal for on-chain voting and also going to hold them accountable. I believe we need to make workflow more robust and stop keeping builders in discourse void. Here is my agora delegate profile.

brennen.eth#7360: I'll delegate

fiveoceans_dev#5450: Thank you. I will start slowly and select small projects in the beginning to avoid any risks.

brennen.eth#7360: will you also be voting on other proposals with these?

Question: <@656147569562615808> <@369283429453266954> - could we potentially use more of twitter for these otc deals?

GPT-4 Answer: Using Twitter for OTC deals would be less effective, as it could feel spammy from sellers and be difficult for buyers to trust the selling account if they were not a well-known collector. Discord is considered a better experience for OTC deals.

Direct Replies:

bun#0061: We could, but it'd be less effective. It'd feel spammy from sellers and would be difficult for buyer's to trust the selling account if they were a well known collector.

zaak#4771: for discord, someone also needs to maintain the server

Other messages in conversation:

worthalter | POAP#0001: congrats on your acquisition <@369283429453266954> !!

worthalter | POAP#0001: 👏

bun#0061: Noooo I didn't buy it. Someone beat me to it while driving home lol

bun#0061: That's what I meant here lol.

modrovsky#6488: thats why I typically keister stash my ledger

bun#0061: I usually have my Ledger on me, but Sudoswap is blocked at my work.

deeze#0001: booooooooooolish competition on cat nouns

robert#8239: Please add/DM if you're looking to offload a floor noun!

fiveoceans_dev#5450: Seems like this channel was not adopted by any of the new discord servers. It is such an important piece that serves as market maker

bun#0061: Agreed. I'm still looking for my first Noun and hoping this lives on somewhere.

bun#0061: We could, but it'd be less effective. It'd feel spammy from sellers and would be difficult for buyer's to trust the selling account if they were a well known collector.

bun#0061: Wen Alpha Nouns? lol

bun#0061: Discord is far from perfect but from my experience, makes for the best experience when searching for OTC deals.

bun#0061: I often use both Discord and Twitter DMs to verify I'm talking to the right person too. is useful but atm, doesn't even show items listed on Sudoswap. If you're new to the project, I don't know how anyone would even discover the Sudo pool.

bun#0061: If you want to sell a Noun and have a small following on Twitter, it's unlikely anyone will see it without a larger account retweeting it.

bun#0061: Would be great to see some other Web3 messaging platforms pop-up.

bun#0061: I haven't, but *almost* bought a Noun lol. I've used NFTx, NFT Trader, and X2Y2 for Apes in the past.

bun#0061: and of course, OpenSea.

bun#0061: I wouldn't be surprised if one of the other popular Noun Discords end up creating an OTC channel just to help the community.

bun#0061: None atm. I've joined a few Discords (TNS, Lil Nouns), but haven't started hanging out anywhere yet. I probably chose a bad time to start looking into Nouns, but it's a project I've always admired. Finally started doing DD now that I'm in a position to buy one.

bun#0061: Maybe we move to Reddit? lol

modrovsky#6488: turns out this wouldn't have been the worst idea

bun#0061: Oh no. Were you away from your Ledger when the index card auction ended? 😭

robert#8239: Who's selling nouns?


maty#0984: have you checked the sudoswap pool?


Jarmen#2516: 420.69 for the zebra 🦓

robert#8239: 55eth = too expensive

Oni#1111: i've re-created this channel on The Jungle if there continues to demand for OTC discussions on discord with Noun owners

Question: Is Sudoswap trusted here? I’ve never used it but was eying one of the Nouns listed.

GPT-4 Answer: Sudoswap is not explicitly confirmed as trusted in the conversation. However, zaak#4771 mentioned looking into integrating Sudoswap and asked if others have bought high-value NFTs from it. No direct answer was provided regarding Sudoswap's trustworthiness.

Direct Replies:

Other messages in conversation:

robert#8239: Added for DM

4156#9052: careful of scammers in here, no doubt there are people trying to capitalize as usual

robert#8239: Or 👀

robert#8239: ^ also pushes your listing to

zaak#4771: you can execute onchain otcs on , it's powered by ZORA

zaak#4771: nice cat! <@358118820600217601>

Jarmen#2516: Best I can do is 20e

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: This deal is looking more attractive each day as people bicker in <#855538581434007635>

zaak#4771: such a nice cat

jacob---#5170: 39 bid on any noun

worthalter | POAP#0001: congrats on your acquisition <@369283429453266954> !!

worthalter | POAP#0001: 👏

modrovsky#6488: thats why I typically keister stash my ledger

deeze#0001: booooooooooolish competition on cat nouns

robert#8239: Please add/DM if you're looking to offload a floor noun!

fiveoceans_dev#5450: Seems like this channel was not adopted by any of the new discord servers. It is such an important piece that serves as market maker

zaak#4771: <@656147569562615808> <@369283429453266954> - could we potentially use more of twitter for these otc deals?

zaak#4771: that's very fair - discord and twitter for sorting out the deal, etherscan or sudo for completing the tx

zaak#4771: thanks for the feedback! looking into seeing how we can integrate sudoswap

zaak#4771: for discord, someone also needs to maintain the server

zaak#4771: thats the other downside imho, but still probably the best way to facilitate otc deals

zaak#4771: have u bought other high-value nfts from sudoswap?

zaak#4771: yeah 100% there are so many spinoffs atm. which other nouns discord servers do u vibe with atm

zaak#4771: lmao

zaak#4771: nah it's never a bad time if u believe in the nounish model 🙂

modrovsky#6488: turns out this wouldn't have been the worst idea

robert#8239: Who's selling nouns?


maty#0984: have you checked the sudoswap pool?


Jarmen#2516: 420.69 for the zebra 🦓

robert#8239: 55eth = too expensive

Oni#1111: i've re-created this channel on The Jungle if there continues to demand for OTC discussions on discord with Noun owners

Question: where is the auction usually hosted at?

GPT-4 Answer: The auction is usually hosted on, as mentioned by zaak#4771 who is building out the platform.

Direct Replies:

Other messages in conversation:

zaak#4771: hey <#916379585053093918> , zaak from ZORA here - currently building out (proposal <#931651021531389984> ) we're releasing an on-chain OTC/private sale functionality soon that allows anyone to trade their Nouns safely and securely. would love to keep everyone in the loop and have some of you test it out when it's ready later this week/next week! <a:noun_earth:923689442324144178>

machibigbrother#2741: Noun 69 fs

Noun 22#2222: 69 bid

evets#1112: Awesome

zaak#4771: yes! can't wait to share it with the nouns community 🙂

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: Id love to try it, someone just tried to scam my ass in a trade 😦

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: ....... Looking to put together a trade for a noun including ETH + Blue Chip nfts (Have MAYC, Clones, Meebits, Rare Otherside, Extremely rare REFIKs (his first physical also), Z1 Horses) Also have Beeple's Genesis I'd consider trading for a Noun + eth

Jarmen#2516: Why not list and sell then start bidding ?

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: Have been ser, up to about 35 liquid. Working the way up but someone may want some of these collections

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: Or would be interested in Beeple's Genesis piece direct which is currently sitting at 135 Eth floor lol

PeaceLandBread#6666: <@163869297318428673> Trying to purchase one of your Fuzzy Chromie Squiggles accept FR <:squigsalute:992530512751108167>

maty#0984: Sounds sus, explain or be gone

Noun 22#2222: This channel is the danger zone haha

brennen.eth#7360: Honk broke this channel

brennen.eth#7360: It's a degen catch all now

jpalmz#0001: anyone know showtheplan.eth

willprice#7766: FYI - decided to create a sudoswap pool for Nouns - it's a bidirectional pool that you can either buy from or sell to

Oni#1111: <a:SudoPet:966193364489887744>

robert#8239: DM sent!

willprice#7766: first trade made 🤝 pool will now buy any noun for 61.8 ETH

brennen.eth#7360: spicyyyy

4156#9052: figured that cookie wouldn't last long

willprice#7766: actually cookie didn't trade, I pulled it after realizing my mistake 😂

4156#9052: that's funny, i almost insta bought it when i saw it but decided to leave for someone else

zaak#4771: heya! would love to have a chat on what you'd find most valuable in an otc tool like this 🙂 friend request sent!

robert#8239: Another nice 71.75ETH sale 👀

willprice#7766: second trade made 🤝 pool will now buy any noun for 64.2 ETH

Jarmen#2516: Let me know when it’s at 169e. 😅

eoj#7391: there is only one jjb and its not jjb_eth

beautifulnfts.eth#1504: Silverfox noun for sale.


NanoNouns ⌐◨-◨#5326: a should nounlet it

cdt#3727: <@376924641882537984> wen

zaak#4771: this looks so unique!

zaak#4771: i wonder how Nouners decide which marketplace(s) to list their Nouns on?

Question: The Boney's mecha. Next mecha nouns?

GPT-4 Answer: There is no specific information about the next mecha nouns. However, Graphic.⌐◨-◨#3739 suggested creating a shark-themed mecha noun.

Direct Replies:

Graphic.⌐◨-◨#3739: Have you done a shark?

Other messages in conversation:


Valentinart24#9171: heres the link Tortita ^^

tortita#8836: Thanks, not as many entries in this contest as we had with the HK contest, going to arrange them all in the museum and if I need pieces will use Starcatchers and Nouns to fill up the empty spaces. should be up towards the end of the day.

Zombie Love#0001: <a:heart:997598089160445982> all the creative entries from this art contest! Here's my entry, in case you haven't seen it yet.<a:glasses:997598293993459833>

gianmadz#5975: Too simple, just go to "Quote tweet" from the oiriginal ann post and you will find all entries with the artist accounts.

JoshuaFisher#0001: WoW! You’re so good!

JoshuaFisher#0001: Fun!

JoshuaFisher#0001: This community is crazy talented, it’s so awesome!

Swagittarius#3446: Good luck to everyone <a:heart:997598089160445982>

Swagittarius#3446: I will join next time <:salute:1003497326855331932>

Backstagefreak|Nounish#4654: shesh great art 🔥

tortita#8836: Hi

Graphic.⌐◨-◨#3739: Have you done a shark?

Valentinart24#9171: Thank you so much <@497119763286196225> 🥰


GEM#6911: Thank you so much to everyone that love and supported my entry <a:heart:997598089160445982>

wanderer#1407: Told you just try and try joining and your time will come 🫴 <@838080890814988339> and stop spreading hate towards TNS because they're not bias 😊

wanderer#1407: Congratulations!

wanderer#1407: Congratulations to the winners 🏆

fukinride#4103: Congratulations ☁️⌐◨-◨ ❤️👍

!Moon⌐◨-◨#1421: Congrats Well deserved

GEM#6911: Hate is a strong word •_• I don't hate TNS in fact I'm very grateful for them for giving us Artists opportunities in the space because we are very underrated

GEM#6911: This! What I meant exploring other entries with other art styles not just a certain art style. I didn't say they're in a negative way

GEM#6911: ??

wanderer#1407: That's not how you sound like before 😊 and congratulations again!

GEM#6911: How do you assume the tone of my voice if we are only communicating in message 😭

wanderer#1407: Don't take my words "literally" ❤️

GEM#6911: Even though I sent a happy emoji when I'm texting doesn't mean I'm happy. This is one of the reasons why people argue in text because they thought they're angry

GEM#6911: Yes sure thank you <@934775941878644736> ❤️

wanderer#1407: I miss <@202986009216942080> ❤️😤

wanderer#1407: Let's continue joining TNS contest 🏆❤️

GEM#6911: In fact I'm just communicating and saying my perspective and opinion about the issue. No hard feelings

GEM#6911: I'll join after 3-4 contests. Want to give other artists a chance too

GEM#6911: Let's help each other rather than being competitors


Question: Thank you for everyone's consideration of our prop! Great learnings for our team; I'm sure we'll be back soon. The swap experience is in beta and available to test. Have a spare punk, 20eth and want brennen's noun 404? Check out his swap! My DMs are open, feel free to make some swaps and let me know your feedback. Thanks everyone!

GPT-4 Answer: The main value proposition for Nouns in this context is a zero-fee NFT to NFT swap experience, which could potentially facilitate "safe" Noun to Noun swaps. However, some users have expressed doubts about the demand for NFT to NFT swaps relative to the total market size and whether the zero-fee swaps are a compelling value proposition for the DAO.

Direct Replies:

Other messages in conversation:

Juan ⌐◨-◨#2492: <@248359010258911232>

willprice#7766: I think there is minimal demand for NFT to NFT swaps relative to total market size, don't think that zero fee swaps that compelling value prop for the DAO would be happy to pay 0.5% fees to use your nice interface on top of seaport

Hindsight#7387: Hi <@248359010258911232> do you have any historical data for things like how many swaps are currently being done p/ day/week/month on the platform up until now?

byhardy#8888: we will be live with <@248359010258911232> on house of nouns to discuss this prop at 4 p.m. EST! everyone is welcome to ask questions - or suggest them here! ↯

willprice#7766: Please don’t spam the same link in multiple channels

willprice#7766: Happy to be proven wrong on my thesis that’s it’s an insignificant % of total NFT volume. Even I am wrong, I still don’t think the value prop here is compelling

ztnark#1911: Hey Robert, what's the main value prop for Nouns here? 0 fee marketplace? "Safe" Noun to Noun swaps?

wilsoncusack#2613: Has the existence of sudoswap v1 already been discussed? Curious if this will use under the hood and how they see the need given that option is there

wilsoncusack#2613: oh I see

willprice#7766: they use seaport

Question: Have you tried getting on Noun o Clock and convincing people to FOMO a wizard head for you? 🙂 talk to <@708131862731554917> or <@202986009216942080>

GPT-4 Answer: Satori#1337 and others in the conversation discussed getting on Noun o Clock and convincing people to FOMO a wizard head for them. Benbodhi#1111 mentioned that they would bring it up and try, and Satori#1337 expressed excitement about the idea. Later in the conversation, Satori#1337 thanked Benbodhi#1111 and others at the Noun Square for making it happen, indicating that they were successful in their attempt.

Direct Replies:

Toady_Hawk#8950: 👋

Satori#1337: will definitely consider<:pepe_pray:802222206541234236>

Benbodhi#1111: It’s done, you know we’re gonna bring it up and try now 😂

Satori#1337: lets gooo, you're the man<:apuhug:691046914484863058>

Other messages in conversation:

wiz#6942: that would be ideal 😇

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: Ser, I would like to join the noun fam.

robert#8239: Is anyone here selling a noun and willing to use atomic0? Let's both save 2.5% together 🤝

brennen.eth#7360: <@675962875722072075> is selling 69

brennen.eth#7360: For like 420e or something

robert#8239: <@675962875722072075> wen atomic0 listing

machibigbrother#2741: 415 for you brother

Satori#1337: ideally yes, any chance the nounders might sell 330 to us?

Satori#1337: we're planning to try and buy at auction unless buying from the nounders is a possibility, we just placed our first test bid from our multisig so we're ready to execute asap

4156#9052: sorry, i was mistaken that it was still in the multisig. it was claimed by a specific nounder already

Toady_Hawk#8950: 👋

JoelCares#5898: Hey frens - a user (carsonthecarcinogen#6019) was in here sending DMs claiming to own Nouns (he doesn't) and trying to trade them for valuable NFTs (a scam). He got banned <a:kekBYE:893156588221788191> Be safe in here tho, scammers lurk.

brennen.eth#7360: damn I kept trying to trade him wagdie

brennen.eth#7360: he really didn't appreciate my amazing baldie options

brennen.eth#7360: he doesn't appreciate good lore and story telling, such a shame could have scammed

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: Gutted, thought I had found someone willing to bring me into nouns 😦

Satori#1337: will definitely consider<:pepe_pray:802222206541234236>

Benbodhi#1111: It’s done, you know we’re gonna bring it up and try now 😂

Satori#1337: lets gooo, you're the man<:apuhug:691046914484863058>

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: Also have Beeple's Genesis I'd consider trading for a Noun + eth

ayybee#0185: hey folks, dont want to spam the channel but ive got Noun 227 id like to move (prefer ETH, but trades or a mix of both may be acceptable). feel free to shoot me a DM to discuss if interested.

ayybee#0185: added you as a friend to DM

ayybee#0185: tried to add you as well but looks like I cant, pls shoot me a DM when you get a chance

robert#8239: <@603240181050638346> any chance you can share your positive atomic0 experience here? <@713735142048530453> and I are looking to deal and he was looking for a vouch for the site

robert#8239: ( for context)

vapeape#3087: Yes I’ve used atomic0 without issue. Always be mindful of what you sign etc etc

robert#8239: <@713735142048530453> Legendary listing for 80 ETH

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: Looking to put together a trade for a noun including ETH + Blue Chip nfts (Have MAYC, Clones, Meebits, Rare Otherside, Extremely rare REFIKs etc, Z1 Horses) Also have Beeple's Genesis I'd consider trading for a Noun + eth

dunsin#3801: Even here! Lol Robert the businessman 🥴


Satori#1337: we're already on it! shoutout to <@202986009216942080> and all the people over at the noun square who made it happen<a:noun_heart:907783392182014012>

Benbodhi#1111: So stoked we minted one for you! Only took a few days 💪

fiveoceans_dev#5450: I propose a some sort of compensation to our miners. It is a hard work that can last for 30 minutes! How about free lunch, coffee, and cigarettes or eth equivalent?

robert#8239: Nouns listings on atomic0 also now propagating to the community-led Noun marketplace 🙂

robert#8239: Cheapest floor by 9 ETH 👀

Question: Is anyone here selling a noun and willing to use atomic0? Let's both save 2.5% together 🤝

GPT-4 Answer: ayybee#0185: added you as a friend to DM

Direct Replies:

ayybee#0185: added you as a friend to DM

Other messages in conversation:

remixr#0001: Medium to Long term TLDR: I plan on using a delegated Noun to increase voting engagement on proposals and visibility of Nouns Brand I’ve been seeing that voting activity is relatively low vs holder/delegate count- there are a lot of dormant nouns that could be put to use, especially as votes become more contentious, Dopamine passed with 60 yes vs 58 No also claiming the nounsbrand. ⌐◨-◨ NNS domain to give more visibility as we get ready to start our rollout I’m also very active in the community and want to put it out there in case there are any nouners who have an extra noun sitting around that aren’t being used to their full potential

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: Looking to put together a trade for a noun including ETH + Blue Chip nfts (Have MAYC, Clones, Meebits, Rare Otherside, Extremely rare REFIKs etc, Z1 Horses)

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: I'd like to join this community.

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: Also have Beeple's Genesis I'd consider trading for a Noun + eth

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: (Unclaimed physical)

Deleted User#0000: Is there a Noun transaction to be done in the 65-70 ETH range?

Deleted User#0000: Wizards DAO 🪄 is looking to try again.

4156#9052: are you looking for a wizard specifically?

wiz#6942: that would be ideal 😇

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: Ser, I would like to join the noun fam.

brennen.eth#7360: <@675962875722072075> is selling 69

brennen.eth#7360: For like 420e or something

machibigbrother#2741: 415 for you brother

Satori#1337: ideally yes, any chance the nounders might sell 330 to us?

Satori#1337: we're planning to try and buy at auction unless buying from the nounders is a possibility, we just placed our first test bid from our multisig so we're ready to execute asap

4156#9052: sorry, i was mistaken that it was still in the multisig. it was claimed by a specific nounder already

maty#0984: Have you tried getting on Noun o Clock and convincing people to FOMO a wizard head for you? 🙂 talk to <@708131862731554917> or <@202986009216942080>

Toady_Hawk#8950: 👋

JoelCares#5898: Hey frens - a user (carsonthecarcinogen#6019) was in here sending DMs claiming to own Nouns (he doesn't) and trying to trade them for valuable NFTs (a scam). He got banned <a:kekBYE:893156588221788191> Be safe in here tho, scammers lurk.

brennen.eth#7360: damn I kept trying to trade him wagdie

brennen.eth#7360: he really didn't appreciate my amazing baldie options

brennen.eth#7360: he doesn't appreciate good lore and story telling, such a shame could have scammed

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: Gutted, thought I had found someone willing to bring me into nouns 😦

Satori#1337: will definitely consider<:pepe_pray:802222206541234236>

Benbodhi#1111: It’s done, you know we’re gonna bring it up and try now 😂

Satori#1337: lets gooo, you're the man<:apuhug:691046914484863058>

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: Also have Beeple's Genesis I'd consider trading for a Noun + eth

ayybee#0185: hey folks, dont want to spam the channel but ive got Noun 227 id like to move (prefer ETH, but trades or a mix of both may be acceptable). feel free to shoot me a DM to discuss if interested.

ayybee#0185: added you as a friend to DM

ayybee#0185: tried to add you as well but looks like I cant, pls shoot me a DM when you get a chance

vapeape#3087: Yes I’ve used atomic0 without issue. Always be mindful of what you sign etc etc

Darlington | Monstercat & RELICS#0059: Looking to put together a trade for a noun including ETH + Blue Chip nfts (Have MAYC, Clones, Meebits, Rare Otherside, Extremely rare REFIKs etc, Z1 Horses) Also have Beeple's Genesis I'd consider trading for a Noun + eth

dunsin#3801: Even here! Lol Robert the businessman 🥴


Satori#1337: we're already on it! shoutout to <@202986009216942080> and all the people over at the noun square who made it happen<a:noun_heart:907783392182014012>

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